The pet king of the city

990 chapter opened the battlefield in advance


"This batch of fairy condensations took the lead in supporting, the fairy condensations of others, you and the wine gods they were used to use."

Chen Lie's hands played, directly gotting this fairy condensation.

I don't want to ask Sunday, I asked: "Boss, if you want to convert it into a crew, don't have to be so trouble, we still inventory a lot of creation."

"Also, I remember ..."

Chen Lie suddenly.

Sunday reminded: "BOSS before the cultivation of gold, special existence of 1000 pieces of drain. For the blood refining, refining, Elf treasure, etc., there is also a revenue of 2,000 silk."

"I rub."

"I really really TMD is rich."

Chen Lie was aware of himself to be terrible.

With the current market price, these things contained more than 3 billion fans values.

Such a wealth, even if the Three-Beding Business Alliance is not wanting to take it.

"I now finally understand the previous time and space testists, why can you rise so fast."

"I also know why Sunday has repeatedly advised me, why do you have to keep the size of the vacuum trial person."

Chen Lie recalled that his timeout is not equal to having a complete, independent large plane?

One person exclies with a large plane.

Is there any extravagant treatment in this world?

"the host!"


The farmer is rushing in dong.

Chen Lie laughed: "Variation is varied, there is nothing."

The farmer debuts the plants that varies, "The problem is that the variation is that the purple bodhi roots, but also a benign variation."

Chen Lie saw the second degree of variation in front of him, and the shape was similar to the spirit of ordinary weeds, simply identified, and the expression was quirky.

Chen Qian asked: "You haven't seen it wrong with it? The Lingquan Bodhi roots will be set to Level Level 2. Now Level 2 varies into level 1, are you confused?"



The farmer stunned DONG and said: "This variant is just a 1-level spirit. It is only half the aura of the purple bodhi, but its vitality is several times that of the purple bodhi, as long as it gives a little water resources Can live in the desert, almost casually breed. "

Chen Lie reminded: "The most lack of desert is water resources, and special BIE is a stable water resources."

Why is there any river in the desert?

Because the water is evaporated, the desert can be preserved in the bottom of the ternary, but also those who have come out from the bottom of the ground can support the exposure of the desert.

"I just made a better than one."

The farmer reminds: "The owner, is other organs not always stealing our purple bodhi? Then we can use this to promote the world!"


"World-to-world aura recovery?"

Chen Lie shocked.

Can you provide so many fairy condensations in a small area in China?

It is estimated that Chen Lie can buy an empty bar throughout the system.

"and many more!"

However, Chen Lie is not a dead brain. His thinking quickly transformed: "The Oriental is fully uses the 2nd Purple Bodhi roots. Foreigners can only enjoy the Different Bodhi roots, forget it, just called Bodhi Grass."

Chen Lie continued the topic: "In this way, the Oriental has double aura, multiple resources, is the spirit center in the world. And the whole world has a aura, the overall environment will be better, for me Baili is no harm. "



Chen Lie said very calmly: "But you have to come up with this thing, you have to face the power of the world. Oh, my current strength is simply human devastating weapons, and the shock is enough, but I can't fall light, wait for me Cultivate the creation of the gold, not afraid of any human weapon to promote it. "

So, Chen Lie said to the farmer: "Farmers, you have done it this time. However, Bodhretics is not eager to promote, first breed Bodhi grass, after a month, give Li Lao, his old man's birthday It is also almost, just send him a gift. "


The farmer nodded.

Because of the things of the Purple Bodhi, the farmer's number of times of the ghosty eyes is more.

So relatively familiar.

"Right, farmers, you have to match Abao and Drink God recently, you can't just look at the things in the field."


For Chen Lie's instructions, farmers still take a nod.

The trivial things have been handled, and Chen Lie also does not waste, decisively requires: "Sunday, the miscellaneous smen here rely on you. Both the stored world origin and the crest give me, I need to leave a short period of time."

"Yes, BOSS."

I would like to send things in two words on Sunday.

Chen Lie has something to cross the world directly.

Because time house is here.

"There is systematic protection, it is a different fear that is disturbed."

"And here, even if I do something in the face, the system can also pull me first."

"After all, here is the big camp of the system, and the earth is limited."

Chen Lie = human walks.

Looking at this completely inconspicuous science fi, it is not worthy of ZUI.

"Time house is too low, but it is easy to understand."

"Pay attention!"

Chen Lie went in.

He believes.

After you come out, the result will be completely different.



More than ten days.

Chen Lie has just returned, just sitting down and piloted tea.

As a result, the ancient law ran in a hurry.

Chen Lie Xi asked: "How is this urgent?"

The ancient deaches asked: "Don't you know that the chaos is open three days in advance? The giants of those messages have killed the past, plundering resources, you still sit still?"

"Of course I know."

Chen Lie took a lightly replied: "A small number 9 giants assisted the system to improve the plane channel in advance, so I got the right to enter in advance. If I have such means, I will do this, there is nothing It's so strange. "

"Well, I am very strange."

"But don't you prepare?"

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