“Don’t pull me, I’m going to Sanya to kill Ye Feng!”

“That’s right, Reba obviously wanted to give us blessings, but he was stopped!”

“This Ye Feng, it’s simply heaven-killing!”

“Bring me my forty-meter machete…”

“Haha, I think it’s okay, are you willing to show your girlfriend to others?”

“That’s it, Dingye Feng, real!”

“Ye Feng is so cute!”

“This hot maple couple is also too sweet!”

“Actually, I don’t think the hot maple couple is good, why not call it a bagpipe couple… Shouldn’t guys be in front? ”

“The program group is hinting at Ye Feng to eat soft rice, right?”

“Upstairs 666, God deduces!”

“I really want to go to Sanya, see passers-by short clothes and short sleeves, and then look at the big cotton jacket on my body, this is also so unfair!”


The number of people in the live broadcast room is still increasing.

From the previous 100,000, it suddenly soared to 230,000!

The barrage has not stopped, of course, Ye Feng and Di Lireba still can’t see the barrage, although they have been holding the camera, but the camera only has a small screen that sees their appearance, but there is no barrage barrage.

“Husband, how do you see me wearing this?” Di Li Gerba picked up a long skirt next to him, and asked Ye Feng with a slightly red face.

The blush is first because of agitation, and the second is because of happiness!

There are really dresses for sale here!

For good-looking skirts, the girl has no resistance.

It is precisely because of this that when she got a favorite long dress, Di Li Gerba had the urge to change it immediately….

After all, the little sweater on her body is too warm, and she is sweating when she is warm!

Ye Feng glanced at it, “Good-looking!” You give me the dress. ”

“Huh? What are you doing? Deli Gerbalen for a moment, but handed him the dress anyway.

“One hundred and thirty-five?” Ye Feng glanced at the hang tag and looked at the boss, “Boss, can this dress be discounted?” ”

The owner is an aunt, looks chubby, pleasant, but the skin is a little dark!

But the aunts by the sea are like this!

“We all have clear prices, this discount can’t be beaten!” Auntie shook her head at the first time, muttering in her heart, you are big stars, how can you have no money?

There is such a good opportunity to make a big profit, then you must not let it go!

Obviously, the two people were treated like big fat sheep!

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, revealing a puzzled expression, “Can’t get a discount?” Probably not? I see that the cost of this skirt is at most dozens of dollars, and it is already expensive to sell it for a hundred, why not discount? Big sister, you also see these cameras, we are stars, if we buy something here, when the program is broadcast later, it will definitely bring you advertising benefits, you give us a discount, we will buy it here, how? ”

Advertising benefits?

The boss raised his eyebrows, the truth is this….

But if the discount is too fierce, will everyone come to me for a discount in the future?

Aunt hesitated for a moment and said, “In this way, give you a nine-fold discount, this is already the most!” ”

“Nine folds, nine folds of one hundred and thirty-five is one hundred and twenty-one five cents… Still too expensive! Ye Feng thought for a while, shook his head and said, “It’s too expensive, I see that this skirt is only seventy or eighty yuan at most!” It’s better like this, Reba, you choose the others first, we are not in a hurry! ”

Di Lireba pouted, nodded a little reluctantly and said, “Okay, I’ll choose again!” ”

However, in the live broadcast room, the water friends were already happy when they saw Ye Feng bargaining.

“Hahaha, it turns out that celebrities will also bargain when they buy things!”

“Auntie: What’s wrong with the star? Celebrities don’t need money to buy things? It’s big fat sheep like you who pit! ”

“The nine-fold of 135 is really 121.5 yes, Ye Feng’s mathematics is too strong!”

“I feel that Ye Feng is so real, so cute…”

“It’s too critical, a skirt for a hundred dollars is reluctant to buy it for your wife?”

“Is this show deliberately coming to the stars?”

“Reba seems to really like this dress, look at the aggrieved expression… Who knows this boss, give him a call, I paid for this! ”

“Ask for this boss’s phone, I’m out of this money!”


The barrage has already exploded.

The program group’s door pickings were once again criticized, of course, this effect is what the director team wants to see.

Otherwise, what else would this variety show film?

Ye Feng and Di Li Gerba continued to choose clothes, but they were not entangled because of the problem of this skirt.

“Husband, this dress must look good in it!” Di Li Gerba picked up a fancy dress that the beach wore and said.

“It’s really okay!” Ye Feng nodded, and said that he also picked up two white short sleeves, “Look at how this couple outfit is, this love heart looks good!” ”

“Good looking, my husband’s vision is so good!” Di Li Reba nodded, “What about the pants, what pants are we wearing?” ”

“Shorts, of course!” Ye Feng said without thinking.

“We stayed for three days and two nights in total, and that is two sets of clothes, so how about I choose one for you, you match one for me, and one set is this couple outfit?” Di Li Gerba came up with an idea.

“Okay!” Ye Feng nodded.

Immediately, the two people began to choose.

The two quickly selected suitable clothes for each other, and Ye Feng chose a pair of trousers for Di Lireba.

If it was someone else’s girlfriend, Ye Feng would not hesitate to choose shorts for her.

After all, Ye Feng is also a foot controller, especially Di Li Gerba’s long and white beautiful feet.

If you can see it 24 hours a day, it is absolutely beautiful.

But Di Li Gerba is his wife!

Sanya is tropical, close to the equator, that ultraviolet light is simply a strong batch!

In this case, he chose a pair of vertical pants, only revealing the small half of his small feet, which can expose Di Lireba’s beautiful feet without tanning or tanning his skin!

The upper body is a very simple white top, the main thing is that it does not absorb heat!

Di Li Gerba took the clothes into the dressing room to change clothes, while Ye Feng secretly came to the boss lady’s side, the problem came… What is he going to do?

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