He fiddled with her earlobes as if he were angry, and then bowed his head.

“Oh! It hurts!”

Hae-soo moaned unconsciously at Ha-jin’s action, biting her earlobe, and lightly slapped him in the chest. However, Ha-Jin did not care about her behavior and left a tooth mark on her earlobe and on her neck. Her white neck soon had a red tooth mark. Ha-Jin, who was looking at it with satisfaction, looked at her again and spoke.

“Stay with me. A week.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Why should I?”

She shook her head at Ha-jin’s words. Then she went back into the bedroom and began to pack her things in her suitcase. But as soon as Hae-soo tried to close the suitcase, Ha-jin held her hand again.

“Spend your holiday with me on your honeymoon.”

“No, I’d rather give up my vacation.”

She’s sure everyone knows that her wedding was ruined anyway. The head of the department and all her team members attended the wedding yesterday. So even if she were to give up her vacation and go to work, it won’t be a problem. But she’s tired of dealing with people who give her sympathy and comfort.

After she breathed a sigh, she tried to take out the clothes she had put in her suitcase again. But Hajin wouldn’t let go of her wrist.

“Let go of my hand.”

“Just a week.”

As soon as she tried to shake off his hand, Ha-jin said in a low voice. Hae-soo looked up at him. He stared straight at her and spoke again.

“For a week, forget all about it and spend it with me. Don’t think about anything, just a week.”


“Give me a week, Noona, and me,”

“…just a week?”

Ha Jin nodded at Hae-soo’s question. Her eyes shook as she looked at him. She wondered if she had become weak. His words shook her unconsciously.

It was a honeymoon vacation. However, the marriage fell through, and the honeymoon did not happen. So her week is also up in the air. A week without meaning, purpose, or plan.

…..Can’t they spend the week together?

It’s a week that won’t be anything for her anyway.

Hae-soo looked at him with complicated eyes and closed her eyes tightly. The fingertips holding the suitcase twitched faintly. Ha-jin looked at her without saying a word.

“Just for a week.”

After a while, Hae-soo opened her eyes and spoke to him. Ha-jin nodded.


Hae-soo fiddled with her cell phone. There was no reason to fiddle like this because the cell phone was turned off. But she couldn’t get her cell phone out of her hands and fiddled with it from time to time. It’s only been three hours since the power was off.

“Why are you so anxious?”

She put her fidgety cell phone in her outer pocket and looked up. Hae-soo ruffled her hair. She was trying to tie her messed-up hair with a rubber band by roughly combining it with her fingers, but someone came up from behind and tied her hair for her.

“Doesn’t it hurt or pull?”

“It’s okay.”

Hajin came to her side, and she glanced at him, he sat down, then she touched her hair that he had just tied.

“You tie my hair well.”

“My sister can’t tie her hair. Because she’s clumsy.”

“Pfft, that’s true. Ye-jin, she couldn’t tie her hair when she was in school.”

Hae-soo, who heard Ha-jin’s words, lightly burst into laughter and nodded. When she remembered that even the simplest ponytail had been transformed into a grotesque hairstyle after going through Ye-jin’s hands, she naturally laughed. The expression of Hae-soo, who laughed for a while, gradually hardened.

“If Ye-jin knew that you and I were doing this, she’d go crazy.”

“Well, I’m sure she’ll be a little surprised, but she’s not going to make a fuss.”

Ha-jin shook his head at Hae-soo’s words. Hae-soo, who was looking at him, smirked and pouted.

“When I look at you like this, I usually think: Ha-jin is strong but naïve. You’re still young and don’t know what the world is like.”

“What don’t I know?”

He frowned at her words, showing signs of disapproval. But instead of elaborating, Hae-soo smiled bitterly.

There are things that are hard to accept even if they are friends. No, maybe that’s why it’s even harder to accept.

A man who ran away with another woman in the middle of a wedding.

And a woman left alone.

Any other person who has nothing to do with it would just sympathize with her and feel sorry for her. They might even tell her that if she meets another guy that will cheer her up and be generous with her, she’d feel better.

But if it’s her friend, and the other man she’s met is her only brother, then that’s a different story.

No matter how close your friends are, you don’t want your brother and your friend to get involved in this way.

‘She may feel betrayed. How could I do this? She could get angry.’

Hae-soo knows well how much Ye-jin loves her brother. Whenever they see each other, they quarrel, but there is no brother or sister as close as them. So sometimes Hae-soo felt envious and jealous when she saw them.

“Why do you worry like that? We decided to just have fun all week without thinking about anything, right?”

At that moment, Ha-Jin hugged Hae-Soo’s shoulder and spoke. Hae-soo was startled by his touch without realizing it but soon relaxed with a smirk.

“Yeah, I decided not to think about anything.”

She leaned back against him and replied. On the first day of the week, Hae-soo murmured to herself and raised her head. Ha-Jin’s chin, which was caressing her shoulder, caught her eye. And above that, she saw a fine mouth, too.

What a load of lewd and mischievous words came out of that mouth last night.

Hae-soo turned red. The heat rose and the nape of the neck and the earlobe became warm. She tried to duck her head in a hurry. But just then, Ha-Jin grabbed her chin. Maybe he noticed what Hae-soo was thinking, his eyes bent over the line.

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