The sound of the door lock being unlocked woke her up. However, her body did not move as if it had hardened. Hajin opened his front door and looked back at Haesu.

“I’m not going to force you. If you change your mind, you can go.”

Listening to Ha-jin’s low voice, Hae-soo moved her gaze with difficulty. She saw a closed door next to the open door. It was his office door. Even now, if she took a few steps in another direction, she would be able to enter her own comfortable house.

Since he said he wouldn’t force her.

He said she could go if she changed her mind.

But for some reason, her body refused to move. Regardless of her will. No, she hasn’t even decided how she wants to act right now.

Does she want to run away like this and reverse everything as if nothing had happened?

Or does she want to follow him into his house?

She closed her eyes tightly. At that moment, Ha-jin approached and grabbed Hae-soo’s wrist.

“I definitely gave you a chance.”


Hae-soo’s eyelids trembled. Subsequently, she opened her eyes slowly. She couldn’t think of anything because her mind was tangled and messed up. The only thing that caught her head and eyes was Ha-jin’s eyes staring at her with her wrist he held.

She doesn’t know what happened after that.

She heard the front door closing, and her shoes came off. She came into the living room as if being pushed into the living room and lay down on the sofa. The leg shook under the sofa armrest, and Hajin weighed on it.

He attacked her lips as if swallowing them. It was an indistinguishable hot breath and faint moan that leaked out of the overlapping lips. The flesh, which came in with her lips open, conquered the soft lips all over her mouth, and swallowed all the saliva in his mouth as if it were a persimmon tree.


Hae-soo called him as soon as his lips fell for a moment. But instead of answering her call, Ha-jin grabbed one of Hae-soo’s breasts tightly. A thin blouse crumpled under his hand. At the same time, Hae-soo made a thin, painful sound and grabbed his arm.

“Ah, no.”

“You should’ve said that earlier. When I gave you a chance. When I said you could go.”

Ha-jin kneaded her chest as if looking at it and spoke in a low voice. Then he slowly swept down the side of Hae-soo with the other hand and soon pushed his hand into the blouse. Hae-soo staggered and twisted at the touch of another person on her bare skin.

However, regardless of her reaction, he rubbed her flat stomach with his palm and raised his hand up. The breast wrapped in the bra was filled in Ha-jin’s hand. Hae-soo repeatedly inhaled and held his arm. But she couldn’t push him away even after holding his arm. This is because she felt a strange pleasure in the grip of the man that grabbed her chest.

‘You’re crazy, Min Hae-Soo.’ Hae-soo’s face turned red. It was amazing to feel pleasure from her friend’s younger brother.

She swore she’d never considered him a ‘man’ until now. She’s seen them since she was young, and they treated each other like real siblings, so there was no possibility in the first place.

However, the heat was so deep inside the body that it was overshadowed by Ha-jin’s touch. The body heating up in his hands was embarrassing. No, it wasn’t a perfect lie to say that. However, the words did not contain the perfect truth.

‘Nonsense. Did I have any other feelings for Ha-jin? If it wasn’t for that, did I just lose to this bodily pleasure?’ Either way, it was hard for her to accept. Hae-soo bit her lips tightly and gave strength to the hand holding Ha-jin’s arm.

“Stop it.”

As soon as she pushed Ha-jin away, he gently removed himself. Just now, it was quite different from the attitude of not paying attention to her words. The relieved Hae-soo pulled down the clothes that had risen to the top of the chest and sat up.

Her fingertips trembled as she was touching the scattered blouse. It was because of the pleasure that she couldn’t erase. Ha-jin, who was still looking at it, swept her hair and knelt in front of the sofa where Hae-soo was sitting.

“I’ll do it for you.”

He reached out and organized her clothes. Unlike a while ago, it was a light touch with no sexual feelings. Looking down at the image, she even thought that what just happened was just a dream.

“Wait a minute.”

At that moment, Ha-jin stood up and went toward the bathroom. At the same time, Hae-soo’s expression blanked out. She couldn’t make a sound, and soon covered her mouth with one hand.

Oh my god.

Hae-soo couldn’t believe what she just saw with her own eyes. But she couldn’t help but believe it. She saw clearly with her own eyes that Ha-jin’s pants, which stood up after touching her clothes, was swollen. She wasn’t young enough to not know what it meant.

Hae-soo’s face turned red as he was looking at the bathroom door he entered. It was because his image was clearly drawn in front of her eyes as if she had clairvoyance.

His appearance of moving up and down holding the penis.


While imagining Ha-jin’s appearance without realizing it, she trembled and tapped herself on the cheek. The heat on her red cheeks did not easily cool down. Meanwhile, the bathroom door reopened and Ha-jin came out. Hae-soo reflexively lowered her gaze and looked at his bulging pants.

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