The Phantom Of Konoha

Chapter 5 - Academy

Damn my hands hurt i wrote more than 3k words today lol

words count: 1489


Yami was quite surprised by the clan head's offer of training him, so he accepted with a nod

the clan head seeing Yami nod his head was overjoyed, so he says:''Yami-kun hold on, i will use shunshin to take us to the clan's training grounds.''Yami nods, then proceeds to hold onto the clan head's arms, then they disappear leaving leafs swirling in the air

After they arrived the clan head turned to look at Yami's face, seeing that there was no reaction he was quite surprised and asked: '' Yami-kun didn't that make you dizzy?''

Yami shakes his head and says:''was i supposed to feel something?''

The clan head was kinda surprised as he knew that most people would feel dizzy and some would even puke in their first time

the clan head shakes his head and says:'' Alright nevermind, i will show you a jutsu of the Nara clan hiden jutsus watch closely'' then he starts doing handseals slowly before saying:''Kagemane no jutsu.'' a shadow extends from the clan head's shadow and latches onto Yami's, then the clan head jumps, so does Yami, then explains:'' this is the kagemane no jutsu, this jutsu will allow you to use your shadow to latch onto other people's shadows making you able to control them, but beware you need lots of chakra to maintain the jutsu, so i'll be teaching you the basic three jutsu's first, after you finish learning them, i will teach you the kagemane no jutsu, Understood?''

Yami nods, the clan head repeats a little louder:'' Am I Understood?''

''Sir yes sir'' Yami replies, the clan head nods and says :'' Alright, i have seen you practice tree walking, so your chakra control must be quite decent, the first jutsu is the Bunshin no jutsu.'' he use handsigns slowly so Yami could see ''these are the handsigns, push your chakra and a bunshin should appear.'' Yami nods then uses the handsigns slowly, he does it again and again until he gets familiar with the handsigns, ''Bunshin no jutsu'' says Yami with extremely fast handsigns, and a illusionary clone pops up near him.

The clan head is immediately surprised: ''Oh, you got it on your first try? You're undoubtedly a prodigy of my clan Bahahahaha'' the clan head laughs out proudly

''Alright kid, the bunshin no jutsu can be used to distract the enemy, for a quick second, but if the enemy were a chunin+ they wouldn't fall for it, next is the Henge no jutsu watch my handsigns closely'' the clan head uses handsigns like the first time, slow to show Yami ''Henge no jutsu'' and the clan head turns into Yami ''you can turn into anyone using this jutsu, while you're doing the handsigns you should imagine what you want to become, got it?''Yami nods and starts practicing the handsigns for the jutsu, fifteen minutes later he says:''Henge no jutsu'' then transforms into the 3rd Hokage, the clan head nods and looks over his transformation:'' there're still some flaws, but nevertheless well done'' Yami nods and says :''Thank you, the next jutsu is the Kawarimi no jutsu isn't it?''

The clan head nods and shows him how it's done :'' if you're in danger you can switch places with a log or anything actually, it's really handy, can save your life a lot.'' as usual, Yami practices the handsigns for 7-8 minutes :''Kawarimi no jutsu'' he switches places with a log

''Alright, the basic three are done, i will teach you the clan's jutsu tomorrow, go and rest well'' the clan head says to Yami

Yami bows :''Arigato gozaimashita Shibuya-sama'' (have no idea what the clan head's name is cuz i doubt its shikaku)

''Don't mind it Yami-kun, it's my honor to train such a prodigy'' the clan head replies with a smile

then Yami heads back home, and thats what he did till he went to the Academy about 3-4 years later


Yami is heading towards the academy without his parents as they were busy with shinobi missions, he asked a nice old lady who gave him directions to the academy, after arriving he saw a lot of kids with their parents beside him, he scanned his surroundings and blended in the crowd, entering the academy grounds, the Sandaime hokage gave a looong speech about the will of fire so the kids were excited, Yami felt his blood rushing to his head, he was excited, for years and years he could only imagine himself in this world as a shinobi, his heart beat fast, he wanted to shed some tears, but he controlled himself, he could only be grateful to the god that reincarnated him

Yami wanted to be strong, the strongest there is, stronger than the six paths, today is his first step, he would graduate within the year and join the ANBU, he entered the class, he didn't recognize anyone, he took a seat and waited for a teacher to come, and so he came

''Hello class my name is Horikita mashiroi, i'm your teacher for history and taijutsu'' Horikita introduces

''Now you all will be introducing yourselves, your hobbys, dreams, dislikes one by one from forward to behind Understood?''

''Understood!'' the class replies

so after NPC 1-2-3 introduced themselfs it was Yami's turn :''Name's Nara Yami, i like what i like, i dislike what i dislike, my dreams don't matter'' the class looks at him as if he's an alien, he sits down, and looks outside the window


and so the classes went for months until one day Yami asked the teacher for early graduation, the teacher while surprised he knew of Yami's capabilities so he went to the Hokage building to ask the hokage

''Enter'' the 3rd Hokage says

''Oh Horikita-kun what do you need today?'' the Hokage asks

''Hokage-sama, Nara Yami wants to apply for early graduation'' Horikita replies

''Hmm... early graduation, what do you think Horikita-kun, does he deserve to graduate early?'' the Hokage asks, Horikita nods and says:'' Hai Hokage-sama, his abilities are far beyond a academy student i think he should be a genin, his chakra control is very good, and his taijutsu too, he also learned the Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique, he is able to use his clan's jutsu too, he wants to join the ANBU.''

''Hmm... go and get him here, i will personally check his abilities'' the hokage says

Horikita nods, and immediately appears in front of Yami in the academy

''Yami-kun i have asked Hokage-sama, he wants to see you in the hokage building, hold on tight i will use the shunshin'' Horikita says, and Yami nods

Both of them disappear from the academy later appearing in front of the hokage kneeling, Yami looks up to the hokage, and his blood immediately boils in excitement from the chakra the hokage's emitting, he quickly controls his face not to show any emotions before the hokage could see him

the Hokage looks at Yami, and unleashes some of his killing intent upon Yami (i will be calling killing intent sakki as thats what it means in japanese)

The hokage's surprised when Yami doesn't look as if he's even sweating, then increases the sakki by 30 percent, Yami sweats a little but doesn't give up, he's still standing, after the hokage unleashes his whole sakki upon Yami, Yami accidently unleashes his sakki, making the two sakki's clashes and dissipate, the 3rd Hokage was surprised by Yami's sakki

''I want to fight for Konoha sir, i want to destroy Konoha's enemies from the shadows, i want to protect Konoha so that the next generation won't grow up in fear of war sir'' Yami says passionately making the 3rd Hokage surprised 'this is truly the will of fire sensei was talking about, Yami nara huh, maybe you can become the pillar of Konoha in the future' thought the hokage

''Hmm... by the shadows do you mean the ANBU?'' the hokage asks

''Hai hokage-sama, i want to protect konoha in the ANBU'' Yami replies

''Alright, demonstrate the basic three ninjutsu'' the Hokage orders

Yami quickly demonstrates the basic three ninjutsu to the Hokage making the Hokage smile

''Nara Yami, as of today, i the sandaime hokage of the hidden leafs hereby appoint you as a genin, wear this hitaite with pride'' the hokage announces with a smile

''HAI Hokage-sama'' Yami immediately kneels, sticks his hand out, and gets the hitaite from the hokage

''Genin Yami, as you want to join the ANBU i will make an exception and give you a chance, come to ### ## at 12:00 next friday for your test.'' The hokage says

''Hai Hokage-sama'' Yami immediately replies

Yami leaves the hokage building with a genuine smile for the first time in his second life

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