The Phantom Of Konoha

Chapter 7 - Test (1)

''Welcome Yami-kun to the Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai grounds, you'll be tested on your Intelligence,Wisdom and TORTURE, you'll be tested in both taijutsu and ninjutsu, tracking skills, Stealth, and assassination tactics'' says the commander domineeringly to the new genin, while putting the emphasis on torture, making Yami slightly cringe

''You'll have a theory test first, you should read the questions and answer accordingly to the situation, how would you adapt to different situations.'' the ''commander'' hands Yami a paper full of questions ''You may start now.''

''Roger that'' replies Yami as he takes a pen from god knows where, and starts to read the questions

*Question 1*

You and your teammate were ordered by your superior to take down a enemy of konoha no matter what, your teammate gets injured by the target.

-1 would you go after the target and leave your comrade to bleed to death?

-2 would you let the target get away, and go back to save your comrade

-3 ((Your answer))

'Hmm, it's tricky, does the ANBU adhere by the will of fire? if so, should i save the teammate? No, taking the target out would help Konoha alot' thinks Yami as he continues to ponder

-3 I would use the Shadow clone jutsu, so i would follow the target while the clone heals my comrade with iryo ninjutsu.

*Question 2*

-15 minutes later-

Yami writes his name, as he gets up and hand the paper to the commander, who then says ''Received, head to the Interrogation and Force department'' to Yami, who then clenches his buttcheeks (cuz why the hell not)

-5 minutes later-

'Hmm... so this is the T&I ' thinks Yami, who then sees a man wearing a jonin vest, the man has multiple scars on his face making him look badass

''Nara Yami, follow me inside'' he then walks inside followed by Yami, as soon as Yami walks inside he's knocked unconcious by the Jonin

then he is tied onto a chair, when the jonin takes a bucket of water and sprays it on Yami's face, making him wet

As Yami opens his eyes, he couldn't see right as his sight was all blurry, he couldn't even move his feet, he then looks up where he sees the jonin looking down at him with a menacing gaze, then smiks widely

''He he he he, get ready boy as you'll wish you were never born'' he then proceeds to pluck his nails out of Yami's hands, who gives no reaction whatsoever

''Oho, thats some decent pain tolerance'' he then proceeds to pluck out every nails of his hands and feet, making him bleed, but still no reaction

After the 3 days were done, he was healed by a couple of iryo-nin

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