Afternoon in the woods.

I had to get ready to blossom the tree shoots. I was preparing the forest while thinking about whether the children would be happy if the fairy park tree shoots more.

... look, for once, I'm in the woods. Just like I have to study without all the paintings in the real world, I have the task of managing the forest, not just the paintings.

Of course, I don't hate this job. It's like taking care of your own body... well, it might be like cutting your nails or even your hair.

"Ah, Lurivitaki is building a nest..."

When I concentrate on the state of the forest, there are buds of spring everywhere. Spring is the season when new things begin. Little birds nest and blossom... there are many changes in the forest and it's fun.

I didn't know what to draw today while watching the forest like that. It was that time.

Tougo, can I have a minute?

"Lila, what's wrong?"

I turned my attention back to Lila, who was walking a lot. Well, not as a forest consciousness, but as a Kirigoe in the sky. Otherwise, you'll feel like you're looking at Lila from the bird 's-eye view... good.

Don't you have any plans to go to the realm of Gorda anytime soon?


Lila suddenly heard that. Gorda... ah.

Maybe a red paint?

"Yes! That's what Violon-san was talking about!"

That's right, that's right. When Violon came to Soleila the other day, he told me about the mural of the royal castle, and told me that "the red paint was probably collected in the mountains of Gorda". It is characterized by a deep red color and a slightly golden gloss.

"If it's deep red, there's a lot of magic stone paint that you drew for me." But if it's a paint with an unusual texture, I don't care...... "

"Yeah. I'm curious..."

... a paint with a strange gloss, it might be a little difficult to incorporate into the painting.

However, on the contrary, it is fun to think "how to incorporate", or there are some things that are born for the first time due to such constraints...

Well, maybe about half of them are collector souls, but...

So, you don't have any business going to Gorda?

"Hmm, that's right..."

There I remember. [M]

Violon said that he used to produce it in Gorda. So, even if I go to Gorda's store normally, I may not be selling it.

But... I know someone in Gorda's mine.

"...... It's a corner, so I think I'll go and say hello to the spirit."

Yes. There are Golda Spirits in Golda's mines. Gorda's spirit in a giant golden flower is, to put it simply, a senpai of the spirit industry and a fellow worker for me... well, I think it's good to have a neighborhood friend.

At the same time, I think I'll say hello to the gringo spirit.

"Isn't it okay?" Why don't you take the gringo spirit and go with me to Gorda? If only three spirits were gathered together, it would be interesting. "

"If I had only collected 3 spirits, Golda would have had me and the birds, so I could have collected up to 3 spirits..."

When I was talking to Lila like that, the birds came to me, thinking I was being called. Kyukyun, you're a cheerful squeaker, but I didn't call you!

... well, I didn't call for the bird, but it's also true that I thought Lila's suggestion seemed interesting.

Spirits are basically always in the land... so I'm a little lonely sometimes, and I think it would be fun to meet my fellow spirits at such a time.

Look, I let the children of the forest live in the forest and I don't miss them, but neither Gringal nor Gorda can do that.

... so...

Bird. Do you want to join us for a spiritual exchange?

That's what I suggested to the birds.

So, the next day.

Easily packed, I go with the birds to the Gringal Forest.

The Gringo Realm is closer to the capital of the kingdom. So, first, I went through the fairy kingdom and left the gate of Fairy Rose to the King's City.

Then fly there with the birds to Gringal. A little nervous after a long journey, we head for a dark green forest that is different from mine.

... and we arrive in the woods. I suddenly landed and stepped on a forest land that I didn't own. The fluffy humus is very good.

And the birds, and the squeaks, and the squeaks, and the squeaks. Is this a sign of arrival or something...?

"Spirit-sama, suddenly sorry, it's the spirit of the Red Gard forest!" I'm here to play! May I come in?! "

Then I turned to the back of the forest and asked the spirit.... and then...

When you do, you hear the feathers coming from deep in the forest.Oh.

... the birds and I are waiting.

Spirit! It's been a long time!

Gringo Spirit Lord... a snake with feathers flew in and greeted me! Thank you! I'm sorry to bother you!

"This is a souvenir, please."

Then, as we proceeded deeper into the Gringal Forest, we handed over souvenirs to the Spirit Lord.

The souvenirs are the nuts from the dragon lake and a little crystal from the dragon lake. Also, the magic honey from the bamboo.

When I gave her such a souvenir, the gringal spirit squeaked in a very good mood and collected the souvenir from a nearby vine. I'm sure you'll be able to help us in this forest.

Furthermore, I thought that the gringual spirits were staring at me in a mood... and they were wrapping around me!

"W-what's the matter?"

When I asked, the spirit-sama was wrapped around me in a mood. Wrapped up, wrapped up... and then staring at me again, her fuzzy eyes twinkling. I think you're laughing. I mean, hello.

Furthermore, as the neck of the Spirit Lord stretched out...... the mouth of the Spirit Lord touched my cheek.

... I've been kissed. At the same time, I was able to share a bit of my magic power with him.

The Gringal Spirit's magic power was cool and cool. It's a very pleasant magic power when you take it under the warming sun.

Nevertheless... I think this is a communication unique to spirits that are not human type, but it shines a bit.

"Um... well, in return..."

Thinking that it could shine somehow, I kissed the tip of the spirit master's nose and divided the magic power a bit, and the spirit master threw out his wings and tail. I'm probably happy. Well, I think I'll feel a little better because of the magic exchange.

... by the way, what did the bird think of seeing us like that, Kyoko! When I thought it was chirping, I rushed out and put me and the gringo spirit in my feathers! Stop it! It's hot! It tickles again!

... well, I don't know if it was a bird attack or a greeting, but as a gringo spirit, it seemed like it was good inside. After that, the gringual spirit wrapped around me, sometimes stretched out his neck and buried it in the bird's chest hair. I don't know. I wonder if you liked the fluffy ones.

And as a bird, I was happy with the situation. I'm bragging somewhere as I squeak... "This is a bit of a nasty guy.

As we continued through the Gringal Forest, we were taken to an open place deep in the forest. The Gringal Forest has a different atmosphere than mine, and somehow, it's called 'home elsewhere'. Hmm, uncomfortable.

Nevertheless, spring is good. The last time I came here, it was the end of autumn, or winter, or something like that. That's why I think it's a good time to enjoy the Gringal Forest after it gets warm like this, and after all, it's budding season.

Ah, that's a tree flower.

I looked around and saw white flowers blooming in the bushes. Apparently, the Gringal Forest was also fruitful.

"It's about time that we had a season of tree flowers, but I wanted to make the fairy park a rich crop and make it a treat for the children... but I wonder if the children will get bored if it's just tree flowers."

When I was talking, the gringo spirit-sama...... put all his strength into his body. "I wonder what it is, when I think about it..."

"... wow"

The tree that was a flower just now, Pon! and fruitful.

One after the other, the poncho comes to fruition, and it stops at about seven fruits.... when I looked at the spirit, I looked a little satisfied.

The Gringal tree is orange, isn't it?

The fruits of the tree range from yellow to orange.... there's also this kind of tree, isn't there?

"My house is red, but... it might be fun to mix the orange ones too"

Asked, the bird did not answer my question at all and began to peck at the freshly fruitful tree. Hey, hey, hey, hey!

... when I was in a hurry, the bird ate a tree and chirped with satisfaction.

"Um... can I have it, too?"

The birds only ate a little bit, so I asked the gringual spirit, and the spirit nodded with satisfaction. So I'll take one too. [M]

"Wow, it's sweet and delicious"

The large orange koji is sour and sweet. Even so, it feels a little cool, and it's a tree with the power of a spirit.

When I received a tree shield thinking it was delicious, the gringual spirit seemed somewhat happy and wrapped around me again.... this Spirit Lord, I wonder if he likes to wrap himself around people. Well, if you have a low-temperature snake body, you might want to stick to a high-temperature creature...

... oh, maybe that's why the dragons are fooling around!?

While letting Rene think about it, he was talking about the forest with the gringo spirit while relaxing in the woods and taking a forest bath...

Oh, by the way, Spirit-sama.

Speaking of which, I had a point to make. No, I forgot.

The spirit lord lives deep in the mountains of Gorda's realm, but why don't you come along?

As soon as I suggested so, the gringo spirit slipped his neck.

”I don't feel like there are many spirits gathering together, so I thought... if it's a corner...”

How about that? If I stick to it a bit... the gringo spirit finally nodded, "Hmm, hmm!"

We did it! Well, let's do it soon, but how about next week or so?

Then I decided to schedule it (especially though I don't think the Gringo Spirit has a schedule in the first place...), but for today, I decided to take a break.

Next week, we'll gather four spirits together in a spirit gathering! I'm looking forward to it!

So, the next week.

Me and the birds head for Gringal, where they rendezvous with the gringo spirit. It depends on the thought that we have to pick you up more than just inviting you.

Then we fly with each wing to the realm of Gorda.

Gorda's mountains are easy to see from afar. There are very few such fine mountains nearby.... I know I'm in the woods, but I also know how good the mountains are. Of course. Because I want to draw.

Spirit of Golda! Do you mind if I bother you? "

When I called out at the foot of the mountain where I had arrived, the rocks quickly moved around and made a path.

Come on, let's go!

That's why we're all together, right now in the mountains...

... if I think about it.

”... you're getting stuck after all?”

Along the way through the cave, the birds were crammed.

No, it's not Kun. Hang in there a little longer and get out on your own! I'm not as strong as Laocles when I pull and pull!

...... the birds have rebuilt a lot, but somehow they came to the depths where Gorda's spirit waited, pulling me and the gringal spirit.

Hello, Spirit Lord!

The Spirit Lord of Gorda gently stretched out his buttocks and lifted us up and lowered us on top of the flowers. The bird once rode on the flower, but it seemed to be a little overweight. The pure white moths prepared a cushion of dead grass at the root of the flower. The bird squeaked on the cushion, slightly unhappy.

... and Gringal and I rode on the flowers. On a big, big, golden flower. I like it because it calms down here somehow, and even as a gringo spirit, I was a little confused about whether it was the first time I had met a spirit other than me, or whether it was something unusual...

"Um, I'll introduce you. This is the Spirit of the Gringal Forest. And this is the spirit of Mount Gorda."

As I walked into the room and introduced myself, the gringual spirit-sama bowed his head as he moved his wings. Then the spirit of Gorda bowed down to the spirits.... be courteous to each other.

And then, Gorda's Spirit Master's servant stretched out... and grinned at the Gringal Spirit Master. Gringal the Spirit Lord flapped his wings and rejoiced, and said, "Gordal the Spirit Lord's servant."

Apparently, spiritual communication is also taking place here. It's about right. If you exchange magic power, the other person will understand it somehow, and it might be a good way to communicate with spirits who are ambiguous about whether they can understand the words or not.

Golda's Spirit Master's servant also came to my cheek. It's a little stingy and warm. That's why I'm giving it back. Even if I grip it with my hand, I'll kiss the tip of my buttocks big enough to exchange magic power.

The magic power of Gorda's Spirit Lord was so vigorous, it was warm, and it felt kind of calm.

... hmm, maybe Gorda's spirit and Gringo's spirit have a much longer spiritual history than mine. That's why I think it will calm down. So, on the other hand, do you two think that my magic power is "young"?

By the way, how old are the birds? I don't know everything about that bird, but... ah, the bird is clawing at the root of Gorda's spirit. Ah, is that communication, too...?

...... Aside from the birds, I and the gringo spirit let them relax on the flowers of Gorda's spirit.

Little by little, you can taste each other's magic power, and you can feel it mixed together. Fluffy, fluffy or something like that....... Spiritual communication, maybe not bad.

Then, I opened the souvenir wrap and gave it to the moths with the souvenirs, and the gringal spirit also gave me the nuts that seem to have been picked in the gringal, and the gordal spirit gave me the nectar of the flowers, so I had a relaxing and enjoyable time...

"Um, Gorda's spirit." Did you know that the ore in this mountain is a deep red paint? ”

I've forgotten the point again! Danger, danger.

As he sat kneeling again, he spoke to the female servant for the time being on the petal of the spirit of Gorda.... somehow Golda's spirit, it's a little easy to understand when your servant thinks your head is the head of a servant with your hands...

"I heard that the paint used in the royal castle mural is the ore collected here." So, I'd be happy if you split it up...... wow

... and while I'm talking like that, suppon! and Golda's spirit-like roots came out of the ground. At its roots... there was a large, deep red stone that was like a grip on Lao Cres.

"Wow... ah, can I have it?!"

Then, the stone gently pushed against me by the stretched roots, so it was hard to accept.

Thank you!

As a thank you, Golda's spirit snapped at my head as a servant and snapped.... from the spirit of Gorda, I guess I'm like a child of the spirit after all...

After that, we spent a while chatting, playing with the white moths, and the birds wrapping the stems of Golda's spirits with feathers.

It was like three spirits who could not understand the words, but they could still understand the unexpected intentions, or they could have a little exchange.

Thanks to spirit communication, it was convenient to know each other vaguely. "I wonder if I can find out more about Rene if I try this too..."

Then me, the gringo spirit, and the birds took time out of the mountain of Gorda. On the way back, I croaked the birds and walked through the cave, exiting with all my might.

Then we went to the Gringal Forest, not Soleila.... no, the gringo spirit can fly on its own, but I thought it would be polite to send more than I brought out.

... and the gringo spirits, they seem to like being carried fluffily on the back of our birds. Although the birds have a [something heavy on their backs] kind of disgruntled face. You were able to get through the cave by pushing and pulling in the mountain cave of Gorda, so you should do this.

When I arrived at Gringhal, I gently lowered the Spirit Lord to the ground.

"Thank you very much for today. May I invite you again?"

When I asked, the spirit lord stretched his neck with his tail and feathers...... Spirit communicated with me again. So I gave it back, and now it was time to go back to Soleila.

Kyu, and the gringo spirits wrapped around me and started flying like that! Wait, wait! Don't carry it, don't carry it!

The gringo spirit flies through the woods without so much speed. I was carried as is, and the birds followed me on foot. [M] "Um, sometimes you move without flying..."

... then I was transported and invited deep into the Gringal Forest. And...

Gringal's spiritual master walked in around the overlapping trees and came back with something from there. And then it was put on my palm.

"... are you a souvenir?"

Shining on my palm is a beautiful dark green stone. It had a strange gloss and it was sparkling... ah.

"Could it be in the paint...?"

When I asked, the gringo spirit somehow smashed his wings with satisfaction.

Apparently, when I saw Golda's spirit gave me a red paint ingredient, she gave me a gift like this. Thank you.

“Thank you, and thank you for letting me use it.”

As a thank you, the gringo spirit seemed to be in a good mood and waved his tail off. Me and the birds keep flying, and it's time to go back to Soleila.

It was fun.

When I was flying, I said that to the bird, and the bird replied with a groan. Well, maybe the birds had a good time, too. Well, this guy seems to be having fun almost anytime, anywhere...

Nevertheless, the spiritual communication is quite good.

After returning to the forest, I thought I would try it again, but I was chasing the bird's round back (no, it might be its buttocks instead of its back...) and flying through the dusk sky.

Then, the next day.

"That painting is unusual for you."

Lila found me painting in front of the house. [M]

Today's painting is not a practice or study, but a distraction. "No, it's fun to practice and study, but I think it's necessary to do it casually..."

"I couldn't think of any other way to take advantage of the characteristics of the paint itself."

What I'm drawing right now is a painting that looks like the design of a color composition. I will paint the color firmly and separately, so that there is no unevenness in the surface of the color.... I still feel like I'm practicing, but, well, considering that all the experiences are useful for my paintings, that can't be helped...

"Huh. That's fine."

"Thank you."

I'm glad Lila praised me. I wonder why.

... I think it would be very happy to have such a painting companion. I'm glad, I'm glad.

Ah, did you get this paint from Gorda's spirit?

The color Lyra is showing is deep red. Various reds were picked from one stone. From wine red to pinkish colors.

And, as Mr. Violon's reputation has been, it has a slightly golden sheen and is very beautiful. "I'm so envious..."

Yeah. So this green one was given to me by the gringo spirit.

And what I'm showing you is bright green. This was given to me by a gringo spirit, and I was able to make a variety of colors, from pale green to vibrant green. And there is a slight gloss of jasmine here, and this one is also beautiful. "I'm so envious..."

Therefore, this time, we tried color composition with deep dull red gradient color and bright light green gradient color. It was a lot of fun.

"... you just gave it to me, didn't you?"

"... yes..."

And I think that's how Lila felt when she came out.

No, I brought plenty of souvenirs... but Gorda's spirit and Gringo's spirit are very generous... so you can share the precious ore with me like this. Sure enough, I just got it.

”The gringo spirit knows that I love paint, so it looks like you gave me this... kind person”

"... next time you go, you'll get the paint ingredients and come back"

... yeah. Maybe Golda's spirit will give me another ore of a different color next time I go. That one. It seems that the gringo spirit also thought that I would be happy with the paint. And both of you are very kind...

"Somehow... you're going to your relatives' house and you're cute and you're like a chick who comes home with lots of souvenirs."

"Yeah... no, I'm definitely a newcomer in the Spirit Neighborhood, but..."

Chibi-chan. Chibi-chan... that's not true! I know you're cute, but I'm sure you are!

That's why.

"... what would be a good souvenir to take with you next time?"

Because I feel like a chick when I just get the ingredients for the paint. I thought I'd like to take a more thoughtful souvenir with me next time I visit.

Alcohol or something? Look, isn't Dragon happy with alcohol?

"Golda-sama, it's a flower..."

Well then, liquid fertilizer!

It's a journey!

... well, even after it's over, I'm a little sorry for the joy, but it's still fun. It was a spiritual exchange party of that kind. I hope to host it again not far away.

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