If they say it's a fake, I don't know how to react.

When I was in trouble, the other person started to look like 'something different than what I expected'. [M] "Corgo Uesora" Behind you, people who may be his friends look a little troubled after all.

Um... maybe it's better to ask the people behind you than to ask you in front of you, "Corgo Uesora".

"Hey, why don't you say something, fake!

However, it seems that the "Corgo Uesora" in front of me doesn't want me to get close to my friends in the back. Hmm. I see. Oh, no. Besides, you should say something now that they've asked you to do something about it. Um...

"... you too, Corgo Uesora?

"What about it?"

In the meantime, I asked about what I should hear first. Then, he looks as if he had been slapped in the face.

"No, I wonder if it's the same name...."

"No, what are you talking about! You're a fake! You're trying to fool people by deceiving the name of Corgo Uesora!?

"Even if they say so...."

I'm finally in trouble. It's okay. Same name. Same name. Instead, I think I'm about to drop it. [M]

Whatever he says, I'm Kirigo Kamikami, and maybe he's not Kirigo Kamikami... hmm.

... the more I think about it, the less I know.

What I don't know is why he's named "Corgo Uesora" in front of me. How does he feel and under what circumstances is he naming me? [M]

The people behind you seem to understand the situation, but you're a bit of a nuisance to ask.... then.

"Uh, why don't you two talk?

Maybe you should ask him himself first. in an environment that is easy for him to talk to.

"... you two?

"You, somehow, it's hard to talk to people behind you."

When he whispered softly to him with a curious face, he was a little worried... and then turned around and said to his friend in the back.

"I'll talk to him. You guys go home!

... yeah. In the meantime, we have a deal.

Then me and "Tougo Uesora" entered a nearby cafe. I ate dinner with Fai. [M]

... as we entered the store and arrived at our seat, Mr. Claire and Faye entered the store. And sitting modestly next to us. Hmm, professional tricks.

"Sorry, one spark juice."

And I told Mr. Waitress about the order. The one Faye was drinking. I was worried about the taste, so I tried ordering it.

"What about you? You want something to drink?

"Eh, ah... well, then, it's the same."

"Tougo Uesora" You looked confused, but you ordered the same thing as me. Yeah, I think it's easier to talk if you have a drink.

... and while the juice you ordered was being brought in, "Tougo Uesora" was distracted. He shuts his mouth when he tries to speak something, and shuts his mouth when he tries to speak again.

Um... I don't know what they're thinking, because I don't know what they're feeling, but as far as they're concerned, it's awkward. Mm-hmm.

And the other person's uncomfortable feeling... well, maybe we're not painters who just happened to have the same name. Probably.

"... um, can I ask you your name?

It's a corner, so let's just ask for a name while we wait for a drink. Otherwise, I can't even call the other person's name.

"So, Corgo Uesora."

"My real name is. It's not a name."

When I said that, he looked as if he had lost his mind, and said... reluctantly.

"... Lucien Pubourg"

I see. Greetings, Lucian. "

As soon as I said hello, Mr. Waitress brought me some juice. I thank you, accept it, and put the glasses one by one in front of me and Lucian.

After sucking on the end of the straw and smoking a little, what a surprise it was a carbonated beverage. I see. Is there carbonated drinks in this world? I was surprised. It's a spark juice, indeed.

Instead, Lucien said, enjoying the citrus flavor and carbonated stimulus while smoking juice, he didn't touch the juice and stared at me.

"... who are you?



Oh, I see. Have he named me yet? [M]

"Tongo over the sky. Real name, because I don't use it in particular."

When I return it, Lucien looks a little frightened and murmurs. [M]

... you must have made me nervous. Mm-hmm.

"Well, I don't feel like suing you."


So if you say so at first, Lucian looks surprised.... next door, Fai and Crowe look surprised. Yeah, I'm sorry.

"But I want to know why. Why are you drawing under the name" Tougo Uesora "?... will you tell me?"

Lucian seems to have suffered a lot. But when I finished drinking more than half of the juice, he managed to start talking to me.

"I'm already telling my friends. I'm a corn weasel."

"... why again?"

I think friends are the people behind me, but I don't know why. When I asked you, Lucian looked so awkward and told me to give up. [M]

"I thought if I named Tougo Uesora, I wouldn't know...."


I suppose you didn't have to name it even if you didn't find out? Well, I don't know why I named it in the first place.

"Um... do you paint?

"Don't draw"

Ah, yes... Uh, no, I don't get it!

"How much is it?"

Lucian suddenly started saying that when I didn't understand. [M]

"How much do you paint in my name instead of me!? You can hire him at the Pubul house!

... no, I really don't understand!

"Well, first of all, I'm from the Redgard family, so I can't go to your house."

"What about the money!?

"And I don't need any money. I don't really need it."

When I answered, Lucian distorted his expression and dropped his gaze on the juice on the desk.

"... but I already told my friends. I'm Corgo Uesora, and the painting I painted has gained a reputation in King's Landing."

This is an answer that I can't get to the point just now... but I can't help it. If you only return these answers, you have no choice but to speculate.

I thought about it... and came to a conclusion.

I mean, you named me because you wanted a reputation.

As soon as I said so, Lucian glanced at me carefully. [M]

"... is that bad?"

"Um... I don't think that's a good thing."

Listen, if I say it's bad, I think it's probably bad. Yeah. Well, I don't think it's a big deal because nobody's bothering me so far... but in the meantime, it's bad in that way because Fay and I might get in trouble, and maybe we could just walk somewhere by my name. Mm-hmm.

"Um... do you want to be valued for your paintings?

"Whatever! But if it's a painting, you can somehow have it."

I guess so.... is that it? Hmm, accessories...?

"... do you want to paint together?

"Don't draw! Are you kidding me?

No, I was serious, but I wonder if it would make me so angry.... I wonder if it was angry for him.

"But if you want to paint something, I think it's better to paint it..."

"That's why I didn't do anything! Painting, music, hunting, anything! If it leads to my reputation!

... apparently.

Lucian, I hear you need a lot of credit.

However, it doesn't seem to be 'I want to be valued for the painting'.

... is the rating of the painting your own? Do you want to be rated? Not pictures?

Hmm... no, I don't know...

If I had thought about it, Lucien would start to shuffle and finally say a little roughly. [M]

"Well, what are you going to do? You're asking for money, right? I can't believe we're talking alone here... where our friends are, right? Or are we going to break up after this!?

I realized that I was afraid of roughing up my voice. Somehow, I can see the colour of fear.

... I guess you don't like being left alone by your friends. They're afraid of that.

"No, I thought it would be difficult for you to talk with your friends, so I thought I'd talk to you alone...."

So when I say so, he looks relieved. [M] Still, like, "Is this okay?"

I smoke straws and drink up juice. [M] The flavor of carbonated drinks that you can play is delicious. When I completely sucked up the juice that was in the ice gap at the end, I felt unspeakable satisfaction. This was delicious. I want to take it home as a souvenir to the woods.... do motorcycles like carbonated drinks? I feel happy around fairies.

... I was satisfied with the juice, but Lucian didn't put his hands on it in the first place. How nervous are you?

He wanders his gaze without even touching the glass, as if he were lost trying to say something.

Then should I ask you?

"... so, are you going to continue to work as a 'Corgo Uesora'?"

I had no choice but to step on my feet like this, so I decided to listen.

Lucien looked at me like he was calm, and his eyes met mine... and then Lucien looked scared, leaned down, and shook his head sideways.

"... I'm done."

I see.

All right, then. If that's what he decides and he does, I think it's best for me. [M]

If it's true, maybe you should try not to damage his reputation or help him get the reputation he wants... but let's talk about it with Claire and Faye.

Then Lucien leaned on his back, but eventually he raised his face and appealed to me with a desperate face.

"... I'm done naming you. I'll give you the money. That's why I'm suing you....."

"I don't think so. And I don't need the money."

When I answer, Lucian looks like he's out of his mind and goes into the chair. [M]

"... yes, to my parents, my family, my friends."

I won't tell you.

"Are you sure you don't want to sue me? You're not gonna tell anybody?

"Yeah, it's fine. If you tell me not to do" Corn Uesora "anymore. Oh, and I want you to tell me the range you named. I don't know how it affects you, and you need to keep your mouth shut, right?

When I answered that, Lucien looked 'incomprehensible'.

"... if I sue you, you'll get paid."

"Like I said, I don't need any money."

Lucien, you're going to pay for something. [M] Is this an urbanist interaction?


"If it bothers you, I'll give you a cup of juice."

Then it's a corner, so I'll stick to the money a little too. I'm sure Lucian is more accustomed to this kind of interaction.

After all, Lucian is going to pay for my juice. [M] Now that I've decided to give him a break, I think he has a fit, too.

Then, we know roughly which people he named "Corgo Uesora," so we'll find out later if anything went wrong around there.... if you don't have any particular problems, that's fine. Mm-hmm.

Lucien, if I'd walked a little while apart, I could have met Laocles. He was expecting me.

How was it?

"He already told me not to do 'Corn Uesora'."

"... is that all?

"Yeah, I don't think so."

When I heard it, Laocles smiled a little and shook his head.

"If the child lied to fill his self-esteem, that's enough. Anyway, I already know that lies are lies."

... have you found out yet? Well, that's... ah, that's right. That's why the friend behind you, Lucian, looked kind of in trouble.

Maybe Lucian came to me and his friend said, "The real thing is in the square. Maybe it's because I already know your lies, so why don't you just admit it?" No, I'd like it to be a little softer.

... this may be the way of thinking because I haven't been harmed yet, but I don't think Lucian would like to be punished for lying too much.

I wonder if this is a sweet idea. Because I don't really know the value of valuation. [M]

It's like a mountain of trouble... but I can't help it. In the meantime, I'm glad to hear about Lucian. I have no choice but to agree.

Though the troubles increased, the load on the shoulder fell by one. In the meantime, that means that one of the corns is gone. Yeah, my shoulders are down to two thirds.

So I decided to start drawing again. Once we've finished what we're drawing, let's move on. Mr. Claire, you seem to know some of the best painting spots. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

... that's what I thought. When I was drawing in the square, I could hear the horses whimpering.

When I heard the horse's voice, I looked at you, and there I found four horses pulling the carriage and... a stopped carriage.

The carriage was beautifully crafted and somehow... it was a design that I wanted to paint.

And from the window of the carriage, there's someone staring at me.

But before I could see his face, the carriage moved again. [M]

... I wonder who it was. That one.

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