“The strongest pirate group…”Usopp said with some surprise.

Nami nodded:”That’s right, their captain Mingou is also the one who defeated Whitebeard and won the world’s strongest man.”

Chopper slapped his palms:”Is he the captain of Luffy’s brother Ace?”

“ah! Luffy suddenly woke up and exclaimed:”I remember, it seems that Ace told me about this when I was a kid.””

“It seems like something defeated Bai’s group…….”

“——Bang! Nami and Chopper punched Luffy hard on the head:”What did you think of!””

Garp looked solemn:”Anyway, that whitebeard is a man who is rated as having the power to destroy the world, and you can probably imagine the King Ming who defeated him.”

“Destroy, destroy the world!”Usopp’s eyes were filled with fear.

“That guy is probably a more powerful swordsman than Hawkeye.” Zoro’s eyes were calm, but there was a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes.

His right hand couldn’t help but touch the sword at his waist. He recalled what the man he met in the East China Sea said.

“King Ming did use his sword to go all the way, but I’m not very sure about the strength of him and Hawkeye. After all, the two have never fought.”

“but…”Garp picked his nostrils:”The Fourth Blade under King Ming is also a powerful swordsman. He has had many battles with Hawkeye. The two of them are almost on the same level.”

“The strongest pirate group. Chopper tilted his head:”There should be a lot of people.””

Garp recalled what Sengoku once said, nodded and said:”The Sky Moon Pirates of King Ming should now have a strength of one hundred thousand or more.”

“One hundred thousand?!”

The weakest trio of Straw Hats couldn’t help but shrink their bodies.

“More than Usopp’s 8,000 men…….”Chopper said tremblingly.

Even Zoro and Sanji, who were previously calm, could not keep their cool.

“Moreover, Wano Country, where Prince Ming is located, is also one of the top technological powerhouses today. If you have paid attention to the information about previous wars, you should know that there is already a powerful robot army.”

“Wow! Robot?!”Listening to Garp’s words, Luffy shouted with gleaming eyes.

“I understand this…”Franky, who had not spoken much, said:”Those robots are known as the pinnacle of today’s technology, and they are made of the world’s best memory alloy. The cost is said to be more than billions, and each one is comparable to a powerful robot.” army”

“Billions!!!”Following Luffy, Nami’s eyes turned into Berry, and she shouted in shock:”Is King Mei’s Wano rich?”

“Of course, that is one of the most powerful countries in the world today.”Frankie said:”Not only is it the most famous memory alloy today, it is also the place where sea floor stones are produced, and there is also a series of famous product chains. It is said that the snacks of Fishman Island are also very famous in the New World…….”

Because Franky is very concerned about memory alloys and its technological products, he is quite familiar with the news about Wano in the world.


“The country of Wano, the country that warriors around the world yearn for……”

“hateful! The paradise of my dreams! Mermaid ladies! They were moved away by that guy Ming Wang! So selfish!”

Among the Straw Hats, there were immediately sighs of emotion, and there were also those who cried and beat the ground.

“Hello. you! Usopp shouted angrily:”That’s not what we should focus on now!””

Even Garp was a little speechless. It was obviously a serious question, but the atmosphere was unknowingly diverted. Shouldn’t it be said that it was a team formed by his grandson?

Garp continued:”In short, the members of the Sky Moon Pirates Powerful, mainly reflected in the ten most famous swords under King Ming! Each of the first seven has the power to easily destroy a country.”

“As newcomers, if you go to the new world and do not have strong strength, facing these existences, you will only end up being wiped out.”

“It’s the same even if you meet the other four emperors, but I specifically say that the Ten Moon Pirates are the most dangerous.”

There is another point that Garp did not explain. Since Whitebeard and Red Hair are basically related, he may be more friendly to Luffy and the others.

The guy from BIGMOM will hurt Luffy, but he will not kill him so quickly.

And It was difficult for him to guess only King Mei’s power.

But after all, that man dared to challenge even the World Government and Whitebeard and won. He still needed to remind Luffy and the others emphatically.

“Yossi, I’ve decided!”Under the attention of everyone, Luffy shouted excitedly:”I will defeat all the Four Emperors, and then become the Pirate King.”

“Were you listening just now?”

Usopp and Chopper each grabbed Luffy’s ankle, and Nami jumped up heavily and punched him.

“Well——”Garp shook his head and looked at everyone:”We have different positions, but this guy is my grandson after all. Although he has no brains, I ask you to keep an eye on him.”

After hearing Garp’s words, everyone nodded and said:” we will pay attention”

“As for strength, when you get to the Chambord Islands, maybe you should have more contact with them.”

It’s naturally impossible to teach them their strength. Garp thought for a while and reminded him of the last island in the first half of the first half before the new world. It was also when the grandfather and grandson met again after a long absence that the first half of the Grand Line was enough to influence The dynamics of the entire era happened suddenly.

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