The interesting words made Blackbeard Tiqi change his face in shock, and he looked at Yu Shi with disbelief.

The pupils shrank sharply and returned to normal in an instant.

“Thief hahaha…”Qi smiled:”It’s just that I can’t fall asleep and can experience more rest time than ordinary people. Is Prince Ming interested in this?”

He did not deny it. After all, the intelligence system of the Four Emperors was not just talk.

And his deepest secrets are also not explained. After all, even his former family members only know that the specialness of his system lies in this information.

“Well…After all, I never expected you to tell the truth from the beginning.”Yu Shi’s eyes were indifferent and he shook his head.

There was a murderous intention in his calm tone, which was more frightening than the invisible pressure.

“Wait, Prince Ming! This is the truth, and everyone in the Whitebeard Group knows it!”Tiqi’s face turned pale and he waved his hands quickly.

After feeling this real killing intent, he panicked. He would not be so naive as to think that he could now be on par with King Ming in terms of strength.

“It doesn’t matter, I will know the secret you hide anyway.”

Yu Shi raised his right hand and faced Tiqi.

The ominous darkness suddenly emerged, like a whirlpool in the abyss, attracting all the light.

In this infinite hell with only dim light, it looked even more weird and terrifying.

“Wait a moment…”Dee beckoned again.

And Yu Shi obviously doesn’t have the time to argue with him.

——Dark water!

The terrifying gravity caused Teach’s voice to stop abruptly.


He couldn’t control his whole body, and his body flew straight towards Yu Toki.

The moment it comes into contact with darkness, the ability is immediately ineffective.

At the same time, the next attack is already coming.


The sound of electric currents flashing was particularly dazzling in this floor.

“Damn it!”Tiqi said angrily, and immediately crossed his hands to defend himself in front of him.


The violent energy tore through the atmosphere and raised a hurricane.

Completely facing Yu Shi, Tiqi’s weapons were destroyed.

The violent and terrifying current circle exploded.

“Wow…”Suffering this blow, Tiqi’s face was distorted, his eyes almost bulged out, and he vomited blood uncontrollably.

The energy swept through, and Tiqi, who was covered in blood, instantly hit the iron fence behind like a cannonball.

The hardness created by the sea floor stone was even slightly bent by the impact.

“Ah, it hurts so much, it hurts me to death.”

Falling to the ground, Tiqi screamed miserably, covered in blood, curling up there, with flashes of electricity surging from time to time.

Seeing the captain’s miserable condition, the Blackbeards did not make any move against the enemy. Just like that.

Not only is it unable to move due to the terrifying telekinesis of the tornado, but it is also unable to resist the existences in front of them. The

Sky Moon Pirates have been named another Rocks Pirates by the World Government and the Navy. symbol.

If you want to judge it based on strength, that is indeed the case.

But if you look at the concept of a team, it is obviously the Blackbeard Pirates that is more suitable.

These are teams composed of extremely vicious pirates, and there will be no In the so-called group concept, what everyone may give priority to is their own interests.

And it happens that these people with their own evil intentions form a group for the sake of interests, and the strongest person becomes the leader. It is exactly the same as in the past. Like the Rocks Pirates

“King Ming! Damn it, you bastard!”As if his disguise was completely torn, Tiqi roared angrily.

His whole body began to change. He didn’t care how much the change would destroy this area. He only knew that if he didn’t use all his strength in front of King Ming, he would There is no so-called future

“So, did you get Kaido’s ability?”The voice suddenly came from in front of Tiqi.


Blackbeard was shocked

“It’s just a pity that it’s not even as good as Kaido himself at that time.”

But only his head turned into a dragon’s head. In the next moment, the darkness pressed down on his body, and the dragon’s ability disappeared immediately.

He grabbed Blackbeard’s neck, and he was more than two meters tall, but he could easily kill someone more than three meters tall. Tikki easily lifted it up.

In the hand he raised, darkness locked Tikki tightly, making it impossible for him to use his abilities to break free.

“hateful! Let me go!”

The hands and feet continued to gather armed domineering energy, and the kicks on Yu Shi only scraped out scattered electric elements.

Even if Blackbeard could hurt the red hair, it was in the past.

Today’s Teach , whether it is domineering or physical skills, they are still not up to the level of the four emperors. They rely most on their fruit abilities.

And this type of people happens to be the easiest to deal with.

“Your ambition ends here, Teach.”

A powerful dark gravity suddenly spread out from the pitch-black hand.

It turned into a whirlpool-like black hole and began to quickly swallow up Blackbeard Tiqi.

Even with all his strength, he still couldn’t break free after Kai Yushi had let go. The black hole involved.

In such an easy moment, Tiqi’s rough and ugly body disappeared directly into the black hole opened by Yu Shi. His own captain was easily dealt with by Yu Shi, and everyone in the original Black Beard Group felt even more excited. They sighed at the power of King Ming.

Looking at King Ming’s eyes that turned to look at them, they immediately sweated like rain, and hurriedly begged for mercy in fear and asked to join the Sky Moon Pirates.

They had not yet thought about life and death for Blackbeard.

Shiliu and others The same was true for the four of them. Although they could not move, it did not mean that their mouths were also restricted.

At this moment, there was a sound from a complete cell not far away._Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading – Collection ,recommend

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