“Mr. Yushi……”Sabo on the side broke into a cold sweat and said quickly:”Luffy was just because Mr. Dorago was taken away, and he fainted for a moment. You, sir, have a lot, please don’t.”…..”

“straw hat luffy…yes.” came a calm voice, directly ignoring Sabo’s explanation for his brother:”It seems that these few months in Imperial have not softened your character a little.”

“No road race!! Who cares about you? The guy who killed Ace, I will definitely beat you away!”When it comes to Ace, Luffy shouted with great emotion.

Although they were not face to face, the shock of the phone bug also made many others who were shocked before come to their senses and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade Luffy. After all ,

Luffy’s words were no longer the same as before.

At this time, Otoki’s voice came next

“What, do you want to start a war with me?”

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions changed. The red-haired man stepped forward directly, not even caring about the information that would reveal his position:”King Ming, Luffy didn’t mean that.”

“Uh-huh!”At this time, Luffy had his head covered by the Straw Hats, determined not to let him say any more shocking words.

Otoki was not surprised by the voice coming from the phone bug, and he could even guess it , at this time, the Straw Hat must have been trapped by everyone.

With Ah Toki holding the phone, Toki leaned on the seat, with a smile on his face:”Red Hair, although the era of the Four Emperors is over now, you should Do you know the rules of this sea?”

“certainly.”As the person with the highest status around him, the red-haired man nodded responsible for the answer.

The invitation that cannot be refused, the companions who cannot hurt Whitebeard, and the emperor Ming Wang who cannot be provoked the most.

The first two have long since become history as the tide of the times continues to roll. , and the fame of the latter one grows day by day

“Luffy was certainly a little emotional after losing his brother, but he was still just a kid. The red-haired man said with a serious face,”Can you give me some face and bypass Luffy this time?””

Hearing this, Yu Shi couldn’t help laughing.

“Redhead, are you kidding me? I don’t even take Whitebeard or the Navy seriously, so what does your face mean?”

Oshiki’s sarcastic words not only made everyone’s expressions darken, but also made Luffy’s emotions visibly more intense.

But after all, being able to be insulted by bandits and still remain calm is nothing sarcastic.

What’s more, Otoki’s sarcastic words What he said at that time is a definite fact.

Although he is one of the famous pirate emperors in the New World today, facing King Ming, Tianyue is at best the same as a BIGMOM that has been destroyed.

“So what conditions are required to forgive Luffy this time?”The red-haired man continued calmly.

“how? Do you think you have something worthy of my attention? Yu Shi asked back:”If it’s a so-called favor, then it’s unnecessary. This thing is just like your face, I don’t care about it.””

“..”The red-haired man was silent for a while, as if his idea was killed by Yu Shi in advance and he had nothing to say.

At the same time, the revolutionary army did not take the initiative to speak out.

Although Sabo wanted to help Ace just like the red-haired man, he was restrained by the commander and couldn’t act accordingly.

Everyone in the revolutionary army obviously didn’t want to be involved.

As Yu Shi said, it would be difficult for them to leave Tianyue if they wanted to fulfill their great righteousness.

What’s more, the original problem had nothing to do with Straw Hat. Rather, it was that the other party jumped out unexpectedly and offended someone that no one wanted to provoke.

“What if…Can I provide you with the [road sign historical text] information?”After a moment of silence, the red-haired man said solemnly:”You should be very interested in taking over the territory of BIGOM and the old man with the white beard.”

Whether it is Devil Fruit or territory, it is obvious that Tianyue will not take it seriously. The only thing that can be brought out to interest Yushi is the information in hand. As long as it is the sea The thief should not refuse this, after all, it is a sign pointing to Raffdrew.

“How about it? You should be short of one now. After all, I have been on Captain Roger. I know where the news about it is.”

“You really like being a nanny, redhead.

The red-haired man ignored Yu Shi’s teasing:”What do you think?””

“Hahaha…”Denmushi imitated Oshiki, and there was a burst of joyful laughter:”The road sign information you mentioned refers to Zuowu’s area? It’s more like that. Red Hair, you have a lot of thoughts.”

Oshiki said. , the red-haired man’s compromising expression immediately changed.

“Could it be you……”The redhead stammered in disbelief.

“ah…I’ve been to Lafdrew, what do you think?”

Yu Shi’s nonchalant tone, in the area where Hongfa and others were, was tantamount to a heavyweight bombing.

“Are you kidding?…The king has gone to that Ravdru?”

“Doesn’t that mean that Prince Ming and Prince Ming are already the undoubted pirate kings?”

Zoro was speechless in shock, and Sanji

‘s cigarette fell directly from his wide-open mouth. The Straw Hat crew looked at Luffy in tacit understanding, and even the force of the restraint was unconscious due to shock. The ground weakened.

Chopper’s eyes were instantly wrapped in mist, and his mouth suddenly opened:”How could this happen? If King Mei becomes the Pirate King, Luffy, Luffy’s dream——”_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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