There was only one person in the lounge, Sakaski sat quietly at the desk, and beside him, a small red figure only ten centimeters tall was standing on the table, breathing in and out seemed to be swallowing something.

Silently watching the villain’s movements, feeling the unknown energy slowly sucked by the red villain, Sakaski’s face did not change color, and he thought silently in his heart.

“After devouring the soul of the pirate of this ship, the fire spirit must be closer to the fourth feeding!”

Since the fire spirit doppelganger made the first feedback three years ago, Sakaski successfully reaped two more feedings from the fire spirit doppelganger through continuous hunting of pirates in the following three years, making his soul more powerful by several levels.

However, it is a pity that as the more pirate souls are devoured, the faster the fire spirit avatar grows, and it becomes more difficult for it to feed back Sakaski.

After Sakaski’s soul has crossed, the innate starting point is already very high, plus several more soul feedings of the fire spirit doppelganger, his current soul quality is actually high and terrifying.

Counting the entire pirate world, those who can compete with Sakaski’s soul are only those legendary characters, and there are almost no people who can surpass Sakaski.

Soul quality represents a person’s talent to some extent, and now even if Sakaski no longer feeds his soul, even if he does not have a fire spirit doppelganger as a hole card, he can rely on his potential to go straight to the top of the world. Peak.

But then again, if you can become stronger and more genius, then surely no one will dislike it.

Relying on the ability of the fire spirit doppelganger to sense the traces of any creature’s soul activity within a radius of a hundred miles, Sakaski successfully allowed the fire spirit doppelganger to successfully carry out the second soul feeding in the third month after going to sea, and then carried out the third soul feeding a year after going to sea.

And this special ability, and crazy approach, also made Sakaski a nightmare for pirates, the so-called red devil of the sea butcher.

After all, with this ability, Sakaski only needs to turn around the sea casually, and he can easily catch those hidden pirates, which are simply more accurate than radar and more powerful than satellites.

Radar will also lose its function because of the special environment of the Great Route, and satellites will be blinded by the special weather of the Great Route, but Sakaski’s will never be affected by these external factors.

All in all, Sakaski has wreaked havoc on the sea in the past three years, harming many pirates, so that most pirates will snort when they hear their names.

However, it is a pity that the only fly in the ointment is that after the third soul feeding, for two whole years, the fire spirit doppelganger did not show the slightest sign of the fourth soul feeding.

This is not because the fire spirit doppelganger has not devoured too many pirate souls in the past two years, but because Sakaski’s soul base point is too high, and this situation is inevitable as the quality of his soul improves.

It can be expected that in the future, if you want to improve the quality of your soul again, I am afraid it will become a difficult thing.

Unless he is willing to lower his bottom. Expand the scope of devoured souls to pirates who have stained blood in their hands. But is this possible? But is this okay?

With a sneer, Cape Sakass cocked a disdainful arc, which is indeed attractive, but how can I Sakaski be controlled by power!

Stopping the action of devouring, obviously there was no soul to devour, and the fire spirit doppelganger jumped lightly and re-entered Sakaski’s body.

Touching the place where the fire spirit doppelganger disappeared, Sakaski sighed in his heart, fortunately, the fire spirit doppelganger has the ability to become larger and smaller, otherwise it is really difficult to release it casually.

After all, the complete fire spirit doppelganger, after several years of growth, has long been a behemoth of more than twenty meters!

Slowly shook his head, after the fire spirit doppelganger, Sakaski’s face straightened, the fire spirit’s affairs were over, and now it was the turn of the “red dog”.

Thinking of the name he heard from Kebora’s mouth, Sakaski’s entire brow wrinkled together at this time,

“Is this the so-called fate? I don’t know if it’s accidental or inevitable, it’s really a headache! Red dogs! ”

Chanting these two words softly in his mouth, Sakaski’s expression was very deep, his brows were sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxed, I believe anyone can see that he is in a contradictory mood at any time.

Red dogs!

It’s a name with a special meaning!

For the people of the pirate world, this may be just a name, but for Sakaski, it is more than just a name.

According to the normal plot trend, Sakaski has indeed begun to obtain the title of red dog at this time, but the problem is that Sakaski is now a crosser! He is not the original “Sakaski”!

“I have obviously changed the original historical trend, gathered the three future generals of the navy in advance, and made the green pheasant and yellow ape submit to my command, but why did I still get the title of red dog!” Can’t help but think, although essentially just a question of title.

But underneath the essence of this problem, there is a possibility of careful consideration.

“Is it the world’s corrective power, or is it just an accident?” Taking a deep breath, Sakaski’s face was grim, could it be that the efforts I have made so far are nothing more than me!

After thinking about it, the atmosphere around Sakaski was extremely heavy, as if to indicate the heaviness in the master’s heart at this time.

However, a moment later, in this deep atmosphere, the corners of Sakaski’s mouth turned up at some point.

“Huh! Chance or not, it must be good, what does it have to do with me? Bamboo cane mango shoes light victory over horses, who is afraid? A cloud of smoke and rain for life. ”

Just as the so-called life and death look down, if you don’t obey, you will do it, whoever dares to block my way, I will destroy them all, even if the world wants to block my way, then I can only open a scoop for this old God!

The boy’s heart is as dead as iron, look at the test hand, and make up for the crack in the sky.

ps: In Huaxia, calling others dogs means insulting others, but the island country is different. In island countries, the name dog is not a derogatory term, it is more often a positive term, unless the user has its own subjective meaning. The status of dogs in the island country is very high, among the eight million gods in the myth of the island country, the position of the dog god, and the dog god is also one of the upper gods, is a famous powerful god. In the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, the dog monster occupies the position of the big leader of the monster, such as the big tengu, one of the three major monsters of the island country, with many dog monster characteristics. Island people appreciate the good qualities such as loyalty, bravery, and protection that come with dogs, so they push the status of dogs very high, which is different from Huaxia. However, because the book of Red Dog is a Chinese version of fan fiction, it is inevitable that the author Jun is good at advocating a little concept, I hope you can understand. _

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