Although Dorag rode the wind fast, it was too late by the time he saw the newspaper.

As the most egregious criminal in history, Bai Luo was indeed not sentenced to death, but was directly sent to the Deep Sea Prison Advance City, sentenced to life imprisonment, and the newspaper was also banned, no longer daring to discuss the matter of the god killer.

The world fell into a semblance of calm.

And in the advancing city.

Although the weak is not worth mentioning, the crime is too bad, so Bai Luo was directly locked in the bottom layer of the Deep Sea Great Prison, which is the sixth layer where many legendary pirates are held – Infinite Hell.

In prison, Bai Luo was locked up in a cell between two people.

“System, I can think that I have completed a task, right?”

“Confirmed, Draco Charros is dead, and the host gets a chance to draw a lottery.”

“Is that all? I’m the first kill, and besides, the newbie gift package always has to bring me something! “Bai Luo tried to bargain with the system.

“Given that the host is now in danger and has no ability to protect itself, the probability of winning high-level items is increased, and the probability of winning special items is increased.”

That is to say, this order must be shipped, or boutique!

Bai Luo rubbed his hands and directly chose the lottery.

The light curtain in front of him turned into a large turntable, and various powers were written on the turntable, which made people’s eyes hot.

The turntable spun rapidly, leaving no room for peeping at all, Bai Luo had to try his luck and randomly chose a time point and shouted: “Stop!” ”

A card jumped out of the turntable and took over the entire screen.

The purple-gold brilliance bloomed and looked mysterious.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special type of power: Red Lotus Karma Fire (D-Level).”

The sound of the system sounded at the right time, but Bai Luo did not feel anything to be happy about.

“Only D-grade?”

Bai Luo questioned, “Are you sure you’re not mistaken, this kind of thing is worth congratulating?” ”

He had learned from the system before, and the system rated skills and strength as D, C, B, A, S, SS…

D level is only slightly stronger than the level of ordinary lieutenants, ordinary colonels have C level strength, rear admirals in the navy are B grade, lieutenant generals are A grade, sea pirates of silver medalists such as Qiwu Hai are S rank, and the four emperors and three major generals have SS level.

It stands to reason that the lowest power of the god killer is also an S-level thing, how can he draw out a D-level garbage now.

“Don’t be impatient with the host, the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is a special type even in the ownership energy, and the degree of cherishing is incomparable, and it belongs to the level that can not be met… This is a rare ability to grow! ”

“Grownable powers?” Bai Luo wondered.

“Yes, the essence of the Red Lotus Karma Fire is the power of Hades and hell, its flame is the fire of hell, burning the sinful karma attached to the soul, using the sinful karma as nourishment, the more sinful karma is burned, the stronger this power will be.”

“You mean, the more criminals I burn with this power, the stronger this power will be?”

“Yes, in theory, there is no upper limit to this power, in addition, the Red Lotus Karma Fire can also connect to the door of the underworld and have its own underworld, and the specific ability needs to be explored by the host itself.”

“That’s pretty much it.” Bai Luo nodded, this wave is not a loss, the most in the advancing city where he is now is criminal.

“So does the host accept power now.”

“Yes.” Bai Luo nodded.

“The power injection begins…”

“It is detected that the host’s physical fitness is an ordinary human, and the physique transformation of the god killer is carried out by default.”

“Physique transformation is in progress…”

Just like in the anime God Killer, Bai Luo’s body can be fully stimulated, and the magic power above the dragon vein level is gradually poured into his body.

Under the transformation of the system, his muscles and flesh have become extremely strong, his bones are harder than the latest alloy, and the whole person is like being reborn.

“The physical transformation is complete, the spell power injection is successful, and the power is injected…”

“The transformation is complete!”

“Is this done?” Bai Luo only felt a warm force swimming inside his body, but he didn’t expect to be successfully transformed so quickly.

Clenching his fists, Bai Luo felt the powerful power in his hand, and he doubted that his current self might be able to break a half-meter-thick steel plate with his bare hands.

“System, list my current attributes.”


“Host: Bai Luo

Power: A

Agile: A

Durability: A

Mana: SS

Skill: Red Lotus Karma Fire D”

The physical fitness has risen sharply by several levels, Bai Luo feels that his original physical fitness may not even be as good as an ordinary person in the pirate world, maybe even E can not be evaluated, but now after the transformation, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, and he can already be compared with ordinary vice admirals.

Although there is still a big difference from the sea thief and the four emperors, Bai Luo is already very satisfied.

The god killer himself relies on power to eat, and his physical fitness is not particularly strong, and he should be systematically corrected if he can have such a level.

Otherwise, the kind of god killer who will shock the gods by carrying a stone pillar of tens of tons like the original book is afraid that his true physical quality is only B grade.

You must know that the physical strength of the pirate world is extremely strong, and there are countless existences with one punch, and top powerhouses like Karp are put in the god killer world, and they can even wrestle with Hercules.

The weakest God Killer also had the amount of spell power in his body above the Dragon Vein, so Bai Luo was not surprised by this SS-level magic power.

However, although this attribute looks powerful, it can only be regarded as a chicken rib in the pirate world without magic.

“The power has been received, and the physical fitness has become so much stronger, but the problem comes…”

Sitting in the dark and damp cell, Bai Luo shook the chains on his hands, unable to break free with all his strength.

“How can I escape, I don’t want to stay here for the rest of my life.”

Since the Golden Lion escaped from prison that year, the city has strengthened its defenses, even prisoners like Bai Luo, who were clearly just ordinary people before entering prison, wore a pair of shackles on their hands and feet, and the texture of sea lou stone, even the big sword hao could not cut off.

“Huh, want to escape?”

The prisoner sitting opposite Bai Luo couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Bai Luo’s words: “Don’t dream idiot, no one has ever been able to escape from this big prison!” ”

“Hahaha, is there another idiot who wants to escape from prison!”

“Which clown? Is Pizarro you? ”


“Shut up Bagu! You are the clown, your whole family is a clown! ”

There was noisy laughter one after another, as if someone had taken the opportunity to satirize him, and the prisoner named Pizarro in front of Bai Luo immediately scolded back mercilessly.

“It’s a pity that I’m alone in my family, otherwise Pizarro, how about you come to my family, you will be the best clown!”



The only enemy of the prisoners locked up in Infinite Hell is boredom, and the two of them scold each other like this, while the others are coaxing next to them, and it seems that they can argue for a long time.

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