“Is that the end of it?”

Lieutenant General Buley looked at the man in front of him with a confused look as he finished the deal with the five old stars, and was a little skeptical: “What about me?” Didn’t you say you wanted to save me, big guy? ”

“Doflamingo is going to die, what use is the secret you know?”

Bai Luo took out the night rain and completely ended Torrepol’s life at his feet, and then turned back to Lieutenant General Bli and said: “Everything has nothing to do with you, this is already the best situation.” ”

What robbery of heavenly gold, what Doflamingo is a Draco, these are still terrifying secrets that seem to be groundbreaking, and once Doflamingo dies, these secrets lose their original threat.

After all, there is no proof of death, no matter how bizarre the news is, it will not attract people’s interest.

“Whew, that’s good.”

Lieutenant General Bulley breathed a sigh of relief.


Bai Luo’s tone changed, and he looked at the vice admiral in front of him with a smile: “In the eyes of the five old stars, I’m afraid you have become our person, right?” ”

“Your people?!”

Lieutenant General Bulli was just about to exclaim, and immediately reacted, Doflamingo’s secret was indeed useless, but he knew clearly about the man in front of him and the five old stars to kill Draco, in the eyes of the five old stars, he probably defected to the enemy, and the object of his surrender was the tyrant bear.

“Don’t worry, after all, they didn’t read it wrong.”

Bai Luo took out the recording phone and shook it.

– “Please help me!” I’ll do anything! ”

– “Even if it’s when we’re undercover?” ”

– “Yes!” ”

Lieutenant General Bry’s words were played out of the mouth of the recording telephone worm, repeating them over and over again.

This is evidence of his betrayal of the Navy, and as long as he has this, he can only be subject to nothing.

“…… Finished. ”

Lieutenant General Blley covered his face sadly, completely extinguishing the idea of turning his face and not recognizing people.

Fang fled the wolf’s mouth, and when he encountered a fierce tiger, he felt that he had been completely planted by his mother.



Torrepol’s soul was sucked into the underworld space, and as a necromancer, he was completely unable to disobey Bai Luo, the lord of the underworld, and soon Bai Luo learned the specific location of Doflamingo’s ambush of the heavenly golden ship.

After a while, Pika’s soul was also inhaled into the underworld.

Tyrant Bear also returned to the auction half a minute later.

Looking at the frustrated Vice Admiral, and Monet, who was full of reverence and looked at him like a god, Tyrant Bear felt that he seemed to have missed something very important.

“Big Bear, regarding your becoming a Nanabukai, the plan has changed.”

Bai Luo saw him coming, and directly cut to the topic: “We need to go to fight Doflamingo now, after killing him, you can directly become His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas!” ”


The tyrant bear looked dazed, even if he admired Bai Luo no matter how much, he felt incredible.

If you defeat Doflamingo, you can become His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, and Mr. Bai Luo should not be able to interfere with the choice of the world government, right?

Seeing that the tyrant bear was a little puzzled, Bai Luo opened his mouth and explained: “Just now, due to an emergency, I talked with the five old stars on the phone, and I was sure that the intelligence was fine. ”

After talking to the five old stars on the phone, Bai Luo’s tone was as flat as seeing Lao Wang next door chatting a few words when he was shopping for vegetables.

The tyrant bear was shocked by Bai Luo’s forced frame, and was stunned and did not dare to speak.

Bai Luo turned his head and looked at Monet: “We have to leave for the time being, you are not very safe alone during this time…”

“Don’t worry, I will protect Miss Monet!”

Lieutenant General Bley quickly adjusted his form and began to curry favor.

“Your strength is too poor.”

Bai Luo waved his hand in disgust: “Besides, I still need you to do something, you organize the navy to pacify the people, and suppress all the troublemakers.” ”

Lieutenant General Buli took over the task and left directly to contact his subordinates.

“Mr. Bai! You don’t have to worry, I’m okay. ”

Monet pulled out a dagger at his waist, indicating that he could protect himself.

“In this world, girls can’t protect themselves with this kind of toy.”

Seeing that the girl was not proficient in swordsmanship, Bai Luo thought about it and took out the devil fruit that he had found on the red-footed Tetsuo ship before: “I still have a useful golden fruit, I can’t give it to you, try this!” ”

This devil fruit is snow-white all over and decorated with blue patterns, which looks good.

“Devil Fruit!”

Monet obviously also knew the value of the Devil Fruit, and suddenly shook his head sharply like a rattle, and said gratefully: “Thank you very much!” But no! This is too precious for me to ask for! ”

“But you still have a sister, right?”

Bai Luo threw the devil fruit forward, and the girl Monet hurriedly caught it, for fear of falling to the ground and breaking it: “Even for your sister, you must have the power to protect yourself.” ”

“Sister… Granulated sugar…”

At the mention of her sister, Monet’s hand holding the devil fruit became heavy, and the white words made her unable to refuse.

After more than ten seconds of silence, she finally made up her mind and bowed deeply to Bai Luo: “Mr. Bai Luo!” I will accept this devil fruit, but please also accept the little girl’s reward, I want to be your assistant!” Whether it’s a secretary or a maid, I want to be useful to you! ”

“There is no need to bind yourself with kindness.” Bai Luo waved his hand, he helped people all by interest, and did not want to repay: “I remember that what you yearn for most is freedom.” ”

The girl’s biggest dream is to escape this sinful city with her sister and gain freedom.

“I remember you saying that freedom is the right to choose!” Monet’s eyes were still firm: “You are my freedom of choice!” ”

“Although I am still clumsy now, I will work hard, and I will definitely become a useful person for you!”

Monet continued to say forcefully, her eyes burning with flames indicating that she chose to become the secretary of her own volition.

“Contradict me with my words?” Bai Luo chuckled, feeling a little amused by the words Monet secretly learned: “Since that’s the case, I’m not pretentious, and when I come back, you and your sister will come with me!” ”

He is not a pedantic person, and having an assistant is indeed much more convenient, so he agreed.

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