When Bai Luo arrived at the terminal of the uncertain thing, it was noon, and after several people made a total calculation, Bai Luo simply made a plan, and began to wait for the night to fall.

In the evening, Saab returned home after a long absence.

His father, Otluk III, glanced at him without emotion, and continued to read the newspaper without saying anything.

Saab noticed that his father was dressed neatly, wearing a pocket watch and crutches, and looked like he was going out for a grand banquet.

“Oh, Staley, your bow tie should be tied like this, this is the most popular tying method recently.”

His mother was dressing his adopted brother Staley, and finally chattered: “Remember Staley, you must show a good upbringing in front of Draco, even if you are not valued by Draco, maybe you can charm the princess of the Goya Kingdom, which is extremely beneficial to your future status.” ”

“Yes, I know my mother, I will definitely try to turn the princess into a daze!”

Staley replied pretending to be obedient.

No one noticed Saab, or they all deliberately ignored the man.

Although he didn’t want to have anything to do with this family, after all, he was his biological parents, and Sabo couldn’t help but ask, “Are you guys going to the banquet to welcome Draco?” ”

This is well known in the capital of the Goya Kingdom.

All the nobles, big and small, whether they were out or out, rushed to the interior of the kingdom to participate in this feast.

It can be said that all the nobles of the Goya Kingdom rushed to the center of the capital, looking forward to this tonight’s banquet.

Except for Saab.

Since he was replaced by Staley, his parents have not paid attention to him, even this large open-air banquet where they want to bring all their heirs to try their luck, his parents have no intention of letting him participate.

The lowly person who often hangs out in the garbage station may also be in danger of offending Draco, and he must not be brought to the banquet.

This is the consensus of the family now.

“It’s none of your business, Saab.” Otluk III glanced at him indifferently and admonished: “This is not something you should worry about, and you should not try to go to the party privately, it is not related to us that you like to play in the garbage, but don’t think about things that hinder our family.” ”

In words, he was actually excluded from the family.


Faced with such a situation, Saab did not feel a little in his heart, he had long understood that his so-called parents’ thoughts were just regarded as props to inherit and stabilize his noble status, without the slightest family affection.

But after all, there is a blessing of life, and Saab can’t just watch them die.

“Then offend!”

He pulled out a not short water pipe from behind him and jumped like an eagle falcon under the horrified gaze of Otluk III.

“Bang! Bang! ”

Two water pipes knocked their so-called parents unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Staley’s whole person panicked, his legs were soft, and he sat on the ground with his butt, looking at his “brother” in fear.

“Saab… Brother Sabo! What do you want?! Don’t kill me! ”

He tried to restrain Saab with brotherhood that did not exist.

“Hmph! I won’t kill you, neither of them either. ”

Saab had no good feelings for his “younger brother”, who was dedicated to studying, and waved his hand in disgust: “My purpose is just that I don’t want the two of them to go to the banquet, what do you want to do at will…”

Speaking of this, Saab hesitated for a moment, but still said: “But I advise you not to go to the so-called Draco welcome banquet.” ”

“Well, I see, I’ll be obedient brother!”

Staley is young, but his acting skills are good.

Immediately nodded, looking like a brother and a friend.

When Saab dragged his parents to the bedroom and locked them up, Staley took the opportunity to escape, jumped directly on the carriage, and urged the coachman to hurry up.

“Master Staley, where is Lord Outluke?” The coachman asked hesitantly.

“They’re sleeping, stop talking nonsense, let’s go! If you don’t have time to escape, I’ll throw you in jail!” Staley looked at the gate of the mansion with a look of horror, praying that Saab would not come out to chase him, while shouting threats to the coachman.

Under his threats and intimidation, the coachman immediately drove the carriage to the banquet site.

“Saab, that bastard, actually dared to attack those two people… If it were a normal time, I would definitely report it to His Majesty! ”

Staley let out a long sigh of relief and began to figure out how to take revenge on Saab in the carriage.

“But today’s Draco thing is the biggest, even if my two cheap parents die, the king will not necessarily send someone to check it, maybe he will think that I am adding chaos at a critical moment and lowering the impression of me, which is not good.”

Compared with the Draco, even though their family is also one of the top nobles in the Goya Kingdom, they are as small as dust.

After thinking about it, Stree finally decided to go to the banquet first.

“If I can be favored by the princess here, I will have the opportunity to become a prince, His Majesty the king has no children under his knees, maybe I can still become a king!”

Hungry for status and power, Staley went to the palace with anticipation.

Ambitious people like him are like carp crossing the river, and on this night, all the ambitious nobles of the Goya Kingdom gather here, like bloodthirsty hyenas chasing food, chasing the little power that emerges between the fingers of the Draco.

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