Two hours after the burning of the palace of King Goya, it was midnight, midnight in the morning.

The palace’s vestibule had been requisitioned by the navy as a temporary office, and in order to prevent people from taking advantage of the fire, one-third of the navy stationed in the port was deployed in various directions to maintain order in the capital.

Lieutenant General Tsuru, as the supreme commander at this time, was in command of the whole situation in the front hall of the palace, and the tyrant bear sat next to her and read.

“What? All the nobles of the Goya kingdom were destroyed? ”

Looking at the report in his hand, Lieutenant General Tsuru patted the table and stood up.

“According to the report of the palace’s servants, Tina judged that all the nobles of the Goya Kingdom attended this banquet.”

The female captain in charge of the search, “Black Threshold” Tina, said with a bitter face: “And Tina has already made people post lists everywhere, hoping that the surviving nobles can take on the responsibility of the lord of the kingdom… If there are really nobles, they should understand the meaning of this list, if any of them are still alive, they will definitely take the initiative to contact our Navy. ”

As long as nobles come over, they can get the full support of the navy and become the king of a country, such a condition should no one refuse.

However, until now, no nobles have appeared, indicating that perhaps the nobles of the Goya Kingdom have really perished!

“How did the palace servants judge that all the nobles participated?” Lieutenant General Tsuru asked, unwilling to give up.

“They were judged by the carriage, and according to their records, all the noble families sent people.” Captain Tina reported.

“Even if they all send people, there will always be one or two accidents that can’t come.”

Vice Admiral He thought for a while, and resolutely ordered: “Inform all navies, search the homes of all the nobles of the Goya Kingdom, and be sure to find the alive!” ”

“Soujia?” Tina wondered, “This will be very bad.” ”

Searching the homes of nobles was also a taboo for the navy.

“It’s all this time, don’t care about these rules!” Lieutenant General Tsuru waved his hand: “I am responsible for all problems, but be sure to find a nobleman, even a child.” ”

Compared to blocking the leisurely mouths of many kings, this style problem is not a matter at all.


Captain Tina took the order and began to search around with her female soldiers.



At the same time, inside the terminal of the uncertain thing outside the royal capital, little Saab was naked, carrying a thorn strip, and ran to Dorag and Bai Luo to plead guilty.

“Sorry! Mr. Bai Luo, I interfered with your plans! ”

Little Saab knelt guiltily.

He knew that Bai Luo wanted to make him a king and then change the country, but he did not expect that Bai Luo’s way to make him a king was to kill all the nobles and royal families, leaving him only a qualified person

He knew that his parents were also extremely evil nobles, and he had no feelings for his parents, but after all, he gave birth to himself, and Saab had no way to watch them die.

However, after seeing the notice posted by the navy outside, he realized that saving his parents would hinder Bai Luo’s plan so much.

As the only surviving great nobleman, the throne of the Kingdom of Goya must have belonged to his father, Otluk III.

But if his father’s aristocratic ideology were to rule the country, the country would be hopeless.

In a way, he destroyed the future of the people of the Goya kingdom.

“The revolutionary army is not an extreme religion, it will not force you to sacrifice your relatives, and I will not criticize your actions.”

Bai Luo shook his head and said that he didn’t care: “But then again, your parents are really not a good thing, our revolutionary army does not protect the word, criminal karma is criminal karma, not to mention that they have actually affected our cause before they blocked our path.” ”

“Mr. Bai Luo, is there only one way to do it to them?” Saab’s tone was sour.

His parents, in real terms, are scum, and he knows it.

“If a sinner commits a sin, he shall be punished.” Bai Luo showed no mercy at this point: “They have done so many wrong things, naturally they also have to be educated… However, punishment sometimes does not need to kill, for these lust-stricken people, losing power and being forgotten by the world may be more life-inferior to death. ”

“Yes!” Saab nodded gratefully, knowing that this was already a great favor.

As for the punishment that his parents would suffer worse than death?

Saab also felt inwardly that they deserved it.

“Then wait a minute!” Bai Luo looked at the bright moonlight, waiting for the person he had just contacted with the phone worm.



Four hours, four in the morning.

After carefully searching all the noble mansions one by one, Tina was finally pleasantly surprised to find that only one child of the Otluk family had gone to the banquet, and everyone else was still at home!

The Otluks were still sleeping at this time, and the servants did not dare to disturb the two because of the nobleman’s usual power.

So Tina only met their son Saab Jr.

After explaining the situation, little Saab immediately patted his chest and said that his family was willing to take on such a heavy responsibility, become the king of the kingdom of Goya, and govern the country well.

Pleasantly surprised, Tina immediately returned with the team to report the good news to Lieutenant General Tsuru.

After Tina leaves the Otluk family mansion, four figures emerge from the screen behind Saab.

Dorag, White Fall, Monet, and Sugar.

Receiving Bai Luo’s call, Monet used the fruit ability to fly over with small sugar overnight.

Looking at the sleepy little sugar, Bai Luo pinched her face: “Hurry up!” Little sugar, please do me a favor, I need your strength. ”

“Uh-huh… Lord Bai Luo… Need my power?! ”

Little Sugar, who was still sleepy, immediately sobered up when he heard this.

At a young age, she has always been treated like a child, and this is the first time she has been relied on, which makes her feel very accomplished.

Saab pointed to his parents, who were still sleeping, and bowed to the little sugar: “Please!” ”

As a son of man, he had reasons to protect his parents’ lives, but as a revolutionary army, he could not favor his evil parents.

The current situation is already the best option.

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