While Bai Luo was interpreting the text of history, on the deck of the Nine Snakes Pirate Ship at the port called rape flower, a little girl with blue hair and who looked to be a little over six years old was wearing a princess dress with an Alabastan style, running on the deck curiously.

“Princess Vivi! Don’t run around! ”

The maid behind her anxiously stopped the little girl’s reckless actions, and shouted in a low tone: “This is the ship of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, it is very dangerous!” ”

Neferuthali Vivi, is the name of this six-year-old girl, as the maid called, she is the princess of the kingdom of Alabastan, the pearl of the kings and princesses of this country.

“This is the legendary world’s first beautiful lady Emperor! Even my mother didn’t see what she looked like, I wanted to take a look! ”

The little girl is the age of curiosity, and she naturally has an unusual longing for the legendary world’s first beauty.

If you can’t touch it before, forget it, but now you can’t miss this opportunity if you can touch it.

“In addition to being a pirate, Lord Female Emperor is also a king! As long as I’m well-behaved, I’ll be fine! ”

The little girl’s worldview is shaped by her parents, and Vivi believes that the king is the leader who loves the people, and naturally has a close feeling for Hancock as the king.

“Lord Vivi!”

Seeing Her Royal Highness running fast, the maid hurriedly followed.

Although the little princess is just a child, her energy and vitality are extraordinary, and she can’t catch up for a while.

After going around the deck, as a child’s physical strength is not as good as that of an adult, Princess Vivi was almost caught by the maid, and at this critical moment, she saw an open door, and she went straight into it without thinking.

“Oh!” of a sound.

Princess Vivi’s head hit the cliff wall of Little Sugar’s chest directly.

“It hurts, it hurts…”

Rubbing his own airport, Little Sugar got up from the ground dissatisfied: “Who is it?” Such a reckless one! ”

“Sorry, I didn’t pay attention!”

Princess Vivi got up from the ground and immediately apologized.

“Hmm… Child? ”

Little Sugar saw the little girl in front of him who was only high on his chest, and found that he had never seen a face at all, and couldn’t help but be curious: “Who are you?” How did you get to this ship? ”

“My name is Vivi! It’s Alabastan’s – ah no, Tiragodan caught up! ”

Wei Wei looked at the little lady in front of her wearing a white dress dotted with green dots, just introduced herself, glanced back but found that the maid caught up, and pulled the young lady to pull her legs and run in a panic.

At first, it was Vivi who pulled Sugar to run, and then Little Sugar thought that Vivi was running too slowly, and directly pulled her around a few circles to avoid the maid’s tracking.

“Phew~Phew! Ha! I’m exhausted! ”

With Sugar’s physical fitness, even if she held Vivi she could shake off the maid, but due to her frequent laziness, her physical strength had not been excellent, and she couldn’t help but gasp when she stopped.

“If you want to run, run by yourself, pull me for what… Then again, who is that woman, who dares to be so rude. ”

After stopping to rest for a while, Sugar remembered that she was a guest who came with Lord Bai Luo, and her status in front of the Nine Snake Pirates was not low, and no one had ever dared to be so rude to her.

“Whew~hahaha! Sorry for rolling you in. That was Tira Gotan, my handmaiden, and she wasn’t a bad person, but I didn’t want to go back with her. ”

Princess Vivi, who was also tired, saw that she had gotten rid of the maid and let out a hearty laugh, “But young sister, you are so good!” It’s so fast! ”

“My name is Sugar, just call me Big Sister Sugar!” The young little sugar patted his flat chest, quite heroic.

“Big sister sugar!”

Vivi also liked this title full of heroic atmosphere, and immediately shouted happily.

“Hmm! You will also be my little brother in the future! Little brother number two! What will happen to my name in the future! Little Sugar was proud and dry.

“Huh? Little brother? Sounds so ugly…”

Vivi, who was still a child, heard this name, and her expression was a little resistant.

“Then the army commander?”

Little Sugar thought about it and felt that what Vivi said did make sense, I am the little brother number two of Sugar’s big sister – it is really not good to report such an identity, so I came up with another title.

“Not majestic at all.”

At the mention of the army commander, Vivi remembered the captain of their country’s kingdom guard, Ikalem, who did not look majestic and powerful at all.


Not expecting to be vetoed, Little Sugar pondered for a moment, thinking about naming.

To be commensurate with the titles of the three generals, the four emperors, the five old stars, and the seven martial arts, patting her head, Xiao Sugar remembered the bedtime story that Bai Luo had told her.

“Why don’t you call it Saint Ten! The ten strongest people under my Sugar Lord can obtain the title of Saint Ten! ”

“Holy Ten… Sounds pretty good. ”

Wei Wei nodded and accepted the title, and then asked, “Big sister Sugar, do we have ten people?” ”


Little Sugar said for a while, “Sooner or later, there will be, go, I’ll take you to see Little Brother No. 1, no, it should be BABY-5, the head of the Saint Ten powerhouses.” ”


Vivi immediately ignited when she heard this title, and the two walked hand in hand towards BABY-5’s room.

As for the purpose of coming to the ship in the first place, she has forgotten everything.

Looking around for Princess Vivi’s maid, she wanted to cry without tears, and where the pirate ship of the Nine Snakes could break in, she had to stay on the deck and wait for Princess Neferuthali Titi to come out before making a report.

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