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In the palace hall, a majestic and fat whale shark man with wind-like eyebrows and sideburns, sharp fangs on his mouth, and a very calm face sat in the palace hall.

“Jinping! Why are you here at this time? ”

Neptune entered the palace and greeted him warmly: “Boom! I’m looking for you! ”

“Mr. Jinping!”

Princess Otohime also greeted cordially.

As the guardian of Fishman Island, Jinping has the name of a hero in the entire Fishman Island, and as a king and princess, he naturally has a natural favor bonus for protectors like Jinping.

Not to mention Jinping’s bold and chivalrous style, which both Neptune and Otohime appreciated.

“Your Majesty Neptune and Princess Othime!”

Jinping bowed, and then looked at the two “eight ninety-three” seriously, and asked solemnly: “Although it is a little trespassing, I want to ask what the intentions of this person from the world government are.” ”

His younger brother saw the dispute at the Fishman Island censorship and reported it to Jinping, who immediately realized that the actions of the world government that Bai Luo had speculated were about to begin.

This operation not only targeted Fishman Island, but also his admired eldest brother Fisher Tiger, and he must not sit idly by.

“I was about to tell you about it!”

Neptune did not feel that Jinping was nosy at all, and he did not hide the slightest hint of this sea hero who really protected Fishman Island: “The five old stars specially invited us to Fishman Island to participate in the world conference this time, but they urged it more urgently, and we are considering whether we should go or not.” ”

Hearing the true intentions of the world government, I “clicked” in my heart.

This is completely consistent with Mr. Bai Luo’s speculation, the world government actually wants to make a move on Brother Fisher Tiger through Fishman Island!

“Don’t go!”

Jinping got up excitedly and said loudly: “This is a conspiracy of the world government!” ”

“Huh? The conspiracy of the world government? ”

Not expecting such a big reaction from Jinhei, both Neptune and Otohime froze.

“Your Majesty Neptune you don’t know something……%%… Brother Tiger joined the revolutionary army……… Now that the great encirclement and suppression have failed, it may affect the prestige of the world government, and the world government’s sudden invitation to Fishman Island is definitely not good! They want to use this to lure Brother Tiger into the bait! ”


Jinping explained the plan of the world government thoroughly.

“But, but how is it possible… The world government will not take the security of a country to save face, right? ”

Princess Otohime was still unbelievable.

“Besides, I am the king of a country, and the world government can’t make a move against me at the world conference, right?!”

Neptune also had a hard time accepting.

No matter how the world government is a stable regime, the world allies are the cornerstone of the world government, no matter how you say it, you will not make a move on a princess and king at the world conference, right?!

In that case, everyone is at risk, the king no longer trusts the world government, and the credibility of the world government will probably slip by half, no matter how stupid people should not be able to do such a thing, right?

“I don’t know what kind of calculations the world government is making.”

Jinping shook his head and said firmly: “But according to Mr. Bai Luo’s judgment, the world government must have bad intentions!” ”

“Mr. Bai Luo? That god killer fell in vain? ”

“The ideological mentor of the revolutionary army?”

Hearing the name in Jinping’s mouth, both Neptune and Otohime were very surprised.

They were not surprised that Jinping and Bai Luo were connected, after all, Tiger was a cadre in the revolutionary army, and there must be a communication channel between them.

“Yes, Mr. Bai Luo speculated a few days ago that the World Government would definitely go the wrong way in order to come up with merits that could be used to make mistakes! Will attack Fishman Island! ”

Seeing that Mr. Bai Luo’s speculation was so accurate, Jinping’s worship of Bai Luo was even more incomparable, and his tone was more unwavering.

“I expected this scene a few days ago?!” Princess Otohime was very surprised.

“It is said that this god killer has wisdom like surpassing the sage, and he really lives up to his name.” Neptune did not doubt that Jinping’s words would exaggerate the truth, but was only shocked by the wisdom revealed by the thought teacher…

“Your Majesty Neptune what do you think? This is obviously a trap! After sighing, Jinping asked.

“Hmm… Jinping, you do have a point, but-” Neptune nodded and turned his gaze to Otohime.

“But this opportunity is really rare, it is a turning point in the contradiction between the fish people and the human race, and we finally have the opportunity to meet with other kings and improve their attitude towards the fish people from top to bottom——”

Otohime thought about it but still insisted: “Even if there is a big conspiracy and no matter how big the difficulty, I don’t want to give up this opportunity.” ”

Even if she knew that this invitation was a conspiracy of the world government, in the face of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Princess Otohime, who had dreams of racial harmony, was still unwilling to give up.


After a long debate and persuasion, Jinping was unable to change the will of the two.

Even knowing that there was danger ahead, the two were still willing to take risks with their own lives, just to demand the opportunity for humans and fish people to live in peace.

“In that case, then I request that I be able to serve as the escort of the two in case of possible danger!”

Since he couldn’t convince the other party, Jinpei had to join, but as the escort of the two.

With his strength, ordinary assassination or strong people, it is difficult to hurt the king and princess through him, not to mention the great knight of the sea, Neptune his own strength is not weak, as long as the general level is 3.4 strong and does not shoot, there should be no problem to be careful.

“Then please!”

Seeing Jinpei compromise and offer to serve as a guard, Neptune and Otohime’s hearts are also relieved, and they are also quite worried about the conspiracy of the world government.

It is not unusual for pirates to serve as the king’s guard, such as the Eight Treasures Water Army of the Flower Country of the Western Sea, although it also has the name of pirates, but it is actually the king’s trusted guard.

In this way, Jinpei joined the escort of King Neptune and Princess Otohime, boarded the ship of the world government, and set off from the bottom of the sea 10,000 meters to Mary Joa, ready to participate in the world conference.

………… One hundred and fifty-two chapters can be read…………_

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