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When Bai Luo fought with the sword-wielding Five Old Star “Gandhi”, the other Five Old Stars were thinking about how to break the meteorite above the firmament.

“Damn, with such a violent wind pressure, I can’t get close to him at all!”

The five old stars with short blonde hair and short hair who looked quite like the president of the United States “Lincoln” frowned, he shook the cherry-colored long axe in his hand and said dissatisfied: “Otherwise, I can split them with one axe!” ”

When “Lincoln” was young, he was incognito, and he also broke out the reputation of the big axe of the cherry blossom god in the world, and it was not a problem to split the mountains and break the sea.

But in the face of meteorites in the sky, he made a difficulty.

That meteorite that exceeds the speed of sound several times is not accessible by moon steps at all.

The shock wave alone was able to sweep away most of the buildings on Mary Joa.

“The problem is that it is inaccessible, otherwise any random person can smash that meteorite.” The bald round-headed five old stars point the point.

The meteorite is only hundreds of meters in size, and any sea thief can easily split a ~ hill of this degree.

But the hill is static, but the meteorite is moving, and the speed is terrifying.

Just the shock wave caused by meteorites is enough to give people a headache, and it is even more difficult to get close to meteorites.

The long-haired and bearded Five Old Star looked at the bald and round-headed Five Old Star and asked, “‘Gorbaqiaofu’, how far away can your ability attack this meteorite?” ”

“Gorbaqiaofu” glanced at the firmament, which had darkened a little, and shook his head bitterly: “It’s impossible, my fruit ability can only disintegrate what I touch. ”

His ability is the fruit of the superhuman lineage, the fruit of disintegration.

Everything that his hands touched could be broken down into one part after another out of thin air.

Although it sounds a bit similar to Bucky’s Broken Fruit, compared to Bucky’s waste ability that can only turn itself into parts, the ability of “Golhachi Qiaofu” can act on the outside world, collapse mountains, and decompose the sea.

However, even if this fruit ability is awakened, there is no way to disintegrate all items out of thin air without contact.

Whether hands or feet, contact is a necessary condition for him to activate the fruit ability.

So the same problem as “Lincoln” arises.

With the might of the meteorite, he had no chance to approach it at all, let alone use the fruit ability.

“There is no time to continue the discussion, even if it costs our lives, we must prevent this meteorite from falling on Mary Joa!”

The five old stars with long hair and long beards were impassioned.

All Draco took refuge underground in Marijoa, and with the power of this meteorite, he was not surprised even if it pierced hundreds of meters of ground.

If they couldn’t stop the meteorite, the entire Mary Joa would be destroyed, and none of the Draco would be spared.

More importantly –

“You must not let this meteorite affect Lord Im!”

Even the invincible Lord Im is a human being, and as long as it is a human being, it is impossible to survive such a huge disaster.

For the safety of Lord Yimu’s life, they must not back down here!

Even at the cost of your life!

Hearing the declaration of the long-haired and long-bearded Five Old Stars, the other Five Old Stars had different expressions.


The blonde “Lincoln” suddenly remembered something, and he looked at his colleagues with a solemn face.

“You say, Lord Im, how is he domineering?”

“What about domineering?” The five old stars known as “Yukio” asked a little puzzled.

“That is, the ability to perceive…”

The expression on “Lincoln” was not good-looking.

“You said that such a big thing happened, most of the Martian buildings were destroyed, and even the Chambord Islands can see the meteorite overhead, you say that Lord Im may not have noticed?”


“Yukio” wanted to deny it, but he lowered his hand and said, “Impossible. ”

The materials used in the construction of the Draco’s actual highest position, the flowers they live in, are the world’s top materials, and even the Great Sword Hao is difficult to leave a trace on them.

The aftermath of the battle, or the noise of the noise, is blocked out by thick and soundproof building materials.

Between the flowers, you can’t feel the movement outside.

But now that such a big thing has happened, how could Lord Im not notice it in the slightest?

The only possibility is that Lord Im has learned of the current situation and is watching their actions with a domineering look.

However, he did not give any instructions to the five old stars.

Thinking of this, the five old stars began to tremble.

“Wouldn’t you?!”

“Yukio” swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but still felt dry: “Lord Im can’t be ready to use that thing, right?” ”

“Impossible! The power of that thing is no worse than this meteorite! ”

“Gorbaqiaofu” was also covered in cold sweat: “If it falls above Mary Joa, even we will not be able to live!” ”

“Do you think that in the eyes of that adult, our lives are of such great value?”

Hearing the naïve and childish words of “Gorehachifu”, “Lincoln” said faintly.

“It’s like… No. ”

“Gorbachi Qiaofu” had to admit this.

Compared to the threat of meteorites, their five old stars are just tools that can find substitutes at any time.

········ Ask for flowers…

At this time, the sky had darkened, and the huge meteorite blocked half of the sunlight.

At this time, the telephone worm on the chest of the five old stars rang at the same time.

“Bulu Bru Bru!”


The phone is connected.

“‘Gandhi’ was knocked down!”

In the first sentence, Im’s voice made “Gandhi”, who had already fallen, sweat cold.

“Lord Im, that god killer did not perceive the effect of my ability, if I face him next time, I still have the possibility of winning!”

“Gandhi” tried his best to defend.

“Shut up! Losing is losing! ”

Yim didn’t listen to the defeater’s explanation at all: “Steel bone empty, yellow ape, zero… They were all defeated, do you think you can defeat the enemy with your little ability? ”

“I watched all the pictures of his battle this time, and I have to admit that he is a monster among monsters, including the meteorite above his head, all of which are completely unexpected moves.”


Hearing that Im took the initiative to lift the meteorite above his head, “Lincoln” asked tentatively:

“Lord Im, what are your plans for this meteorite?”

“If we need to do it, we are willing to pay whatever the cost!” “Yukio” with long hair and long beard is faithful.

“Me too!”

“Gol Eight Qiaofu” is not far behind.

If the other personnel of the world government see the five old stars licking dogs like this, I am afraid they will think that they are dreaming!

And in the face of the flattery of several people, Yim was not interested at all.

“This matter is left to me, you guys retreat!”

His words were cold.

“It’s enough to retreat to about two hundred meters below the ground, and I’ll adjust my output.”

This means –

“Are you really going to use that?!”

The five old stars collectively lost their voices.


The phone worm was hung up at this time.

It seems that Lord Im does not accept any advice.


The five old stars present glanced at each other, did not have any extra words, pulled out their legs and ran out.

One of the five old stars went to “Gandhi” lying on the ground

Zefa pulled the two parts of the yellow ape who fell unconscious for unknown reasons, and carried the same unconscious steel bone on his back, and ran behind the five old stars.

Whose call did the five old stars receive just now?

Why would the five old stars at the peak of their power be respectful to others?

All the doubts were like balls of yarn, wrapped up in Zefa’s brain.

No one could give him an answer.

What Zefa didn’t notice was the chill and cold light that flashed under the eyes of the five old stars after hanging up the phone and realizing that there was a sober outsider in the field. _

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