Although the concept of establishing a political party was proposed, little has changed in the top echelons of the revolutionary army.

Before this proposal, the revolutionary army’s big and small affairs were originally run by Bai Luo, and after Bai Luo became the first leader of the revolutionary party, all work was still proceeding smoothly.

However, after clarifying the superiors and subordinates, the work of the revolutionary army has indeed been much smoother than before, and it is no longer just a grassroots group as before, but has also become an independent and sound political party in terms of structure.

After dealing with the affairs of the revolutionary army, it was already close to evening.

Tomorrow is the time for my own class schedule, it’s time to go back.

Thinking so, after Bai Luo handed over the empty island to Yixiao’s control, he rode away in the sun chariot.

However, the direction he was heading was not the direction of Nine Snake Island, but the opposite, flying towards the west, that is, the red earth continent separated between the East China Sea and the North Sea.

With the foot power of four flame horses, in just a few tens of minutes, Bai Luo came to this section of the Red Earth Continent.

Although the Red Earth Continent is a huge land that surrounds the entire planet, except for Mary Joa, the rest of the area is not inhabited, but a wild jungle.

Even standing above the clouds, Bai Luo could not see the end of this section of the Red Earth Continent.

The limit of his domineering appearance now is only more than ten kilometers, which can only cover the height of the Red Earth Continent, but it is far from covering its breadth.

Facing the vast and barbaric land, Bai Luo raised his hand.

The power of the [Silver Sword] was activated, and Bai Luo’s hand turned mysterious silver.

And then…… He caught the light!

In the face of this hundreds of kilometers of breadth of the Red Earth Continent, light with sword qi is not enough to tear it through, so Bai Luo did not use the original Ghost Cher, but chose to use light as a sword.

Under the call of the power of the [Eternal Sun God], the brilliance of the setting sun began to condense on Bai Luo’s hand.

The lightsaber is like a sunset, shimmering with magnificent colors, and the length is not boundless.

Under the erosion of the [Silver Sword], this lightsaber also began to be dyed with a mysterious silver luster, sharp and unstoppable.

“The enemy is invincible, and the slash is endless.”

With the chanting of the spirit of words, the power of power is completely activated, and a huge amount of magic power is injected into the lightsaber, bringing its sharp qualities to the extreme, and at this moment, Bai Luo has accumulated his power to the best time!

Plunge down!

Bai Luo urged the power with all his strength, and the lightsaber tore through the sky, splitting the sky in half.

Tearing the sky, tearing the storm, the lightsaber with no end in sight finally landed on the Red Earth Continent.


At first there was silence.

And then –

“Boom! Boom, boom——!!! ”

Stone shattered.

The mountains poured, the earth was torn, magma erupted from the volcano, the ocean currents and lakes were completely truncated, and the drastic geological changes that could not occur for thousands of years all descended on this section of the red earth continent at this moment.

The mountains are crumbling, the sky is about to fold, and the scene like the end of the world descends on this continent.

The entire continent was completely separated by this sword, and the world’s longest canyon with a length of hundreds of kilometers was born on this day.

The geological layer up to 10,000 meters thick is exposed to the air along with the fossils of animals in the geological layer.

Due to the rotation of the planet and the influence of ocean currents, the sea level of the East China Sea is higher than that of the North Sea.

Today, the two seas are identical, and the waters of the East China Sea are flowing into the North Sea like a tidal wave.


The giant tide formed a tsunami even forty or fifty meters high at the unfolding passage of the white fall.

The majestic tsunami beat the “line of sky” that was 100 meters wide, 10,000 meters high, and hundreds of kilometers long, which was cut open by the white fall, and the current constantly widened this channel.

From this day on, the East China Sea was connected to the North Sea, forming a stable shipping channel, which was constantly widened under the influence of currents and monsoons.

And with his own strength, one person and one sword changed the whiteness of the planet’s landform, but he did not have the consciousness to do anything big.


Thinking of irrelevant things, consuming half of his mana, Bai Luo, who was in slobbish, sat on the sun chariot and rushed towards the Nine Snake Island.



In the same night, in the cottage next to the orange grove in the village of Cocosia.

Former Navy Belmer sat on the table, looking at the pile of nautical charts presented by his eight-year-old daughter Nami, with a plethora of surprises.

“Did you draw this by Nami alone?”

“Hmm! Of course I drew it alone! Xiao Nami nodded proudly.

“It’s amazing, it’s even more standard than the nautical charts drawn by the Navy!” Bermel was pleasantly surprised: “Nami has the talent to be a navigator!” ”


Xiao Nami scratched her cheeks shyly, and then said: “The Gold Chamber of Commerce is now collecting maps of remote areas of the East China Sea for a fee, and these things that I spent several years drawing can sell at least a few million Baileys!” ”

“Millions of Baileys, Xiao Nami has learned to make money now!” Bermel touched Cortanami’s head to show encouragement.

Although there are many millions of Baileys, but at this time of the rapid development of the East China Sea, the assets of her, the owner of the orange orchard, are also quite a lot, compared to the embarrassment that the original hundreds of thousands of Baileys are difficult to take out, Belmel now has millions of liquidity alone.

“Hey, hey! I decided, Belmel, that when I grow up, I will be the best navigator in the world and draw nautical maps of the world! Encouraged by Nami, she spoke out about her ideals.

“A nautical map of the world…”

Hearing this, Belmer was a little worried: “Is it okay to only draw a navigation map of the East China Sea?” The rest of this world is too dangerous! ”

Hearing this, Nami pouted.

“I have already completed a small part of the navigation map of the remote areas of the East China Sea! The people of the Gold Chamber of Commerce have directly published the navigation maps of most of the prosperous places in the East China Sea, and I can get the rest of the places in a year or two, no difficulty! ”

“And as long as I join the Gold Chamber of Commerce when I grow up, I can rely on their escorts and fleets to draw navigation charts of other places, I heard that the Gold Chamber of Commerce is focusing on the trade between the Great Route and the East China Sea recently, we still have a chance!”

Growing up and joining the Gold Chamber of Commerce is the best way out for the people of the East China Sea today.

“But even then, sailing will always encounter danger, Nami, as a girl to go out, you must have the strength to protect yourself!”

Belmer was still not at ease: “I heard that there is a female warrior training school on Nine Snake Island, if you really want to go to sea, I think it is better for you to learn basic combat.” ”

“Don’t!” Nami decisively refused: “The guards of the Gold Chamber of Commerce are very strong, I heard that they have already captured all the pirates in the East China Sea!” I don’t need to learn any combat skills at all. ”

“Nope! That’s too dangerous! “Belmer is stubborn.

The mother and daughter argued a little, and in the end there was no result.

However, the next day, seeing the latest Tokai Daily officially produced by the Goya Kingdom, Xiao Nami immediately changed her mind.

“Aaaaaa!!!a Where did this come from, the number one big fool in Tianzi, ahh! ”

Little Nami couldn’t stop frantic looking at the headlines.

“Then all my nautical charts will have to be redrawn!”

Belmer glanced at the newspaper curiously.

“The Red Earth Continent was cut off, and the mysterious Great Sword Hao made a move, which was suspected of triggering the seismic zone by coincidence, causing the continental plate to split”

“The East China Sea and the North Sea are connected, and the Gold Chamber of Commerce speaks that this is a good opportunity for the development of the East China Sea”

“Heaven and earth have changed, the navigation chart of the entire East China Sea has changed suddenly, please all ships sail cautiously”

“Belmel, I have decided that next year I will join that Nine Snakes School, try to become stronger, and then beat up the big fool who messed up the entire East China Sea current!”

Nami cried and was angry: “My millions of Bailey’s prize aaaa ”

Due to the change of sea currents, the activities of the Gold Chamber of Commerce to collect nautical charts naturally stopped, and new nautical charts will be collected only after the current is stabilized.

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