Regardless of the pair of kendo sisters, the flower side.

With the power of the current Bai Luo, even if the two are careless, there are casualties between the battles, there is the [Lord of the Ocean Current] to heal the body, and Hades recycles the soul, even if it is death, the current Bai Luo can easily reverse it.

Not to mention the ability to go back in time to the sovereignty of the Moon.

In the box court with many races, it is not for nothing that the gods are called the strongest species that dominates the ages and concepts.

“BABY5, follow me, I’ll show you a big baby!”

After Gu Yina left, there were only two people on the training ground, Bai Luo and BABY5.

With the little BABY5, Bai Luo walked towards the back mountain of the Nine Snakes.

Or the position where Ain was trained just now.

Above the mountains, in the forest, there is a clearing, and the soil in the clearing is loose.

This is the trace that Ain left on the ground before in order to test his strength.

The lot with a radius of hundreds of meters is just right.

Pulling open the underworld space, Bai Luo directly pulled the ancient weapon Heavenly King out of it.

The hundreds of meters of satellite beam weapon Tianwang is simply like a small mountain, nothing in the weightless environment of space, after returning to normal gravity, it is extremely heavy.

However, under the power of Bai Luo’s S-level, the weight of the small mountain is not much, and it is easy to be manipulated by Bai Luo.

“This is a powerful weapon recently picked up from somewhere else, BABY5, can you simulate it?” Bai Luo pointed to the huge heavenly king in the clearing and asked BABY5.

“Such a big weapon?”

BABY5 looked at the behemoth in front of him in surprise, and then looked at his small body.

Even if it is a weapon fruit, there is no way to become so big, right?

And looking at the appearance of this thing, it is clearly a mechanical dragon!

But since Bai Luo asked for it, BABY5 nodded and said, “Then I’ll try!” ”

The fruit ability was activated, and under Bai Luo’s gaze, BABY5’s body gradually turned into a mechanical form.

Wings, dragon feet…

In the end, she became a person about the size of her own body –

Heavenly King figure.

“Where is this weapon!”

Bai Luo looked at the small figure in front of him, carefully distinguished, and found that there was no Yang electron cannon and other devices at all, it was simply a life-size model.

“BABY5, you change back first!” Bai Luo cried and laughed and called a halt.

Looking at the little maid who changed back to normal, Bai Luo felt that he still needed to explain the basic physics to her, and then analyze the structure of the heavenly king clearly.

The basic education of the pirate world is not passable, but BABY5 is much more knowledgeable than ordinary children, and under the white and simple science, she also has a concept of the weapon in front of her.

“Then come step by step, you first try part of the body to become this thing.”

Bai Luo pointed to the black crystal wings of the Heavenly Dragon and said.

The wings of the Heavenly Dragon occupy most of the surface area of the Heavenly King, far more than the space occupied by the energy center and the Yang Electron Cannon port.

Its essence is solar cells.

If it is the previous BABY5, it must not be possible to consider it as a weapon, let alone change it with weapon fruits.

However, under the popularization of science in vain, solar panels are called energy storage weapons, which are powerful weapons that can continue to energy.

Therefore, the layer of perception barrier in BABY5’s heart was completely shattered under the wholehearted trust in Bai Luo.

Looking at the weapon that Bai Luo was pointing to, BABY5 concentrated and used the fruit ability.

The ends of her jet-black hair, under the ability of the weapon fruit, directly turned into lines condensed by miniature sun panels.

If you don’t distinguish carefully, it’s really hard to tell that there are so many sun panels hidden above the ends of her hair.

“How does it feel?”

Bai Luo did not expect that BABY5 would simulate this black sun panel with hair, but the effect was good, and the concealment was first-class.

“Hmm~ Lord Bai Luo, I feel that my physical strength seems to be increasing little by little.”

After closing his eyes and feeling it for a while, BABY5 said in surprise.

“It’s like I’ll be able to store the added stamina in my hair and use it when I need it.”

In other words, this solar panel gives BABY5 an additional energy storage organ, as long as it is sunbathed, BABY5’s physical strength will continue to increase.

If nothing else, the storage of stamina is not only conducive to the continuation of the battle, but also bursts out all the physical strength at critical times, but also temporarily improves people’s physical fitness to disrupt the rhythm of the enemy in an outbreak.

“Nice ability.”

Bai Luo commented that although it cannot increase people’s strength step by step, it is a very effective ability in battles of the same level.

And, in addition to this –

“Panels that absorb solar energy…”

Bai Luo remembered something and raised his right hand.

A palm-sized miniature sun appears in the palm of the white fall.

Gently crushing this miniature sun with his hand, the unparalleled light and heat instantly burst out, but before he left his palm, he was pinched back by Bai Luo’s hand.

Abandoning useless explosions and flames, Bai Luo left a blazing white horse of light, thought about it, gave up most of the light, leaving only a slight beam of light, and then threw it on BABY5’s head.

“Hmm~ Lord Bai Luo, there are too many beams of light here.”

BABY5 showed an uncomfortable expression like eating.

Bai Luo immediately waved his hand and removed most of the brilliance.

“Whew~ is enough.”

BABY5’s expression became relaxed: “Lord Bai Luo, I feel that I am full of vitality there, and the vitality you gave me is enough, and I can’t add it anymore.” ”

Why does it sound so bad?

Ignoring this, Bai Luo nodded.

Sure enough, using the ability of the sun god to charge the sun panel is a very simple matter, and it can be easily sufficient.

In this way, it seems that there is a suitable additional care for BABY5.

That aside, the important thing is next.

“Sun panel this energy storage weapon, you simulated it very well, let’s try this Yang electron cannon again, that’s the point!”

Bai Luo took apart the Heavenly King again, revealing the various structures in it, and then explained the mechanical structure of the Yang Electronic Cannon to BABY5.

The knowledge required for weapon fruits is actually not harsh.

Just like the BABY5 that can transform into a firearm, it still does not understand the chemical formula of flame combustion, it only needs to understand the function of each structure, and then simulate the same structure and operate it.

The principle is not important.

Just know how to use it.

Even so, Bai Luo still spent more than an hour, giving BABY5 science popularization of the significance of deflecting the magnetic field for positive electron capture and other knowledge.

After more than an hour, BABY5 broke away from the dizzy science popularization and basically mastered the general structure of the Yang electron cannon.

“Lord Bai Luo, then I’ll give it a try!”

BABY5 said to Bai Luo in a firm tone.

If you can perfectly manipulate this weapon, you will definitely be able to become a useful person to Lord Shirakuraku!

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