Cut the kidneys!

That’s right, it’s to cut the kidney, Yu no Shiru did not hesitate, and directly cut off the kidney that caused him pain!

A bloody kidney, still dripping blood in Yu Zhi Xiru’s hands.

This cruel picture scared many people.

Marko is not surprised at all, a person like Yu no Hiru, who is extremely murderous, whether it is to the enemy or himself, will be cruel as always, and there is nothing to fuss about.


Yu no Hiru’s fierce gaze became red as blood, the killing intent on his body was boiling, and his back pain was to cut his kidneys, which not only brought him pain, but also a shame for him, a great shame, his pair of eyes red as blood, stared at Marko deadly, “I will cut off your human skin, let you enjoy it before you die, what is called… Suffering! ”



While Yu no Hiru spoke, the kidney in his hand was constantly dripping blood, boom, suddenly, Yu no Hiru pinched the kidney in his hand, “I’ll let you have a good aftertaste… The thrill of death…! ”

Before the words fell, the Demon Knife Gray Mountain Blood Blade in his hand turned around and slashed out at Marko!


A huge blood-colored crescent slash, terrifying slash!

That brilliant blood light instantly illuminated the entire street, the blood-colored crescent slashed straight at Marko, where it passed, the ground of the street was instantly cut open, a bottomless ravine continued to spread with the slash, the earth and rocks in the sky were lifted off, for a time, this island was like a blood-colored purgatory on earth!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Marko volleyed one hand in vain, five fingers into a fist, and instantly blasted out!


Blue flames rose from above his arm and spread to his fist, and in an instant, his fist turned into a behemoth, it turned out to be a flaming phoenix, gushing flames soared into the sky, the roaring sound, like a fire phoenix roaring, facing the huge blood-colored crescent slash, attacking and killing!


The blood light and the blue flame collided together, just like the blood-colored moonlight collided with the blue sun, and the terrifying explosion broke out instantly!

In the rumble, the entire island fell into a violent tremor, countless houses collapsed in this violent shaking, turned into ruins, the ground was constantly lifted off, and countless earth and rocks were annihilated in two majestic energy explosions!


In the terrifying and fierce collision, like a blue flame phoenix, it emitted a proud and lofty chirp, and an irresistible coercion erupted!

All this is a long story, but in fact, it only happened in a very short time.

That blood-colored giant crescent-like slash, at this moment, directly shattered, shattered into countless tiny blood rays, engulfed and annihilated by the blue flame, the huge flame fire phoenix with irreversible coercion, instantly boomed the rain of Xiliu!

Yu no Hiru’s face instantly became distorted, and he let out a long roar of anger, and the unwilling anger was roaring, like a rolling thunder!

“I will kill you! Kill kill kill kill !!! ”

In Yu no Hiru’s blood-colored eyes, only endless killing remained!

In the face of the flame phoenix that rushed to kill and all the Weiya, Yu Zhi Xiliu did not retreat half a step, he, without fear, will not have the slightest sense of fear, his whole person rushed to kill in the flames!

Regardless of life and death!


In an instant, the rushing Rain no Hiru successively cut out one after another terrifying blood-colored slashes, that huge blood-colored crescent slash, the moment formed, set off a blood-colored storm, blocks of formation were swept away, countless buildings were destroyed, blood rushed into the sky, and the flames and phoenixes flew away!

The whole island was shaken like never before!

The pirates watching the battle from afar panicked one by one!


The earth and rocks that were blown away were bombarded in all directions, and those pirates watching the battle were chaotic for a while!


There were pirates shouting in horror, frantically fleeing, dodging the raging earth and rocks!

“They… Do you want to destroy the entire island?!! ”

Even if they had retreated to a distant high ground to watch the battle, at this moment, a truly fierce battle broke out, and the fire of war also enveloped them and affected them!

For a time, everyone is at risk!


The pirate who wanted to be weak did not dodge a huge roaring stone during the battle, and was directly smashed off half of his body, and he didn’t even have time to scream, and he died completely!

The rest of the pirates around him turned blue with fright, shouted in horror, and fled in panic!

They paid a heavy price for watching the battle, at this moment, no one dared to stay on the island to watch the battle, and everyone fled madly!

This island… Faltering!


The flaming fire phoenix swept in a sweeping posture, shattering one bloody slash after another, that was like a stormy slash, all of them were destroyed and suppressed, until the last slash was destroyed, and the fire phoenix also dissipated!

At this point,

Marko and Yu no Hiru are already close!

The two jumped up at the same time and rushed towards each other!

For the terrifying firelight, violent vibration, and rolling earth and rocks around them, the two of them didn’t even look at it, at this moment, in their eyes, there was only one existence… That’s the enemy!!!


Yu no Hiru cut out the last sword, the demon knife with blood light flowing backwards, with terrifying lethality, the blood flashed, fell on Marko’s chest, stabbed, a large area of blood flew, and a deep white bone cut was instantly revealed!


Almost at the same time, Marco Blue Flame’s rolling fist slammed into Yu no Hiru’s face!

“Being headshot is also a taste of death… Please be in hell, slowly… Taste it! ”

“Rain… Hiliu! ”

Boom, the latter’s fierce and brutal face burst instantly, and the entire head exploded in response!


The Demon Dao Gray Mountain Blood Blade fell to the ground, eclipsed… Discoloration.


The moment Marko landed, a dark blue flame like a lotus appeared all over his body, just like a dark blue flame lotus blooming instantly, brilliant, gorgeous and dazzling, Marko himself was in the center of the huge flame lotus——


In the end, all the dark blue regenerative flames submerged into Marko’s body, and the severed half of his body, counted… Recovery as usual!

[I still didn’t make it before seven o’clock, I’m really ashamed.] Roar a roar of flowers evaluation ticket monthly pass!!! 】

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