Snag fell to the ground with a bang and died in bloodshed!

This is a striking gap from the arrogant domineering he just showed on the island.

For a while, it caused a burst of exclamations.

Many pirates who hid in the sea in the distance to watch the battle couldn’t help but exclaim.

The strong means displayed by Foil Bista have exceeded everyone’s understanding, and in their opinion, the two who fought first should be almost the same!

It was completely crushed and killed!

“Where did the people who questioned Marko’s healing ability before go?!”

At this time, some pirates stood up and asked questions.

Originally, many pirates suspected that Foil Bista’s injuries had not healed at all, and suspected that Marko’s regeneration inflammation was just healing the trauma!


At the moment, Foil Bista is showing strength, and the thunder method of Snag in the four stars of the dessert is like a loud slap, fiercely pumping on the faces of these people-

Tell them –

What an amazing effect Marko’s Regeneration Flame has!

“Miracles do not explain!”

Many pirates began to worship Marko, and even the gaze looking in the direction of the island where the battle took became fanatical.

“Almighty handsome Marko!”

“A shot is a miracle!”

“Killing Snag is just the beginning, Lord Marko will definitely make the big mom thief group come back!”

Gradually, 430 more and more pirates began to worship Marko, and turned into Marko’s fan brother and sister.

Of course, all this did not affect the tense atmosphere on the island in the slightest.

At the moment when Slug fell to the ground.

Another amazing long sword came in an instant.


Foil Bista only had time to cover his body with an armed color domineering, and then he was cut off by this long sword, and blood spurted out.

It’s another of the four stars of dessert, Charlotte Smoogie!


As soon as Marko raised his hand, a huge flame palm that was five or six meters long quickly grabbed the foil Bista who flew out upside down.

“Small injury.”

Foil Bista landed on the ground, glanced back at Marko gratefully, and said unconcerned about the bleeding wound on his body, “A little skin trauma.” ”

“I’ll do the rest. You go and stare at other pirates. ”

Marko gestured for Foil Bista to back off for the time being.

“Are you going to… One against two? ”

Foil Bista’s eyes widened, he… I feel that I can’t see through Marko more and more, with one enemy and two, is it a little too much to look down on the people of the Big Mom thief group?

These two in front of him are also two of the strongest combat power (BDEF) ‘Dessert Four Generals’ of the Four Emperors BIG Mom Thief Group!

That’s right

Foil Bista inexplicably thought of a question, now it should be ‘dessert three stars’,

That insolent Snag has already been slaughtered by him.

“Well, these two, just leave it to me.”

Marko nodded lightly.

“Then you be careful, I’ll go and solve a small fish and shrimp.”

Foil Bista no longer hesitated, he quickly retreated, he inside, Marko always said everything, and the words he said must be certain.

What’s more, he also knew that there were other hidden dangers around this island.

He might as well take the opportunity to get rid of all the dirty things hidden in the dark and annoying.

Of course, these annoying ‘little fish and shrimp’ are not small.

All of them were once famous in the New World.

It’s just that Uncle Foil Bista has come, and now he is learning to use Marko’s ‘understatement’.

“Foil Bista retreated, he was killed by Charlotte Smooge! Is Marko going to fight one against two?! ”

Some pirates exclaimed.

“It seems… Charlotte Smoogie’s strength is seriously underestimated! ”

Many pirates understood it and couldn’t help but exclaim.

Foil Bista defeated the insolent Charlotte Snag with a strong posture, and his strength was strong.

However, he who has the domineering and armed color domineering is injured by Charlotte Smoogie!

This shows from the side that Charlotte Smoogie is above Foil Bista, whether she is domineering or armed!

This made many people secretly frightened.

The combat power of this burly female killer of the long-legged tribe has been seriously underestimated by the world in the past!

“Charlotte Klee, a reward of 860 million berry. And Charlotte Smooge’s bounty is as high as 932 million berry! ”

“The combined reward amount of the two is as high as 1.792 billion Bailey!”

Many pirates were amazed.

These two people, after all, are the strongest combat power of the Four Emperors Big Mom Thief Group, even if they look at the entire new world, absolutely no one dares to underestimate them!

“The injured Bysta retreated, does Marko really intend to fight one against two?!”

“Can you beat it?”

Many pirates are questioning.

“I really want to fight one against two! Lord Marko is so domineering! ”


Those pirates who worshiped Marko lit up one by one, and their sense of worship continued to rise.

“One against two? You’re crazy. ”

The giant sword ‘pretzel in Charlotte Krijia’s hand was aimed at Marko, and his body was shrouded in biscuit armor, making his whole person look like a majestic general.

Superman is a biscuit fruit ability!


Charlotte Smoogie, who was holding a long sword and was four meters six meters tall, also did not hesitate to draw her sword and aim it at Marko, and she said grimly, “If you want a glass of juice before you die, I suggest you… Drink a cup of live juicing. ”

Superman is a fruit squeezing ability!

Her abilities… Ruthlessly juice the living!

“How can there be so much nonsense!”

Marko suddenly conjured up a blue flame beak knife (the whitebeard kind) in his hand, no longer talking any nonsense, and suddenly slashed out a knife domineeringly.

This knife cut out, the flames turned into a slash, domineering, and slashed over!

A crack appeared in the ground, spreading out like lightning.

The flame slashed and rushed straight towards the two on the opposite side.

Charlotte Klee and Charlotte Smoogie both shot almost at the same time, and the long sword and giant sword suddenly cut out!


A violent vibration came out, and the flame slash was cut off instantly, and for a while, the flames splashed and the flames gushed.

In the violent shock, Charlotte Klee and Charlotte Smoogie rushed towards Marko!


Marko screamed, his body rushed forward, and a pair of huge blue flame wings up to fifty meters long immediately appeared behind him, soaring up, and rushed over at an even faster speed, and the huge beak knife in his hand that was six or seven meters long suddenly cut out in front of the two who rushed to kill!

Charlotte Klee and Charlotte Smoogie, who rushed to kill, jumped at the same time and soared into the sky, and the two slashed towards Marko at the same time!


The sound of lightning tearing the heavenly dome apart, low and terrifying.

The moment the three forces fell together, a storm formed in an instant, rolling out upside down in all directions, and the white qi was like a long snake dancing!


Charlotte Klee’s face hidden in the cookie armor suddenly changed!


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