The residents of Fishman Island, although they did not have such a heavenly sword in their sight, they really felt that there was an imposing heavenly sword slowly cutting down there.

This sword fell, as spectacular as Pangu opening the sky!

It seems that under this indomitable sword, all obstacles that stand in the way will be severely cut off, and there is no second choice!


There were people who were standing strongly, and they couldn’t withstand the slowly falling Heavenly Sword Power, blood came out of their ears, noses, and mouths, and they fainted from serious injuries!

One, two, three… Heptad… Eight nine…

One after another, people who were holding on were spitting out blood and falling down!

These people are all pirates from the outside world who are preparing to enter the new world, and the aborigines of Fishman Island fainted as early as the moment the Heavenly Sword appeared!

In a sense, the natives of these Fishman Islands are lucky!

In the end, on the fishman island outside Dragon Palace City, there were only four or five sea thieves who also broke out on the great voyage, withstood the power of the Heavenly Sword without being injured and fainted, but even if they were as strong as them, they were not good under this sword power, one by one, their clothes were soaked with sweat, and they looked at the direction of Dragon Palace City with a shocked look!

What level of powerhouse is this?!!! Who the hell is where!

They wanted to get close to Dragon Palace City to find out, but their hands and feet did not listen to the command, how could they not take that step, they actually had fear in their hearts, and the instinct of creatures to avoid evil made them dare not approach there!

The entire Fishman Island, now to say that the most relaxed should be White Star, at the moment when the Heavenly Sword appeared, the three Neptune brothers fainted, Neptune also knelt down, Marko’s face also sank, had to mobilize his own strength to fight against this sword power, only White Star was still unharmed.

This is not to say that Bai Xing can’t feel that sword power, on the contrary, Bai Xing feels the sword power that is like heavenly power more clearly than anything else!

Under the sword power that seemed to be heavenly power, Bai Xing felt that he was like the firefly before the bright moon, but … For some reason, Bai Xing had an inexplicable feeling in her heart, even if this sword power was a hundred times stronger, she would not feel afraid!

What’s even more amazing is that in this terrifying sword power, she even felt a trace of intimacy, as if this sword power was born to protect her!

This is a very wonderful feeling, Bai Xing doesn’t know why she has such a feeling, but this feeling rises in her heart, which is very wonderful!

Bai Xing had a premonition that what could make this wonderful feeling rise in her heart should be inseparable from Nangong Zhenbai.

“Mahaku-sama… Will it be you? Bai Xing looked in the direction of the hard shell tower, his eyes were confused, and he muttered.

“Nangong Zhenbai, will it be you?! So this is your real strength?! It’s really hidden deep enough! While Marko resisted the sword power, his eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and his mind was thinking wildly.

Now that Fishman Island has such a great god, what kind of impact will it have on the world pattern, what kind of impact will it have on their new world, and after the emergence of this great god, what kind of attitude will the world government have on the handling of the problem of Aquaman, whether it is a full-scale war or a tactful peace, as if this has not happened today?

This is all what Marko, who is the second mastermind of the Whitebeard Pirates, needs to think about!


Fishman Island, which is a distance away from the hard-shell tower, can deeply appreciate the terrifying power of Nangong Zhenbai’s sword power, not to mention the yellow ape under Nangong Zhenbai’s attack!

When he saw Nangong Zhenbai cut down the sword, and the terrifying boundless sword power appeared, the yellow ape understood that he really kicked the iron plate today, kicked a very, very hard aluminum alloy iron plate!

I saw that with Nangong Zhenbai’s sword chopping down, the air was like a boiling boiling water, turbulent, roaring, surging and rolling, the terrifying sword power squeezed the space seemed to tremble, the yellow ape’s full corridor, seemingly unstoppable golden pillar of light under this sword, is even more fragile as white paper, constantly under Nangong Zhenbai’s sword, broken and broken!

In just the blink of an eye, the laser light pillar shot out by the yellow ape was crushed by Nangong Zhenbai’s sword momentum!

Nangong Zhenbai shot too quickly, if it weren’t for the magma formed by the destructive power in the yellow ape laser light pillar still on the ground, I am afraid that it would not prove that the laser light column had ever appeared!

Watching Nangong Zhenbai’s sword come towards him unabated after killing his own attack, a bitter smile appeared at the corner of the yellow ape’s mouth.

Regret! I can’t regret it!

If he had known that there were such strong people sitting on Fishman Island, the yellow ape would never have taken that order to find death! Even if he took it, the moment he met Nangong Zhenbai just now, he would not have a second choice except to escape! It won’t be as stupid as before, and he even tried to erase Nangong Zhenbai!

He really doesn’t know the height of the sky!

Now, he wanted to escape, but it was too late!

Under this sword, his qi machine had already been locked, and it was difficult for his feet to take a step, and he could only watch Nangong Zhenbai’s splendid sword that looked very slow but was actually so fast that it was indescribably fast that it gave people the illusion of falling lightly………

And then………


Heaven and earth, as if trembling!


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