The Pirate: The Black Duke

1011.Chapter 1011 The cruel truth

After hearing this, Reinhardt looked at Joey Boy on the opposite side incredulously.

"What are you kidding?"

He really couldn't believe this. How could such an absurd thing be true?

If it is true according to what Joey Boy said, then what he is experiencing now is not just dreaming?

Or in a dream?

Even if it's just a dream, will there be such a deep feeling?

so true……

"Don't believe it?"

"No wonder it's such a fantasy."

Having said that, Joey Boye continued to pause, and then continued, "This is why I ask you if you believe in reincarnation."

"Because it sounds like reincarnation."

"It keeps repeating, unable to see the end."

After pondering for a long time, Reinhardt looked up at him: "I don't understand, your true identity, why do you use the same abilities as mine?"

This is the most puzzled in his mind.

"Didn't I tell you before?"

"I am the same soul as you."

"We are one with each other. Although our souls are in different time and space, we are one person from beginning to end, no matter how many years have passed."

Joey Boy sighed softly.

"It's not complicated, but it sounds hard to believe."

"Because when you return to the earth, your soul will be transplanted into a special biological vessel, so you can survive, but also because of this, you will discover all the information in the depths of your soul, and the roots of all times Here it is."

"That is, the earth has searched the memory in your soul through you, and found out the coordinates of this world in the universe."

"The cosmic people nine hundred years ago were just the advance force of the earth people."

"Your soul will also follow the advance troops to the Pirate World, and then use Joey Boy's body to transform it into what I am now, and finally your soul is implanted into this body and becomes the current one. Joey Boy."

"That's who I am now."

"So, you are me, and I am you, do you understand?"

This passage is difficult to understand, but Reinhardt understands it.

In other words, after returning to the earth, the soul will be scanned by a high-tech product to finally confirm the coordinates of the Pirate World in the universe, and then the people on earth want to open up a new planet where humans can live.

Finally, an advance team was sent to this world.

"what is this?"

"Parallel world?"

But he still couldn't understand, "If everything you say can be established, then how do you distinguish between you and me?"

"The same soul, souls in different time and space, but chatting face to face in the same world?"

"There are two mes in this world...or rather, there are countless mes?"

Reinhardt murmured, maybe if this kind of soul really exists, only the parallel world can explain it clearly.

But what the parallel world is...No one can explain it.

Perhaps your behavior in the previous second and your behavior in the next second are two parallel worlds. Because the time dimensions of the two do not intersect, they do not perceive each other's existence.

If the time dimensions of the two interact on a certain day, just like Reinhardt and Joey Boy now, the time dimension and the space dimension are intertwined, and the two souls meet.

Different universes have different time and space, which is why Joyboy and Reinhardt can meet.

After hearing this, Joey Boy pondered for a long time, and then shook his head: "I can't understand either. Perhaps the only explanation can only be explained in terms of the universe itself being mysterious."

"Don't worry about it now."

He continued.

"I won't exist for long, because no matter what form the two souls meet, one of them won't exist for long."

"It is beyond imagination to be able to persist until now."

Joey Boye said something that shocked him again.

"Are you going to disappear?"

After Reinhardt finished speaking, he suddenly felt a strange change in his consciousness, as if a strange energy rushed toward the depths of his soul.

It's like the souls of the other party converge in their own consciousness.

"Do you feel it?"

"We are the same soul from the same time and space. Although you meet each other through this continuous reincarnation method, you are the subject after all. Once the two meet face to face, one of the souls will disappear."

"Maybe this is a certain rule of this universe."

After Joey Boye finished speaking, Reinhardt had completely believed what he said. There were various signs that it could not be false. Although absurd, it was extremely real.

"Let's not talk about these esoteric things, I just want to ask you, will the earth soon attack the Pirate World?"

Reinhardt asked.

"If you want to reach the Pirate World completely according to the earth's technology, it will take at least three to four hundred years."

The technology that can travel across the interstellar is definitely not something that the power of Pirate World can stop. Even if the power of Pirate World exists enough to overwhelm the sea, it cannot resist the power of technology at all.

"You came here to stop this?"

Reinhardt asked.

"It should be me."

What Joy Boye is doing now is what Reinhardt will do in the future.

Reinhardt was lost in thought again.

I traveled through the world of Pirates, experienced everything in the world of Pirates, and traveled back. The earth explored the real planet coordinates in its soul, and began to send advance troops to the world of Pirates, and then his soul was implanted in Joey Boy’s body , Waiting for 900 years, tell me who came through.

After that, I traveled back again and kept repeating all this?

what is this?

Endless reincarnation...

"Have you figured it out?"

Joey Boy suddenly said, "The source of everything is the first time you crossed."

"But the time and space you traveled for the first time can't go back, can you?"

"The two space-times we now exist are two space-times that are constantly reincarnating, just like an ant, constantly crawling around the same circle. There is no starting point and no end, only constant crawling forward."

"Not bad."

Joey Boye nodded and said.

"What should I do to end this?"

Joey Boye shook his head: "I don't know."

"Maybe you didn't cross through for the first time, but you were stabbed to death by a gun. There should be no such things happening."

Without Zhang Zhi crossing the Pirate World, the earth would naturally not know the true coordinates of this world, and there would be no advance troops coming to this world. Perhaps this world would be restored to its original state of order.

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