The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 109 The Undead

Everyone in the harbour felt the aura of these two collisions, so they saw the whole harbour begin to violent wind, and the ground vibrated slightly.

This is the Duke of Reinhardt of Polkalia?

Is he a lunatic?

Can a madman lead a civilian riot?Can a madman become famous in Beihai in a short time?Can a lunatic become the real leader of Polkalia?

Not far away, the nobles of the Maple Leaf Kingdom and the nobles of Wutan thought at the same time that they were surprised to see Dawn, who had the courage to challenge the lieutenant admiral and was one of the most prestigious lieutenants.

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!" The seaman in the distance yelled in panic, and suddenly saw Dawn fighting with the flying squirrel, as if he was going to shoot Dawn.

"Don't do it, let me discuss with this kid, this is a contest between swordsmen, all of you go back!"

An angry voice came from the field, and the flying squirrel turned his head and shouted to the seaman in the distance.

"Crane staff..." The sea soldier shouted at He, seeming to be seeking her advice, but He shook his head: "Don't worry about that guy, let him go."

With his proficient knowledge and domineering, Crane can feel from Dawn, that there is no killing intent in his sword.

But even if there is a murder intent, facing the lieutenant admiral is nothing.

Dawn also signaled Blatter to disperse, but suddenly felt an irresistible force piercing through his hands, causing the palms holding the blade to tremble violently, the palms of the tiger's mouth split immediately, and blood flowed along the hilt. On the blade.


Under this almost irresistible force, Dawn was knocked out in an instant, and she couldn't help vomiting a large amount of blood in her mouth. She fell to the ground more than 20 meters away, with a bang, and the ground was hit by his back. There was a crack.

Flying Squirrel couldn’t help but take another look. Although it was just a face-to-face, he was crushed by his own powerful force, but at the moment of contact with it, he clearly felt the violent power, as if it were a rushing ocean current, although It is still weak, but its growth potential is huge.

As a lieutenant general, the flying squirrel himself cultivates six styles, coupled with swordsmanship and domineering, is extremely powerful, even in the new world, he is not weak.

After the alternating blades touched and separated, the sparks of the impact were instantly extinguished. There was a huge gap in the ground around where the flying squirrel was standing, which shows how powerful his strength is.

With a long knife in his right hand, he looked into the distance in surprise. Dawn slammed into the ground with a bang, like a stone smashed from the sky.

A faint trembling came from the right palm of the flying squirrel. Although the opponent's powerful force was cancelled out, he finally felt a continuous force as if madly assaulting his fingers at the moment when the blades were separated. All tremble a little.

"Big Brother!" Blatter saw this scene and ran over quickly, seeming to be angrily about to fight.

"Blatt go away!" Dawn roared and got up from the ground with difficulty. In the unbelievable gazes of all the navy and the soldiers of the kingdom, he said loudly: "This is a battle between swordsmen. Don't interfere."

The lieutenant general is worthy of being a lieutenant general, much stronger than he thought. One face-to-face, perhaps the other party only used 50% of his strength to hurt himself like this, until now the blood in his chest is still overwhelming.

The flying squirrel now is far less powerful than ten years later, but even so, he still can't do anything in his hands.

Blatter suddenly stopped, he saw a very serious and serious expression on Dawn's face, knowing that no one could intervene in this battle.

At this moment, Blatter heard the impudent voice of the navy nearby.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"That's Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, what a powerful swordsman!"

"The civilians in the small place are ignorant, and they are not able to challenge Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel."

"Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters, it's not a joke."

"Let this little devil have a good knowledge and insights, it is really ignorant!"

The voices of the surrounding marines were very clear at dawn, as if they could feel the emotions of each of these soldiers only by hearing.

"Stop arguing!" Lieutenant Flying Squirrel turned his head and roared, and the Navy immediately stopped taunting.

"You vomited blood, then this battle will end here." The flying squirrel did not want to continue, and the navy coat with the word "justice" written behind him was hunted by the wind.

Dawn laughed indifferently: "It's just vomiting blood. For the swordsman, as long as the back is not injured, it is not worth mentioning."

"Young man!" The flying squirrel looked at him silently, showing a solemn expression, holding his vacant left hand on the handle of the knife. Seeing this scene, Dawn suddenly remembered that the flying squirrel was holding a two-handed knife. It is much larger and heavier than the average blade. He just held the knife with one hand just now.

"I only used 30% of my strength just now..." The flying squirrel took a step forward gently, as if entering a completely serious fighting posture, and the ground shook slightly.

At dawn, his pupils shrank slightly, did he just use 30% of his power just now?So how high is the chance of death this time?

Xiao Xiao couldn't help thinking that the clock dial and hands began to appear in his eyes, and began to rotate.

If you don't push yourself to the limit and desperate, you will not be able to experience the growth method of strength in a deeper experience.

"Now you still have a chance to take the initiative to end this battle."

"Young man, tell me...your choice!"

Hearing a low and indifferent voice running through the air, Xiao Xiao had a special depression in her heart.

"I choose to continue fighting!" Without hesitation, he roared at dawn, and instantly released the suppressed emotions in his heart.

"Okay, I will fight with you with all my strength." The flying squirrel inserted the knife held by both hands into the ground, snorted and spread all around, then he raised his head and looked at the dawn in the distance.

"Now, re-report your name, and no nameless ones will be killed under the flying squirrel sword."

"Beihai, Reinhardt!" Dawn replied in a deep voice, using all his strength in both hands to hold the hilt of Galo Chizun, and at the same time use the clock hand • healing acceleration ability to speed up his recovery.

"I'm--the undead!" Xiao Xiao looked at the flying squirrel on the opposite side, suddenly showing a weird smile.This made the flying squirrel suddenly stunned. This smile didn't seem like he would fail at all. Does he have any cards?

Both auras are constantly rising. The most obvious one is Lieutenant Admiral Flying Squirrel, who can't stand around him at all, and is blocked by a violent air current.

"I remembered!" The low roar pierced through the air, and the flying squirrel's feet suddenly stepped in the air. At dawn, it seemed to hear the low cannon sound. It was the shave in the Navy's six style, and it stepped on the ground for an instant. More than dozens of times, a strong reaction force is generated, and the explosive speed generated by the reaction force is used to move. Others can’t hear the pedaling sound. The five senses of dawn are far more than ordinary people. This violent and rapid pedaling sound, listen It's like booming artillery fire.

At that moment, the flying squirrel seemed to disappear from his eyes.

Flying squirrel is serious!

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