

After two heavy impacts came, Blatter was a little surprised when he buckled the huge axe.

Hitz's katana was blocked by a sudden Western sword.

That was Warrant Officer X Drake. He looked at Hitz in front of him and sneered: "It's two on two now. I'll be your opponent."

"Hey the navy, that guy is a repairer who ate the fruits of repair, and he can restore what he touched." Blatt yelled at Drake while resisting the chopping of the giant axe.

Drake nodded and fought with Hitz without hesitation.

On the other side, the navy that has just arrived has also been engaged in combat, including a navy lieutenant commander and twenty recruits who have just completed training.

"Roentgen, why don't we find a place to hide." A navy recruit said to the young man in a navy uniform, his eyes rolling around, a little panic from time to time.

Roentgen shook his head and chuckled softly: "Curty, we are the navy. There is no reason for a navy to run away when seeing a pirate in this world."

He would never run away, let alone run away in front of pirates.

After finishing speaking, he ignored Curtiss' trembling expression and ran directly into the pirates to fight.

At this time, Ulma was hiding in the naval base of the Kadan branch. After seeing this scene through the phone worm image, he laughed, as if watching a show, he asked his men to open a bottle of red wine and enjoy it while drinking.

At this time, all around the Reinhardt brewery in the city defense town, the shouts of killing drowned everything.

Iron Great Axe————!

Patton roared, swung the huge axe quickly, and then blasted towards Blatter, the axe blade pierced the air and let out a hissing cry.

Blatter now has no weapons in his hand. Facing this kind of rapid attack, it may be Patton’s great axe. He did not dare to pick it up with his bare hands, so he quickly dodged towards the rear, but the axe that blasted suddenly rotated. The axe's blade is facing down, but it twists half a circle, and sweeps with the back of the axe.

Such a rapid change made Blatter unable to dodge, and he had to stretch out his hands to gather the strength of his whole body to resist. Fortunately, this was the position of the thick back of the axe.


At the moment of contact, Blatter felt like a steel city wall was crushed over, his arms were in severe pain, and then he saw blood flowing from his palms.

"Idiot, labor and capital are the famous steel axeman in the North Sea, the big pirate who has a bounty of more than 20 million Baileys, you dare to take my most powerful trick empty-handed. Hahahaha, go to death!" Patton laughed wildly. After turning his hand to withdraw the axe, he adjusted his posture and slammed over.



Blatter began to gasp violently, his heart seemed to be rushed out by the shock, and he couldn't breathe, but Patton in front of him didn't give him any time to rest. The giant axe swung over again, with a broken heart. Empty neigh.


Blatter was too late to evade, was lifted up by the blast of air from the giant axe, and spit out blood on the ground.


The steel axe Barton laughed wildly, his eyes were full of sullenness, his huge body crossed the crowd, and walked in front of Blatter and roared: "Boy, you are going to die, now your boss can't save you."

"Dead?" Blatter struggled to stand up, looking at Patton who was too tall in front of him, so he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "Big brother once said it was true, but a reward of 50 million Jin’s pirate, even your captain is just a dog of the bereavement, not to mention your kind of rubbish with a bounty of only 20 million.

"Boy, you successfully angered labor and capital." Button roared angrily, rustling the giant axe in his hand."Next I will show you how your body is torn apart."

He blasted the dancing giant axe from Blatter's head, and the howling wind was extremely violent.

Blatter felt this momentum, and his expression began to become serious. This pirate named Steel Axe Barton was the most powerful opponent he had ever encountered. He needed a battle to recognize his true identity. strength.

Recalling that Dawn had brought him and Roentgen to practice physique for several years, Blatter gradually realized that although those cultivation methods were rare, they had an extraordinary effect on physique polishing.

It is precisely because of this that the inherently powerful power hidden in one's body can be stimulated, and it is precisely because those basic physical arts have not known how many times they have practiced, and they have formed body instincts long ago.

He breathed out slightly, and the blood surging in his chest seemed to calm down. He felt the sound of the wind whistling above his head, so he suddenly retreated sideways.

The timing is right!


The axe's blade hit the ground, causing a huge gap in the ground, which gradually increased in this continuous force.

But Blatter escaped the attack weirdly. Button was very surprised. At that moment, the speed of the guy in front of him seemed to be much faster. Although he could not figure this out, he did not give Blatter a chance to continue breathing. , Wielding a giant axe madly blasted up.

For ten seconds, Patton didn't know how many times he swung the great axe, but he didn't touch Blatter at all.

Blatter is like a boat swaying in the huge waves, constantly ups and downs, but every time he dodges his attack extremely thrillingly.

"Little devil, what do you keep avoiding? You have the ability to fight against labor and capital." Patton is not stupid. He knows that he can't hit Blatter so he uses words to stimulate him. If he doesn't kill him, Button can't hold on first.

Hearing Patton panting a little, Blatter looked at him with his head up, and then laughed: "Big guy, I give you this opportunity. You claim that you are powerful and unmatched. Then I will let you see and see today. It’s true power."

After speaking, Blatter bowed slightly, then straightened up instantly and took a step forward.

With a click, a crack appeared on the ground on which his right foot was standing. Patton's pupils shrank, and he had a bad premonition, but Blatter had clenched his right fist in front of him, and rushed towards him.

A sonic boom came from all directions, and Patton felt the greatest threat to his life, so he withdrew his giant axe and lay it across his chest.


When Blatt’s fist touched the surface of the axe, a burst of vibration was transmitted to the surface of the axe, and then the air flow roared, as if it turned into a violent wind and blew towards Patton.

Button felt a piercing force coming from the axe, and he exclaimed. The whole palm of his hand made a cracking sound of bones, and then this force was transmitted to the body, and was suddenly shaken out.


Barton's miserable howling resounded through Chengfang Town, and a large swath of blood flew out dozens of meters away.

"Idiot!" Blatter sneered on the ground, panting, "Fighting with me, not knowing whether to live or die."

"Barton!" Seeing this scene in the distance, Hitz exclaimed and was about to come to help, but was blocked by Drake's Western sword.

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