The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 136: Ancient Species of Animal

Could this guy be both a genius and an all-rounder, not only possesses domineering and domineering, but also has wild thinking in business, and also seems to be very good at playing with people's hearts and power. Now he still has research on science and technology.

"How did you know this technology?" Doflamingo looked at dawn deeply, with strong doubts in his eyes.

"It's gave me a huge inspiration." Xiao Xiao smiled."How about Brother Ming?"

Dawn looked at Doflamingo, as if waiting for his reply.

"The scientist is up to me to figure out the solution." Doflamingo nodded, still agreeing to cooperate as expected.

He has the advantage of being a Tianlong person, able to obtain this type of information, and what fascinates Dawn the most is that the scientists in the scientific force of the navy headquarters at that time were the people with the largest scientific research capabilities in the Pirate World. It couldn't be better to get one or two scientists to join.

"The specific form of cooperation, after we have found enough scientists, we will discuss further?" Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry. Finding scientists is the most critical step. Find a way to get the colleagues in the Begapunk scientific force. Is the key.

Given M. Caesar Courant's sinful act, I don't know if he has contact with Doflamingo.

However, it may not be possible to rely on Caesar alone. One is that he alone cannot complete this steam-powered technology. The other is the research direction of M. Caesar Courant, which is not a mechanical direction at all.

His research direction is far from that of machinery. Caesar should be a biologist and chemist, because his research on human giantization experiments and artificial devil fruits belong to the category of biology, and the research on weapons of mass destruction is Poison gas is a weapon in the chemical category.

"Hey hey hey... Of course it's okay. I'll look for the scientist first, and I will contact you if I find it."

"It is best to be a scientist in the field of mechanical equipment research. Of course, if you can get Begapunk, I can directly get you laser emission technology, hahahaha." Xiaoxiao laughed.

"Laser emission technology..." Doflamingo felt helpless when he heard another unfamiliar word coming from this guy's mouth: "What is laser emission technology?"

"There is no laser emission technology, it is just one of the shining fruit abilities of Admiral Polusalino."

Admiral Polusalino’s devil fruit is well known. Doflamingo has seen it naturally, so he was silent for a while before dawn and continued: "My sincerity should be felt, exchange you for a devil fruit. More than enough."

Diamanti looked at Doflamingo and saw that he seemed to have made a decision, so he frowned and said, "Dover, the Superman Devil Fruit in our auction house cannot be traded."

Doflamingo nodded: "The reputation of the Don Quixote family is more valuable than anything."

"That's the root."

Then he held his forehead and thought for a long time.

"The world has no free lunch, and no free dinner." Xiaoxiao looked at Doflamingo and smiled. It seems that the superhuman devil fruit that the underground auction house is about to auction can't get it, but it doesn't matter, that one. He can also guess that the Devil Fruit is destined to not belong to him, but it will not be successfully auctioned.

"Our transactions must be established on an equal basis, and each one needs to get what we need in order to win-win."

Doflamingo nodded, and then whispered towards Diamanti who was aside: "Take out the animal devil fruit that is going to be given to Kaido."

Diamanti faintly stunned: "Dover, you have to think about it clearly, is that an extremely rare ancient species?"

"What he wants is the ancient species. Do you think Reinhardt exchanges steam power technology for ordinary devil fruits?" Doflamingo glanced at him.

"Then how can Kaido explain?" Diamanti is a little worried. He has not personally experienced how powerful Kaido is, but the name of the four emperors is not a mere false name. It is not easy to annoy the monster. Get away.

Sure enough, it was Kaido of the beasts.

Xiao Xiao thought to himself that in the original work, Doflamingo could catch Kaido's line and cooperate with him to develop artificial devil fruits. It should rely on the ancient devil fruits of a certain animal family as a bridge, otherwise Kaido's character may not be able to beat him.

Doflamingo pondered for a long time without speaking, obviously he was also very hesitant in his heart, because in the new world, not everyone has the opportunity to contact the Four Emperors, especially Kaido the beast.

"The ultimate goal of your cooperation with Kaido is nothing more than to gain powerful strength and benefits, and to be protected by them, and there will be opportunities in the future."

"If I have an ally, it will be an incalculable help for you in the future, although I am still very weak."

Dawn looked at Doflamingo with some hesitation and said, after saying this, Doflamingo turned his head and glanced at Dawn.

Torrepol sat aside, and seemed to be waiting for Doflamingo's decision. At least he understood how much Doflamingo attached great importance to the opportunity to have contact with Kaido.

After a while, finally there is a final answer.

"Kaido will slow down for a while." Doflamingo said. The contact with Kaido was just a unilateral act of his own side. It is uncertain whether it will succeed or not. If, as he said, steam power technology can be developed, it will be unimaginable for the benefits obtained in the future.

And even though he had contact with Kaido by phone worms, so far it was still only a unilateral contact on his own side. At most, delaying the contact time would not affect the possibility of cooperation with Kaido in the future.

Dawn is willing to put forward the ideas and operating principles of this steam power technology. Naturally, he has great selfishness. This technology may already be available in Pirate World, but it cannot be finalized at present. If you can't realize steam by simply thinking of ways Power technology is basically impossible to accomplish, because he can't get the talents of scientists.

So tell Doflamingo this idea and principle, he will definitely be interested, Doflamingo has a special identity, and he knows the secrets of the Tianlongren, the original work threatens the five old stars, so if he is interested , Then this matter will have the possibility of moving forward.

Of course, knowing is easy and difficult. The difficulty of this matter lies in two aspects. One is how to obtain scientists who have in-depth research on machinery, and the other is whether you can use the design ideas and operating principles on the simple drawings provided by yourself. Come see steam power technology.

This is the key.

After getting a clear answer, dawn smiled cheerfully, so he took the hero white in his hand and took a sip, and then raised his glass to Doflamingo: "Happy cooperation!"

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