
There was a violent impact.

Gordon's palm hit the golden sand, making a slight shock, but the golden sand was not thick, it was directly penetrated by his palm.

On the one hand, it is because Tezolo has not obtained the golden fruit ability for a long time, and the control of the golden fruit ability is not particularly strong. On the other hand, because the gold metal is very scarce, besides the golden short sword he brought, only Gordon's golden protective gear was detached.

Tezolo was slightly surprised, feeling the harsh wind coming through.

After Gordon's golden protective gear fell off, although the strength was not too strong, under the inertia brought about by high-speed movement, the impact force was still not something Tezolo could bear.

A dull sound vibrated, Tezolo was hit hard on the chest, the bones on his body cracked with a crack, and then flew out under the impact of the force.

A heart-wrenching pain came from Tezolo's chest, looking at Brad Gordon incredulously. Isn't that guy transforming?Why...

"Do you think that transforming people is simply transforming the physical form..." Brad Gordon seemed to see the doubt in Tezolo's eyes, so he walked over and sneered: "Labor and capital are not just transforming people, but A higher-order existence that allows humans and machines to switch freely at any time."

There is only one country in Beihai that can transform the human body and make various metal armor organizations.

It is a well-known existence, and no one in Beihai is not afraid of existence.

With the Golden Pirates, how could it be possible to modify the human body, let alone the gold metal armor and the various weapons modified by Karl, the most important thing is the rocket ejector behind it, which are all powerful Technology.

The wound on Tezolo's arm opened, and the blood began to tick down.

He held his arm and began to gasp violently, shaking his body a few times and finally did not fall down, then looked at Brad Gordon who came by.

Because of the fall of the golden protective gear and armor on his body, Gordon looks a size smaller than before, but he still has a height of close to three meters, and his limbs are full of soaring veins. This shows that his own The strength is also very strong.

"Stupid guy." Gordon sneered and rushed over immediately.

Seeing this scene, Tezolo immediately tensed his nerves, plunged his hands into the air and suddenly rolled, and then repeated the old technique, guiding the changing golden sands to condense in the air, and then pointed at Gordon and waved his arms. .

Golden bondage!


A faint sound of friction came from behind Gordon, and a rope made of gold jumped up and bound towards Gordon.

He naturally knew the power of Tezolo's fruit, so he had been paying attention to the changes in his surroundings. When the rustling sound came from behind, Gordon felt it.

Jinsha twisted slightly and transformed into a golden rope, like a golden snake shuttled in the air, and instantly got behind Gordon.


But the next second, the bondage of the golden rope suddenly fell through, and Tezolo was taken aback.

Gordon dodges with unparalleled speed, and the range of movement is very large, it is difficult to capture the opponent's trajectory, but Tezolo has not been discouraged, has been concentrating on manipulating the golden rope, chasing high-speed movement Brad Gordon.

On the other side, Dawn alone blocked the four captains of the Golden Pirates group and hundreds of pirates swarming in, and had to pay attention to the sneak attack by the machine gun Karl in the sky.

Karl is up to four meters tall. After the organ fire is activated, his body is full of weapons, including artillery, musket, ice gun, water gun and other weapons, as well as cold weapons such as knives and guns. There are three muzzles on the front, which are located on Karl's chest and shoulders. on.

The rocket propelling device behind Carl has been pushing continuously. It has been lifted into the air for nearly a minute, and the energy has not been exhausted. More than that, he does not seem to be in a hurry, because from the scene, all of this has been completely controlled by his side. Up.

At this time, Carl flew low and suddenly saw the dawn fighting with the pirates. A huge flaw was exposed behind him, so he was delighted, and the rocket ejector behind him suddenly accelerated its ejection and rushed directly with a long exhaust gas.

Click! Click!

Carl, who was flying quickly, suddenly ejected two half-meter-long steel knives from the robotic arm. Watching the dawn standing with the pirates, Carl couldn't help showing a cruel smile, the steel knives gleaming with cold light. Crossed over.

But suddenly, a dark blade slammed into it strangely, as if it had eyes on the back, it slammed into Carl's crossed steel knife accurately.


Sparks exploded, air waves spread, and the pirates around were knocked back a few steps by the impact momentum.

Carl was slightly shocked, but the mortal blow was resisted by an understatement. He saw that the extremely dark blade showed a chilling glow under the reflection of the light. The black dragon pattern that was portrayed seemed to be lifelike. To break free from the surface of the blade.

After he was surprised, his heart was slightly cold, so he heard an extremely indifferent voice.

"Idiot, I want to sneak attack on the back of a swordsman." Xiao Xiao turned slightly and looked at him with a cold look.

Carl panicked and saw that the cold eyes of Frost were scared, and they were as deep as the abyss... he subconsciously thought, but this fear was immediately suppressed by his nature, and he laughed arrogantly: "A swordsman who can't cut iron is qualified to be called a swordsman?"

When Karl had just finished speaking, he looked up and was even more shocked.

The blade engraved with the black dragon pattern took advantage of the trend, and a beam of light reflected from the jet-black blade stinged his eyes, and then the pain in his eyes was distracted, and the blade pointed directly at his head. Cut it.

Except for the head and heart, other parts of Carl's body are made of steel, and the heart is also wrapped in steel. It cannot be broken and can only be cut towards the head.

Hearing the sound of the piercing sword wind, the wound on Karl's ear hurts more, so he panicked. He has never been forced into such a desperate situation in Beihai, especially the strange guy on the opposite side. He looks ordinary and has good sword skills. Plain and plain, but every blow is extremely deadly.

Especially his fruit ability, unexpectedly can condense into a light blue beam.

In a flash, Carl smoothed the panic in his heart and pressed it toward a button on his body. A black helmet ejected from his shoulder, directly wrapping his entire head.

This is also an agency?

Dawn noticed this scene and knew it clearly, so he flicked his wrist and changed the way he swung the blade from the blade to the back of the blade, and the right hand holding the blade pressed fiercely, and the arm sent explosive power.

Carl saw the explosion of the veins on his right arm. His pupils shrank and felt the greatest crisis in his life. He didn't dare to use his body to resist, so he immediately fled from this imposing range.


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