The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 160 160. The Mafia

"I'll give you a piece of advice... don't let your brother come back, otherwise here..." Xiaoxiao paused, and then pointed to the ground: "No one would hope that Lord King will show up a brother out of thin air, especially the ministers of the kingdom. ."

This is not only advice, but also a kind reminder.

In the palace, it is conceivable how complicated the thoughts of the ministers and nobles are. Even if dawn has no thoughts about the "brother" who came out of thin air, the ministers below are not allowed to undercurrent. At that time, his life was lost in vain.

After hearing these words, Fiona was shocked. The struggle in the court was going on all the time. She had already experienced it in the past ten years.

"Are you threatening me?"

She knew the dangers, but she had to do it, because she had taken this matter as a mission over the years.

Xiaoxiao sneered: "I never threaten others. If I don't like it, I just kill it."

"You..." She froze as she watched dawn, but she knew in her heart that his advice was correct.Then he looked at him again and said:

"You promised me!"

Fiona's chest rises and falls, the delicate face is cloudy and sunny, and the blue eyes seem to be able to spray flames at any time, but the anger that has been brewing for a long time can never come out.

Xiao Xiao kept staring at her, and suddenly laughed: "Every time you are angry, you look more beautiful than cold."

That kind of crescent eyebrows, with huge anger in the eyes, is a living woman, lively, not indifferent like a stone.

"You bastard!" Fiona snorted.

"You can rest when you are tired, and you can be your king in the future. I will take care of the affairs of the kingdom." Xiao Xiao smiled and shook his head, and then stood up from the chair.

Fiona didn't answer, but stared at him blankly.

"I have something to deal with. Tell Fiona not to let myself fall into the memory of the past."

Dawn took the blade by the table, turned and left the mansion.

After leaving the royal city, Dawn walked straight to the black street. When he came to the black street, Anubi was already waiting.

Seeing dawn appeared, Anubi directly greeted him: "Boss, Abao from Merlin has arrived."

Dawn nodded: "Wait for the boss of Merlin to come to negotiate with us, you bring more people around the black street."

After all, it was the first time to meet, and the other party was the biggest boss of the three major gangsters in the North Sea. He had to take precautions early. After talking about this, he walked towards the black street alone at dawn. The phone worm dialed.

The black street is still as sensual as ever, a mixture of dragons and snakes, full of erotic drug trades everywhere, gangsters wandering around with weapons, and from time to time we can see several young people in the dim corners doing some kind of illegal trade.

The black street full of drugs, gambling, pornography, and hacking is the darkest area on Katan Island. Many poor people will come here, hoping to get a chance to climb up one day.

To be prosperous, famous, and superior, the best way for the poor is to find opportunities in the dark streets to join Mai Lin and become a glorious member of Mai Lin.

Their biggest dream is to join the gang, not only to make a living, but also to obtain an extraordinary social status. In the dark streets, these young gangsters, although not influx, but with ambitions, are mostly refugees, civilians or fugitives. .

A man in a black coat in front brought a group of gangsters over and looked at the young man who was close to two meters in height. Dawn had some impressions in his mind.

The black-clothed man discarded the cigarette in his hand, then waved to one side, and the gangsters behind him dispersed.

"Mr. Reinhardt, please here."

Dawn nodded, looked at some black-clothed men in front of him, smiled and said, "Thank you."

He took Dawn into the depths. There was no communication between the two on the road. Shortly before Dawn, did Dawn talk to the man in black next to him, "Your name is Ghaith?"

The man in black nodded respectfully: "I didn't expect Mr. Reinhardt to remember me."

There are not many people who can be remembered by the Duke of the Kingdom Reinhardt, especially a small person like him, which makes Ghaith feel flattered.

"Heijie is too small after all."

Under Ghaith's somewhat surprised gaze, Xiao Xiao continued to smile and said, "You should belong to the larger stage."

"You are a wise man, you should understand what I said."

Dawn patted Ghaith on the shoulder, and did not make the words too obvious. Seeing A Bao appeared in front, he walked quickly over and said with a smile, "Brother A Bao hasn't seen him in a long time."

A Bao snorted: "Once our boss returns, you have to come up with a sincere plan."

Dawn laughed, not paying attention to the anger in his words.

The two entered the private room. After chatting for a while, A Bao's phone worm rang, so A Bao hurriedly left.

Knowing at dawn, Mai Lin's boss is coming.

After a while, the door to the room was opened, and standing in the front was a middle-aged man who was three meters tall, who appeared to be at least forty years old.

He is dressed in a mafia outfit, dark gray suit, black top hat, dark leather shoes, big sunglasses on his face, and a big brown cigar in his mouth, burning.

This person should be the boss of Mai Lin.

Behind the BOSS of Mailin stood several men who also wore black suits and a dozen men in suits and leather shoes. Everyone was extremely fierce on their faces. It seems that those people should be of the same status as Ah Bao. "Mouth" class eldest brother.

At least from the perspective of aura, the boss of Mai Lin still possesses sufficient deterrence and is in contact with Dawn's eyes at the same time.

Mai Lin's BOSS should be a master.This is the subconscious thought in my heart after Dawn saw the other party.

After seeing dawn, Merlin’s BOSS was also very surprised. He had heard of Reinhardt’s name, especially recently, this name has become more and more prosperous, and he can win a country from nothing and establish his own family power. , Should be an extraordinary man.

After seeing the dawn, Merlin’s BOSS immediately confirmed his previous thoughts. Although Reinhardt could not see anything in front of him, he noticed a detail. Reinhardt’s left hand was always on his waist. On the handle of the knife, never leave.

Also, at the moment of contact, the strange light in the depths of that guy's eyes was like a deep blue, like a shining blue starry sky.

"Your Excellency is Reinhardt?" Mai Lin's BOSS spoke first.

Dawn walked over and smiled: "I am Reinhardt, and your Excellency is the boss of Merlin?"

"Elon Kowa!"

Sure enough, it was the gang's style of doing things. The pomp must be sufficient. The "Tangkou" elder brothers behind him all stepped back at the signal of Elonkova, leaving only Abao.

Two people are seated.

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