The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 166 166. Must kill order (one more) for subscription, monthly pass

Dawn was standing in place panting, just using a set of coherent hitting movements, it was so exhausting, and he was soaked in sweat before he knew it.

After a while, Dawn felt that his physical strength was completely exhausted, so he lay on the sand and began to rest. For about half an hour, he gradually felt that his physical strength had recovered a lot, so he turned and walked to the stone, took the saber, and started Practice basic swordsmanship.

The foundation of his swordsmanship comes from the body movements that the original owner of this body has practiced countless times, and the sword moves and slashes in swordsmanship are all derived from his understanding, so although he does not practice much in swordsmanship skills , But swordsmanship has not been weak for a long time, coupled with the extraordinary talent of swordsmanship of this body, it is possible to make such a rapid progress in swordsmanship in a short time, so even if you do not understand the skill of cutting iron, you can still succeed. Hit the slash.

Dawn took the knife out and began to concentrate on practicing.

The blade was constantly swung, and the stabbing and chopping movements were very smooth, so he tried to practice Iai slash again. Time came to night without knowing it. In the process of continuous practice, he occasionally tried to use the fruit ability in swordsmanship. , And achieved good results.

I used the sword moves I once understood step by step, and applied the daylight ability developed by the clock fruit to swordsmanship. After sorting out the sword moves at the swordsmanship level, it was already dawn.

Seeing that the sun had risen, Dawn re-suspended the knife on his waist and was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly the phone bug in his chest rang out.

"Hey..." A clear and pleasant female voice came from the phone worm, and the familiar voice seemed cold, with a natural charm.

Dawn was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled slightly: "Chitila?"

He can naturally remember the very contrasting charm of this woman's voice, the fragrance of the refreshing short hair, which is different from other women.

"Hmph, you guy remembers me." Chitila said angrily, but there was still unconcealable joy in her tone.

With a laugh at dawn, the woman is really troublesome: "I can't forget, I can't forget, what can I do?"

"You said you came to visit our editor-in-chief, but you haven't seen anyone for such a long time..." Chitila complained slightly, and there was a bit of sorrowful tone in the complaint.

I just remembered at dawn. I had said more than once that I was going to visit the editor-in-chief of the Beihai Branch of the World Economic News, but it has been delayed due to various things.

He thought for a moment. It is indeed necessary to take a trip. The World Economic News is the most influential media in the entire Pirate World, and the position of the editor-in-chief of the North Sea Branch of the World Economic News is still relatively high on the one-third of Beihai. of.

"No problem, the Beihai branch of the World Economics Daily... I will go." Xu Xiao replied. During this period of time, he has spent a lot of money to bribe the editor-in-chief of the World Economics Daily. Therefore, the reports on the Beihai section of the World Economics Daily have always been biased. Positive news.

"You fellow, now everyone in the North Sea knows it." Chitila said with a chuckle, "The great hero and celebrity Duke Reinhardt is really majestic."

Xiao Xiao smiled and shook his head: "It's not as powerful as you said, but, thanks to your column propaganda, otherwise this effect will not be achieved."

"Humph, how can you thank me?"

"Emmmm, I will tell you when I meet." Xiaoxiao said with a smile, and saw another call message in the phone worm dialed in, so he smiled and said: "I have something to do. I will visit when I'm done. Your editor, hang up first."

Without waiting for Chitila to speak, she hung up the phone worm at dawn. Chitila on the other side of the phone worm stomped angrily: "This bastard guy."

"Blatt, what's the matter?" Dawn connected the phone worm and asked.

"The members of the reef showed up, and I caught one." Blatter's voice was a little low, as if he had just experienced a fight.

After hearing these words, Xiao Xiao revealed a hint of surprise, and asked: "Where are you now?"

"Factory." On the other side of the phone bug, Blatter's voice passed, "I was assassinated by the reef last night."

Immediately rushed to the factory at dawn to find out the specific situation while walking. When he arrived at the factory, he found that Anubi had suffered serious injuries, so at dawn he stepped forward and asked, "How is the injury."

Anubi leaned on the sofa with a bandage on his shoulder, his face was pale.

After seeing dawn, he smiled and shook his head: "It's just a small injury, those two guys are much stronger than me."

Had it not been for Blatter, he would have been killed now.


It seems that the reef must start with other members of the family first, which is in line with the guess before dawn.

Looking at Anubi who had recovered a lot after the treatment, Xiao Xiao said: "Recently, you should rest more. For the time being, I will be responsible for supervising the daily training of the factory guards."

After saying this, Blatter came in late. He walked in from the door and said after dawn. "The reef sent two members. I killed one on the spot, and I caught the other. , Do you want to take a look now?"

At dawn, he pondered for a moment, and he had been avenging the reef for so long. He really hadn't had much contact with the reef members, so he nodded, and followed Blatter to the prison built after renovation in the winery.


As soon as Dawn and Blatter entered the door, there was a cold cry. At this time Dawn followed the voice and looked up. The man in the cell was a middle-aged man, who looked ordinary, but exuded a very fierce momentum. , He immediately showed a grim expression when he saw Dawn.

"It seems that your Reef's resentment towards me is really deep." Xiao Xiao looked at the cold middle-aged man in front of him, he smiled, and it was right to come. Xiao Xiao completely destroyed the Reef's plan in Polkaria, and several masters died. In his hands, what was most unacceptable to the leader of the reef was that the famous sword and devil fruit that Ketok was going to supply to the dragon were all intercepted by dawn.

"Our leader has issued a wanted kill order to you in the dark world of Beihai, and you are dead." The middle-aged man sneered, his eyes still staring at dawn.

After hearing this, Dawn chuckled, "Definitely kill order?"

"A mere Beihai means that Doflamingo is qualified and capable to issue a killing order in the dark world. Is your reef stronger than Tianyasha?"

The middle-aged man was shocked. He seemed to see a sense of contempt and indifference from his joking eyes. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was right. In the dark world of Beihai, Doflamingo was the real king.

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