The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 174 174. The first principal (four more)

Brady was immediately brought back to the city by soldiers for emergency treatment. His injuries were relatively serious, and he was able to persist until now. It was the willpower he showed that was different from that of ordinary people. It was this willpower he showed that was able to make Dawn impress. .

Whether a person can become stronger in the future, willpower is very important, so he allowed Brady to enter the Polkaria military school for further studies. He placed what Brady said to follow, and waited for Brady to grow up. Do inspection work.

Brady was seriously injured, but under the treatment of the doctors in the hospital, he eventually survived. Dawn arranged for him with meticulous care. During the nearly two weeks of hospitalization, Brady gradually recovered.

During this period of dawn, all arrangements were made in an orderly manner, and all aspects of work were also carried out according to the plan. Domestic laws and policies were also implemented step by step and steadily implemented, putting them under the threat of submerged reefs. These days, there is no eyebrow for the time being. Judging by the news from Elonkova, the leader of Melin, Ellen Shelter often goes to a secret island, which may be the real base of the reef.

However, Dawn did not rush to let Elonkova act, but wait and see for now.

Ten days later, time came to the Haiyuan calendar in November 1509. In November, Polkaria began to cool down, and the sea breeze was still a little cold. At dawn, we rushed to Polkaria military school through Chengfang Town.

He was surrounded by a handsome teenager, Brady.

Through this period of time, it is understood that Brady is a commoner of Maple Leaf Country. His family has always been a maple maker, and can make extremely exquisite maple leaf models through huge maple leaves. These models are specially provided by Maple Leaf Country for the Tianlong people. And produced it.

Brady didn't mention anything about what happened in the family, so Dawn only knew his name was Brady, and his fifteen-year-old grade.

After entering the school at dawn, I went to the principal's office. Blatter and a dozen teachers who teach daily are already waiting.

At present, the military academy has enrolled many students who come to study, but these students are still undergoing a three-month assessment process and are not studying in different classes.

The main building of the school is a huge building with more than five floors and 20 meters high. There are other building facilities rebuilt around it. In addition to the daily theory teaching rooms, there are also a large number of training rooms. The school recruits no places each year. Restrictions, but you must pass a three-month assessment before you can truly become a student of the school.

As Polkaria's first principal, Dawn is responsible for the most important task in the assessment, the gatekeeper of talents.

As the principal of the first term, Dawn also took on the three types of teaching tasks of swordsmanship, physique, and torture. Swordsmanship and physique are taught by all students.

Xiaoxiao walked in with Brady, and the teachers were shocked to see the teenagers around Xiaoxiao.

"The school's daily teaching has entered the right track. What problems you encounter in the course of daily teaching should be proposed to solve them. If you cannot solve them temporarily, just record them." Dawn came to the front of the conference table and sat down, and then asked one of them The teacher took out paper and pen and began to record the questions and suggestions raised by the teachers.

Some teachers have been teaching for two months, and some have just been employed, but for the current military school, the teachers must have the most say and are the ones who know the school’s problems best. He asked the teachers to propose rectifications. The suggestion is really the right thing.

A person’s energy is limited. Besides, Dawn is only a temporary agent in the position of principal. Once there is a suitable candidate, he will immediately retire. Only by delegating the authority and entrusting the school to professional personnel. The development of the school will get better and better.

The teachers communicated with each other for a while, so they all started to report.

"The overall progress of the students in the basic learning of swordsmanship is relatively slow. Swordsmanship is a test of talent. The first batch of students admitted are not too outstanding in their talents in swordsmanship." One of the teachers said, he was more than 40 years old. Originally the owner of a certain kendo stadium in Polkaya, he was finally hired as a teacher by Dawn and spent a huge salary. He was only responsible for daily swordsmanship learning and the teaching of swordsmanship theory.

"This is only the first batch of students recruited. After the three-month assessment period is over, you will first select swordsmanship students from all of you. For now, you will temporarily do a good job in theoretical teaching and basic swordsmanship practice." Fu Xiao answered him briefly.

After a while, the other teachers also reported the teaching situation one by one.

Because it is the first enrollment of students, Dawn pays special attention to it, so many things that are inevitable in the early stage will be done by yourself.

The meeting lasted for five hours before it ended. After the end, it was already dusk.

"Blatt, you arrange for Brady's admission procedures."

"The assessment time is still one month away. Do you want to assess it at the same time as them?" Blazing nodded, but couldn't help asking.

"Just arrange the assessment at the same time." Xiaoxiao replied, and then looked at Brady: "Should I extend the one-month assessment time?"


Brady said proudly.

After arranging Brady, Dawn led the teacher to investigate around. Blatter served as the school's dean and also taught physical skills, and naturally followed.

Most of the students enrolled in the first batch were children of the Polkaria civilian class, and a very small part of the noble class. Two months have passed since the three-month assessment and selection process. He was eliminated because he could not withstand the training intensity and psychological pressure that was different from ordinary people, and now there are less than two hundred students left.

However, the remaining students who passed the final assessment may not exceed 50 people, because he wanted the elite.

"My Principal, my Principal."

When Dawn showed up with the teachers from near the building, the group of teenagers younger than fifteen or sixteen years old, all came up with excitement, with green and tender faces and innocent eyes. All made Xiao Xiao feel a strange feeling in her heart.

In any case, the vigorous investment in education is the foundation of the future power of the country. This group of teenagers will be the foundation for the future of the Kingdom of Polkaria. Even the students who fail the assessment are still valuable to the development of the kingdom. Fortune, because those students who fail the assessment will go to another school to be opened in the future to study business, economics, law, and other knowledge.

Dawn made a few words among the teenagers, and then left.

After dealing with these matters, the two returned to the king's hall, and Blatter began to report to the dawn of the situation of cooperating with the navy to eliminate the pirates.

"In two weeks, I went out to sea five times and wiped out 15 pirate groups in the Katan Sea. Among them, the largest pirate group had more than 150 people, and the smallest pirate group had dozens of people. A total of more than five were seized. One sailing vessel of ten meters in length, eleven sailing vessels of over ten meters in length, six sailing vessels of over five meters in length, and one pirate ship under five meters."

It seems that the effect is good, and so much harvest can be achieved in just two weeks, but it can be seen that this is a troubled era, and there are so many pirate groups in the small Katan sea area.

Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded: "How is the progress on Roentgen?"

"The navy has turned into a formal navy and was promoted to squadron. These days, he has been involved in the eradication of pirates."

"Good job, even straddling three levels." Dawn laughed.

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