The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 197 197.The name of

Subconsciously, he immediately had a decision in his heart, and his legs jumped up with the moon step, and then crossed out several slashes to try to rush towards the roaring white dragon, but the slash from Lan's foot touched the flying slash. Before the blow, it was completely destroyed by the strong wind.

This... he was completely surprised, so he used Moon Step again to try to avoid this fierce flying slash, but with a bang, the energy from the slash was eventually spread, and he suddenly felt that his whole body was like a giant Things have been crushed the same.

Puff puff... Rob Luchi vomited three mouthfuls of blood in the air, without any hesitation anymore, aroused the strength of his whole body, and fled in the opposite direction with the moon step.

Dawn saw Rob Luchi's movements with a smile, but still raised the blade in his hand again.

Now that you choose to escape, try again. Can my knife cut you in half? Then... will there be Rob Luchi in the Judicial Island in the future?

Thinking of this, Dawn couldn't help feeling a different kind of comfort, like the feeling of personally participating in changing the course of history.

With this knife, he will not keep his hand.

Sneer... The blade in Dawn's hand was rolled in the air, and the force shook, and the tip of the blade was thrown out from bottom to top, and then a fierce flying slash rushed into the night sky across a distance of hundreds of meters.

Rob Lucci, who was running fast with a moon step, felt a torrent of momentum behind him, so he turned his head and looked, the pupils of his eyes shrank, it was the guy's slash...

At this time, he was already in no hurry to escape, but he still subconsciously used paper painting.

But... at the moment the entire slash was crushed, Zhihui seemed to be unable to resist it, and after hearing a heart-piercing howl in the night sky, he could no longer hear any sound.

Whether Rob Luchi died or not, dawn didn't have time to care about this, so he took a short breath and then speeded up and walked towards the port. The delay was a little longer, and it took so much energy.

He gradually felt that the road ahead was getting longer and longer, as if it had no end.

Then he stared blankly, and all the scenes seemed to be changing quietly in a daze.

That was... At dawn, the heart seemed to stop beating.

It was a sea of ​​flames that flowed across the sky. A huge fire burst into the sky. The tongue of fire swallowed everything like a fairy with teeth and claws. The ancient royal city in the distance began to collapse, and the palace was swallowed by flames. The whole world was full of flames and scarlet blood. The flame burned out long ago.

Suddenly, a burst of immature crying sounded...

Wow... teacher...

As if traveling through the years, he penetrated the deep flame tunnel and saw a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

It was him who looked at himself... No, it should be Reinhardt before he was born again. He was crying. It was six years ago, and his face was still green.

The memories are a bit blurred... Seeing this, he suddenly felt that the memories hidden deep in his soul became clearer and clearer, just like what happened just yesterday.


At this moment, some people began to roar in the flames, and then more and more "fire men" roars gathered into a torrent, and the words Ankahet echoed for a long time over the gradually collapsing royal city.

In that picture that is like a permanent freeze, everyone's expression is different.

The lofty and brutal killing methods of the Tianlong people, the calm of the admiral and the power of destroying the royal city with just a finger, the unwavering steadfastness of the lieutenants, and the seamen's belief in the naval government.

In addition, there are more than a dozen huge naval warships, and the sound of artillery fire, like funeral fireworks.

People of the kingdom who are dying or waiting to die in the flames, in the rocks.

Naiyou... teacher.

In a daze, he subconsciously yelled a strange name in his mouth, and then all the scenes flashed before his eyes, like a movie playback, everything was slowed down.

Uh... Dawn's head suddenly suffered severe pain, and those chaotic memories seemed to begin to interweave, and then his eyes shook again, the original flame giant world disappeared completely, and it turned into a gorgeous world scene.

That was the top sword dojo in Ankahet... a pious voice came from the high platform of the dojo.

"In the name of Ankahet's strongest swordsman "Nyyou", I bestowed you a noble surname, and at the same time I bestowed you glory, courage, and unyielding. From then on, you shoulder the responsibility of reviving the great surname: "Reinhardt"."

On the huge kendo arena, the man who claimed to be the strongest swordsman "Naiyou" was a man over three meters tall. He held a huge sword in his right hand and placed it on one knee. On his shoulders, his voice was low and loud, echoing around the sword dojo for a long time without stopping, and then someone began to chant "Naiyou".

On the high platform of the kendo hall, the banner that was hanging was hunting and hunting, and the banner was inscribed with the name "Naiyou"!

After Dawn saw this scene, there was a strong sense of sadness in his heart. Then the scene flashed and the scene changed again. In the scene, a teenager was sweating and practicing the hacking action in basic swordsmanship. Resolute, untiringly waving the wooden sword in his hand.

The screen flashes again, flashes again...

In a trance, Dawn's thinking seemed to have made countless jumps, and after the final picture was turned again, he felt a sense of suffocation.

It was water, endless seas converged. He saw in the picture, the boy sank to the bottom of the sea with flames all over his body, and was struggling violently. In the process of falling, he felt that his throat was strangled by something inexplicable. The body and mind also fall, fall, fall... the noise of the shaking of the sea, dawn was shocked, as if grasping the air, he began to gasp violently. The scar on his left eye began to become hot... gradually turning red... turning scarlet.

This is... a dream?

He thought subconsciously in his heart, but felt that his eyes were getting a little moist, so his eyes gradually cleared up, but the next second he felt the light beam in front of him flashed, and a sharp blade pierced his chest.

He subconsciously raised his hand to clang, but the blade glided, and with a chuckle, the blade pierced through the right chest.

Pouch, he felt a strong pain covering all the consciousness in his head.

Under the night sky, with the only moonlight, he could still see the silhouettes of people suddenly appearing around him and the sword blade piercing his chest.

The blood was flowing down like a fountain, Dawn finally saw the figure in front of him, but the moment he opened his eyes, there was a plain killing intent in his eyes.

And the scarlet scar in the corner of the left eye was seen by the sneak attacker on the opposite side, and his mind suddenly shocked, as if the gaze came from hell.

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