The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 201 Chapter 201


At this moment, it condenses into a tiny beam of light from the dark night. This beam is white, but when condensed, it emits a light blue light. Then the beam seems to be manipulated by humans, directly shining on the sluggish. The secret blade passes through the chest.

He had already received the instructions and hypnotic ability of dawn before. It was precisely by borrowing this ability that he had the possibility of hitting him, but it seemed to be the reason for using the ability in a hurry, but this blow did not hit the heart. .

Ah... It was under this severe pain that pierced his chest that Secret Blade suddenly woke up, and then let out a huge wailing sound.

"Boss!" The rest of the members next to him also made a horrified call. At this time, Miba suffered heavy damage and was covered in blood, but still roared at the members: "Don't look at his eyes, kill him, he has supported Can't help it."

Even now, he still wanted to kill Reinhardt.

The few remaining members of the reef were shocked, so they stopped looking at Reinhardt's eyes, immediately regrouped, and then rushed over to fight Dawn.

Dawn holding a knife in his right hand, using his fists, feet, elbows and shoulders together, coupled with the use of the clock fruit ability, can be considered easy under the siege of these powerful reef members, but as his physical strength increases, it seems that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for him. Up.

He just used the command, hypnosis and daylight and diffuse abilities continuously, plus the command, healing acceleration and command and pointer backtracking abilities that he has been continuously using. At this time, his physical strength has completely bottomed out. He felt a little trembling in his right hand holding the hilt.

The series of consumption just now was too huge, but the good news is that this blow completely damaged the Secret Blade, but from his appearance it seemed that he would not die for a while, so Dawn was thinking about it while fighting the remaining members of the reef. , Is this a good opportunity to completely kill the Secret Blade.

But after thinking about it, he completely rejected it. The blow just now was only used in a rush, otherwise the daylight and diffuse will inevitably hit that guy's heart, which is a pity.Now that the opponent has increased his vigilance, there is no longer a chance to get close to killing the opponent.

His hands, feet, and limbs all shuddered faintly, and his body was already resisting this high-intensity movement state instinctively. At this moment, he was using his will to support it. As long as he couldn't hold it on, it would be completely. death.

Now I’m not thinking about who leaked his whereabouts to CP9 and the reef organization. The top priority is to find a way to escape. As for the identity of the leaker, as long as he frees his hands to investigate later, he believes that he will find clues, even if it can’t. After he came out, everyone in the office building of the Beihai Branch of the World Economic News had killed him without caring.

Thinking of this, at dawn, he fought and retreated to the other side of the street, because there was a huge forest.

"Don't let him go into the forest." As if knowing his purpose, Miblade yelled at the members of the reef fighting in the field. Those personnel were slightly taken aback, and immediately blocked the retreat of Dawn.


Suddenly, a member of the reef slashed towards him with a knife. Originally, it was impossible for this knife to be slashed at dawn, but he had no more power to delay it, so he didn’t care whether he didn’t evade, and directly injured him. After receiving the knife on his shoulder, he snorted, and the steel knife slashed into the shoulder, as if he heard the sound of the knife cutting into the bone.

At this moment the blade was added to his body, and the intense pain made his face flushed, and his teeth were firmly bitten, so that no sound was made. As the man returned with the knife, he suddenly felt that the blade in his hand did not move.

The reef member looked towards the dawn subconsciously, as if he had forgotten the instructions of their leader.

He saw in the depths of the pair of black eyes, there seemed to be icy blue broken flowers gleaming, just like sapphires. For the first time, he discovered that human eyes have such a wonderful sight, as if they contained blue The color is as magnificent as the starry sky.

In the next second, the reef member's gaze was dull, Dashi Xiao directly drew the blade that had been cut into his shoulder, and then lightly swiped the neck of the reef member in front.

There was a cracking sound, he used the least physical strength to once again behead a member of the reef.

"Asshole!" Secret Blade lay on the ground and watched this scene, with anger exploded in his eyes, but he was seriously injured and unable to move, so he could only watch this scene happen.

"He is no longer good, kill him soon." The Secret Blade's angry voice rang again, and the few reef members who were almost scared rushed up again.


Dawn adjusted his breathing, trying to gather some physical strength during the rapid breathing. He watched the trajectory of the people on the opposite side, and he did not feel nervous at all.

This is the last blow, the last blow.

Dawn warned herself in her heart, and then he held Kaluo Chizun with his right hand and raised it forward, holding the blade in his left hand back and placing it behind his waist. Then he stepped on his right foot in front of his left foot and stepped on his left foot. There was a gap of half a meter, and the body began to do. Arcuate.

Whether it succeeds depends on this trick.

His feet slammed hard, and there was a crisp cracking sound on the ground, and then the arched body instantly rose up, his feet exerted force, and the whole person shot out like a sharp arrow. At the same time, the blades of the left and right hands began Swing frantically, leaning forward like flying close to the ground, pedaling with both feet constantly.

Two Swords·Spiral Boat!!!

Dawn's body spun rapidly, and during the process of running, the two weapons in his hand were violently agitated like propellers, gradually forming spiral-like air blades, and directly jumped out.

Boom... The rapidly rotating air blade is like a sea cannon. When one of the reef members approached first, he suddenly felt countless small wounds on his body, and then the whole body was cut into countless pieces, before he was panicked. When he screamed, the whole body was completely out of shape.

Seeing this scene, the remaining few people immediately escaped from the scope of the spiral boat desperately. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the dawn did not stop, and they continued to wield their double blades towards the forest ahead.

After seeing this scene, Mi Blade was angry and vomiting blood. He finally took such a good opportunity to remove Reinhardt. It can be said that he laid a net, but he did not expect that not only did he lose several men, but eventually Still let that guy escape, thinking of this, his face was pale, so he vomited blood and fell to the ground, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

"Boss!" The remaining few members of the reef hurried over to check the wounds of Secret Blade.

It seemed that after a long time, Dawn's body no longer bleeds, but her body seemed to have reached its limit, and she couldn't support it anymore. Then she plunged into the deep grass and suddenly lost consciousness.

At this time, a big white bear appeared in the dark night. He obviously saw the dawn lying in the grass covered in blood, so he began to dance and dance as if calling his companion.

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