The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 210 Chapter 210

One day early in the morning, the waters of Kadan.

At this time, the sea was calm and calm, and a huge naval warship appeared on the sea level beyond the end of the eye. The warship was sailing fast, and the huge white sail was flying in the wind.

There were dozens of navies standing on the deck of the warship. At this time, the highest officer on the warship was the lieutenant colonel of the Katan branch. In addition, beside him stood a navy nearly two meters tall.

This time they were ordered to go out to sea to destroy a small pirate regiment near the Kadan waters, so they dispatched part of the navy of the branch. On the other hand, it was also for the recruits to get more training, so they were equipped with a part of elite navy soldiers.

Originally, according to Ulma’s intention, Vic Blatter was still asked to take the kingdom soldiers to assist in the extermination, and could play a role in protecting the recruits, but this time was rejected by the navy lieutenant colonel. In his opinion, the extermination Pirates are the bounden duty of the navy, so how can this kind of thing be repeated to others.

Besides, if this goes on for a long time, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the overall combat power and morale of the Katan branch navy. Although it is reported to the top that these pirates were wiped out by the Katan branch navy, all navies in the branch know the true situation. Any navy that is a little ambitious will not accept such an almost humiliating "gift."

So this time he advocated using this opportunity to train naval recruits and cultivate their ability to lead teams alone.

"Line up." The lieutenant colonel looked at the soldiers on the deck and yelled. After watching the distant sea for a while with the binoculars, he finally turned his head and saw that the navy soldiers had been lined up.

After a while, two relatively small pirate ships appeared on the sea.

"Firearms, the artillery team is ready for battle, and the rest are on standby." The navy lieutenant colonel immediately issued an order after observing the sea surface. The two sailboats in the telescope were much smaller than the naval ships.

After the lieutenant colonel finished speaking, there were still 30 naval soldiers lined up on the deck. In addition to the veterans, there were more than a dozen recruits. They used this to fight the relatively weak pirate group. The first lesson for recruits: familiarize yourself with death.

"It should be the seems to be about to enter the battle." Among the navy soldiers, a slightly naive voice rang, "Hey old marines, are you afraid? I heard that those pirates are very cruel."

"Shut up kid." The older soldier who he called the old seaman directly cursed in a low voice, and then gave a vicious look at the boy next to him. He didn't make a sound at this time, and then glanced at the lieutenant colonel in front of him and Of the rank of Lieutenant

X. Drake warned him with a slightly angry tone: "Fool, if you don't want to be killed by a pirate next, just close your smelly lips and stop being endless like a woman. Long-winded, focus on fighting the pirates, otherwise I promise you will not see the sun rise tomorrow."

He is a veteran sea soldier, and he naturally knows how unbearable this kind of recruit who has just experienced three months of training will be when he meets a brutal pirate, especially this kind of newcomer who is like a fly, he hates most. However, he still reminded out that blood is fatal to recruits, especially when recruits see their companions and enemies falling down one after another, the psychological pressure is generally unbearable.

Hearing these words, Curty's face was green, but in the end he shut up obediently, but he saw the bloody smell of life and death in the eyes of the old marine, the kind of eyes that seemed to be able to kill, just one glance It is shocking.

"Roentgen, wait for me to fight by your side." Curty whispered toward another juvenile companion beside him.

Roentgen stood in front of the soldiers, standing tall and stalwart, his height has exceeded two meters in the first half of joining the navy, especially during this period of frequent participation in the encirclement and suppression of pirates in the Katan Sea, and he has experienced life and death. After the fight and bloody, the whole person's temperament changed drastically. The face that looked quite literary in the past also showed a fierce killing air.

His eyes have changed the most. They used to be a little cowardly and hesitant, but now they look full of maturity and sharpness, as if they grew up overnight.

"Curty, since he has chosen to become a glorious navy, he must always be ready to fight the pirates." Roentgen glanced at his familiar companion, his voice was a little low, as if to blame him for being a navy but Not firm.

Curty looked at Roentgen next to him with a sigh in his heart. How could the gap between people be so big? He and Roentgen were recruits who entered the Kadan branch in the same period. However, although his own strength has improved in the past six months, Compared with the guy next to him, it's a world of difference.

Roentgen's combat talent and exaggerated training intensity, as well as the speed at which his strength increases, can not be described as an exaggeration with the word "monster".

Especially after many battles with Pirates, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds like riding a rocket.

At present, Waldo Roentgen and X Drake in the entire Kadan naval branch have been collectively called naval double stars, which means that his future is extremely broad.

"I know, but I always feel my legs trembling." Curty sighed, and then shook his head: "It seems that willpower is not based on words. I also thought about training hard to overcome fear, but I couldn’t help being afraid when I saw those fierce pirates."

It is for this reason that he will participate in this battle to eliminate the pirates. After all, as a navy, he always needs to go through battles. Even if he is a civilian, he cannot stay in the branch all the time.

"Then you wait and follow me closely." Roentgen glanced at him and nodded, then looked at the pirate ship on the sea in the distance, "but don't worry, the two pirate ships on the opposite side are very small, maybe There is no need for us to fight head-on."

Maybe what the eldest brother said is right. The different growth environment of everyone in this world will cause different personalities. There is no need to force a person to do something he is not good at. Maybe fighting the pirates is for Curty. It is the thing that is least good at doing, even after the most rigorous training, he cannot overcome the weakness of his character: the natural fear of pirates.

Thinking of this, Roentgen no longer meant to blame the boy next to him, perhaps he shouldn't be allowed to participate in this battle.

"Waldo!" At this moment, the lieutenant colonel standing in front of the soldiers suddenly shouted.

"Chancellor, please instruct!" Roentgen immediately stepped across the group of soldiers, and then used his right hand to salute the side of the navy cap.

"Take your team and get ready for the battle!"

"Understood!" Roentgen yelled, responding to the command of the Navy Lieutenant Colonel. Although he is currently only a corps captain, but because of his outstanding performance in the previous battle with the pirates, he is specially approved to lead a navy team of no more than ten people. .

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