The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 213 213. Overload Steam Cannon

Ah... Vidal's feet softened and he was immediately jumped out and hit the navy ship's deck. There were red burn wounds on his hands and head. The wounds began to rot and swell, and then he felt hot. Drilling into the bones.

"That navy... why is there such a powerful force?" Vidal felt the pain in his arms like burning, so he subconsciously thought, "This kind of high temperature transmitted through the air... is it his devil fruit ability?"

Vidal was very surprised, and only those with Devil Fruit ability could do this kind of thing, which seemed to be similar to temperature or heating ability.

But a small seaman in the Kadan branch of the North Sea can actually use the Devil Fruit ability?He founded the Pirate Group and searched the North Sea for several years, but he didn't even see the shadow of the Devil Fruit. Is the Devil Fruit so worthless now?

Vidal's thoughts turned, and then he stood up slightly and scanned the surrounding crew members who were fighting with the navy with a vigilant look. He only smiled triumphantly when he saw that the navy had already fallen into the wind, and shouted: " Kill all the navy and leave none."

But just as the words fell silent, the familiar image of the body rushed towards him like a cannonball, Vidal's eyes were startled, he vaguely saw Roentgen's right fist, which seemed to be bubbling white gas, like water vapor More like...fog smoke?


A stronger heat was transmitted over, as if Xia Feng was blowing from the flames. In an instant, his whole body felt like he was about to be completely evaporated, so Vidal did not hesitate anymore and endured the severe pain throughout his body. Push your legs.

He immediately tried to avoid this fierce offensive, but the opposite Roentgen was much faster than him. The fist with the hot wave blasted over again, and the strong wind hit his black trench coat. The feeling of melting.

Feeling the scorching heat, Vidal no longer dared to underestimate the enemy, so he felt his mind and waved his red arms out again, this time using all his strength.

"Kill this navy!" Vidal's strength all comes from physical skills, from a pair of powerful fists, and the navy in front of him seems to be restraining him, not because of his strength, but because of the heat wave. Burning, you can't touch it physically.

Thinking of this, he yelled at the pirates around him, but as soon as his voice fell, he saw his arms snap and disconnect like bamboo poles, and the joints of the entire palm with the wrist, arm and arm. It split like a split directly.

In the next second, a screaming howl resounded through the navy ship, and the bones in Vidal's arms were completely broken, leaving only the skin on the surface connected to the arms.

"Captain Vidal, who has a bounty of 23 million Baileys, you are too weak, I can't feel any pressure." Roentgen raised his head, looking at Vidal with red eyes, and grinned immediately after speaking. The mouth laughed.

Vidal fell on the ground and began to struggle violently and howl, but the bones of his arms were completely broken. He raised his head and stared at Roentgen, but was shocked. The seaman was bubbling with white gas. The gas arriving is exactly the same, and this gas is getting more and more hot, especially when it is scattered in the air. It seems that there is an illusion that the air is expanding more and more over time.

The air expands... how is this done?

Vidal squeezed out a few words from the innermost, "This is...what devil fruit?"

If it hadn't been for this navy to eat the devil's fruit, this miserable one would not be defeated, and he would not even be able to take a single move.

Damn...I was also a pirate offering a reward of 23 million Baileys, but facing this navy, he was killed in seconds.

"Pirates don't deserve to know!" Roentgen's face changed indifferently. Then the white gas on the surface of his body became more and more, like smoke after burning. The temperature of the white gas in the trance became higher and higher, and the whole The space seems to expand more and more, as if distorting this space.


At this moment, Roentgen's body disappeared like a cannonball, and Vidal felt that the incomparably expanding air just now was released instantly, as if the extremely compressed air pressure was madly releasing, that white gas In the process of dancing wildly, there was no leak, and they were all gathered in front of him.

The next moment Roentgen rushed in front of him and slapped Vidal's chest with a palm.

Overload•Steam cannon!


At this time, the violent air current rises, and the high temperature and white gas is like a cannonball, directly ejected from the palm of Roentgen, a huge amount of white mist directly penetrates Vidal's chest, and then it is like some kind of mechanical pipe being charged. After it could be completely released, the heat on the entire deck was blown away, and the pirates surrounding it were also affected.

Ah... Vidal couldn't bear the howl of anger, but his body was not directly knocked out. Instead, he froze strangely on the spot, and then vomited blood and fell slowly.

After doing this, Roentgen panted violently. The overload-steam cannon used a lot of physical energy just now. This trick not only uses the characteristics of overload, but also takes advantage of the ability of steam to heat and expand. The principle of converting heat energy into kinetic energy is directly ejected through the palm of the arm.

At this moment, his arm is like a gun barrel, and his palm is like a gun muzzle.

The so-called overload is the use of the gaseous heating and expansion effect in the steam fruit, and then the expanded load is covered in every part of the body, and finally an effect similar to current overload is achieved. Overload is a state of overload, but in In the state of steam overload, his strength will be greatly increased, but the consumption of physical strength will increase accordingly.

The so-called heating expansion is one of the characteristics of the steam fruit. The steam changes from a liquid to a gaseous form after a substance is heated and pressed. He can directly produce this gas after eating the steam fruit, so he can use the gas to expand. Driven by pressure, the process of gas expansion depends on the environment, which directly affects the final temperature of the steam or the strength of the move, and the expansion environment can also be independently created by the characteristics of the steam fruit, but this kind of difficulty is too high, the current Roentgen He hasn't figured it out yet, but he just understood the basic principles of natural steam fruit.

For Roentgen, the so-called overload and air pressure drive, the expansion of thermal energy into kinetic energy, is completely unknown. After being able to eat the natural devil fruit, he developed the powerful technique of overload and steam cannon. All because of Reinhardt.

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