The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 222 222. Reinhardt

Adventures are always accompanied by thrilling dangers. The so-called romantic adventures are nothing more than the pursuit of very few people.

In this era, this sea has never lacked fierce and astute speculators, such as Doflamingo, Krokdal, Marshall D. Titch and others. They are calm, cruel and cruel, and have both brains and insight into the situation. Foresight, and more importantly, they can all hide without revealing, this trait is most obvious in Blackbeard.

They are opportunists, but they are also pragmatists. They can tolerate ten years without moving like a mountain, or arrange for a few years just to achieve a short-term goal, but as long as they seize the opportunity, they will go forward by any means, even if they use it. It doesn't matter if the method is indiscriminately or indiscriminately, as long as the goal can be achieved, it will not hesitate.

Those who possess this characteristic naturally include Reinhardt.

Fierce, cruel, and domineering, this is the common ground of all the viciousness in those people's hearts. Composure, calmness, and vision are also the characteristics of achieving goals. Although the winner is the "justice", the winner is "just." It is not an exaggeration to comment on them as "a hero".

There is also no shortage of romantic adventurists in this era, such as Roger, Luffy, Ace and others. They go straight forward, distinguish good and evil, full of imagination and fearless, stubborn on what is right, and stubborn on what is wrong. The matter is directly conquered by force, naive and frank but not high, this is Luffy's most down-to-earth.

But in any case, this era was created by people, and it is the fusion of such a variety of patterns that bloom in this sea that can create these fierce, romantic, and sad stories in this sea.

In June 1510, after a cold winter, the weather in the North Sea began to heat up. It was only a dozen days before the just-concluded World Conference, but it had already caused an uproar all over the world.

As expected, this World Conference redefines the crimes of the world’s most murderous criminal, Monch D. Dorag. Especially after the report of the World Economic News, the whole world has set off a wave. The heat wave, people headed by the nobles, trying to disintegrate the revolutionary army as soon as possible, can't wait to deprive the criminal Dorag alive.

Polkalia Royal City, the King's Hall.

At this time, an extremely tall young man walked toward the king's hall. He was followed by two relatively short people of the same age, as well as two teenagers and a girl.

"Come here." On the Iron Throne, the young man opened his mouth, his voice was downplaying, but there was a smell that he couldn't refuse.

The headed Brat nodded, and then the two young people around him and three young people also greeted the young people on the Iron Throne.

"Should our transaction with the Revolutionary Army be temporarily suspended?" Blatter said after turning to the World Economic Report in his hand.

At this time, Blatter's temperament became more restrained. In just six months, his height had also grown to three meters, and his eyes would often inadvertently show a cold light, which is a manifestation of strength.

"No." Reinhardt sat on the Iron Throne of the King's Hall and smiled at the young people below.

He already has a kind of superior majesty in his whole person. When he raises his hands, he exudes a faint pressure. Although his eyes are calm, there seems to be stars in the depths that have been shining.

Reinhardt's appearance hasn't changed much. One year of age growth seems to be all reflected in his height. In vain, he has gone from a height of less than two meters to nearly 2.5 meters.

At this moment he stood up from the iron throne, a luxurious and atmospheric black feather, like a bird of prey that spread its wings instantly, shining like a sharp blade.

It is worth noting that a pattern appeared on the back of his left hand. That pattern occupies the entire area of ​​the back of the hand. The outside is a circle, and the inside of the circle is a pointer and scale. This is a specially designed clock pattern and a symbol of his status.

At this time, Blatter nodded slowly, and then told him one more thing.

"Just now there was news from Merlin that Ellen Shelter is dead."

"He is no longer useful, and it was expected to be killed by Elon Kowa, but Secret Blade did not arrange for a killer to rescue him. It seems that in the reef organization, he is not a pivotal figure."

After saying this, he thought about the process of extracting a confession to Ellen Shelter by torture. The guy didn't survive a round, and directly recruited everything he knew, which lasted for two months. Over time, some of the killers on the reef living in the North Sea were all killed by him and Elonkova, but he let the fellow with Secret Blade run away again.

That guy lives in the dream state fruit ability, wanting to escape is too simple.

What makes Reinhardt very puzzled is that he has never heard about the members of the reef intermediary, so let alone the head of the intermediary agency.

After Reinhardt finished speaking, he picked up another newspaper and read it again.

The other people in the king's hall were silent. Blatter thought for a while and continued: "Brother, are all the prisoners in the factory jail dealt with?"

"Dispose of it, it's useless to keep it." Reinhardt said in a deep voice, taking his gaze back from the newspaper, and a shocking handwriting appeared on the newspaper.

"Tianyasha Doflamingo succeeded King Dresrosa."

You don’t need to read to know what these reporters would write. For example, the Liku royal family was stupid, rejected by civilians, and killed soldiers and civilians of the kingdom, and got the great hero, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who is Qiwuhai. Rescue, in the end, Dresrosa was not controlled by the faint king.

"Got it." Brat nodded, and Anubi next to him also said: "Boss, Ghaith has gained the trust of Elonkova, and will replace the dead Abao as the new leader of Katan Island."

"It seems that my investment choice is not wrong." Hearing that Ghaith successfully replaced Abao, Reinhardt couldn't help smiling.

"Need he come to see you?"

Reinhardt shook his head: "Just keep it as it is. Is the arms deal with Mai Lin going well?"

"It's going well for now, but according to Ghaith, Elonkova may cancel the transaction at any time." Anubi thought for a while and said, "Elonkova should be afraid of the continued growth of Reinhardt."

"Of course he is afraid, but he dare not act on us rashly until the Secret Blade is completely eliminated."

As an ally of Melin, the Reinhardt Working Society is very powerful in terms of economic strength and military force.Especially before Elonkova has not completely eradicated the reef and has not swallowed the decibels, it is even more unlikely that he would easily take action on Reinhardt.

As for why Abao died for no reason, it was of course Reinhardt's hands and feet secretly. With his current comprehensive strength, it is not difficult to kill a mafia leader.

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