The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 349 349.Storm on the Sea

At this time, the three lights that stayed suddenly began to rotate, and the audience who watched this scene condescendingly held their breath.

The spotlights merged, piercing the condensed darkness, and then illuminating the center of the stage.

The eye-catching and heart-stirring scene appeared. Meester finally revealed his true face under the spotlight, and then the golden and red crossed fireworks began to spray around the stage. In the fireworks corridor, he slowly walked over.

Short black hair, handsome face, straight nose, neat facial features, one more point will look sharp, one point less will be too warm, no more, no more, just right, matching his luxurious and artistic temperament No wonder it is enough to make women crazy about it.

If you use the words of Reinhardt's previous life to describe it, it will be "arrogant but not rash, heavy but not arrogant", solemn and active, gentle but aggressive.


Suddenly, there was a shout in the hall, and the audience shouted excitedly.

Wearing a gorgeous evening gown, Meister took a step forward, then stretched out his white palms and pressed them in the air. In an instant, the court fell silent.

Then, two spotlights gathered on Meister, the musicians below the stage were fully prepared, the spotlights drifted by, and the expressions of the musicians could be clearly seen.

"Okay." Meister said. Although the voice is very soft, it is very clear and has a different kind of magnetism. He first looked around the audience seat on one side, and then focused on the musicians below. After a while, I continued to speak again: "Mestre’s "Night-Night Major No. 49 First Movement Dazhong Violin Meditation", Acura Ragnar’s Chanting No. 1 Mu-Origin of the Water World""

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his white hands again, each with a dark steel baton. The left hand is shorter, probably less than forty centimeters, and the right hand is much thicker than that. , Approaching seventy centimeters in length, with the shaking of the wrist, the baton began to move briskly.

Nearly a hundred musicians were preparing under the stage, more than 30 of them immediately took up their instruments and prepared, and then after the Mestre baton waved, the first sound of the concert was played.

The violin was crisp, and the melodious voice rang first. In this coherent and pleasing sound, the audience seemed to hear the slight rise and fall of the tide.

In the world depicted by many violins singing, it seems that everything has become real.

The Singing of the Gods of Akula Ragnar is an original symphony created by Mestre for many years. The name is taken from the story of the legend of the Seven Islands of Water, the tsunami of the Gods of Water-Akula Ragnar tide.

Meester on the stage seemed to be completely immersed in these melodious piano sounds, but his hands seemed to be waving instinctively. The natural musical intuition that belonged to his heart made Mei bathed in this state of endless sublimation. St, the whole person became sacred.

At this moment, Meister’s baton suddenly moved, and the musicians who were pulling the violin stopped their movements in an instant. Then, at the end of the violin’s melodious end, a low moan sounded like a clear spring. Different from the melodious and crisp violin, there is a rhythmic feeling of being plunged into the dense forest and constantly absorbing the breath of nature.

After that, all three types of musical instruments, large, medium and small, began to play along with Mestre’s conductor on the stage. During this period, it lasted for more than thirty minutes. All the audience in the hall was immersed in this experience. In its environment.

Reinhardt put his gaze on the stage, and Meester was engrossed as if he was pious at this time. While he was about to admire and admire him, he suddenly froze.

He saw Meester's white palm, and there seemed to be an extremely small wound. If it weren't for his domineering look, he would have been particularly outstanding, and he would never have found it.

Reinhardt was very puzzled, but he still observed calmly.

After listening to it for a long time, the concert has entered the second act of the second movement and began to burst towards the third act of the third movement.

The gods of Akula Ragna sing the third act-a storm on the sea.

With the use of more instruments, the entire concert became more exciting and contradictory, especially at this time Meister, waving the baton with both hands seemed to be in a state of madness.

He devoted himself to music.

After a long time, with the end of the fourth act of the fourth movement, many musicians began to stop their movements one by one. It seems that a story spanning countless years is finally coming to an end, full of the heaviness and vicissitudes of history. sense.

What a wonderful feeling... After listening to this four chapters and four acts, which lasted more than two hours of symphony, Reinhardt couldn't help but feel a sense of illusion that seemed like a world away. He seemed to be able to feel the truth in the music. The emotional expression of the seven islands of the water can also feel the vicissitudes of the seven islands spanning countless years.

Especially in Mestre's perfect and unreserved conductor, the level of the musicians has also reached the extreme.

The last sound came down, and there was a sudden roar of applause in the hall. Even after sitting for more than two hours, people did not feel uncomfortable.

Reinhardt glanced around. It seemed that the concert was not over yet. He had been observing Meister on the stage, but except for a glimpse in his hand just now. No clues were found.

He felt that this musician named Mestre always had a sense of deja vu, and he had a hint of speculation in his heart through the slight wound on the palm of his right hand just now.

However, these expected answers need to be further verified.

A silver-white piano appeared on the stage. Mestre put away the baton, and then went to sit down in front of the piano. He was about to start solo. He could hear Mestre’s solo in this concert. Obviously it is commendable, Reinhardt can hear the surprised whispers of the audience nearby.

The music sounded as clear and beautiful as always, like the sound of a transparent spring flowing down the mountain, but the music had only just started, but it suddenly stopped.

what happened?

what happened?

Why did Meester stop?

At first, the audience thought that there was a pause in this music, but after three minutes passed, the music didn't sound.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Reinhardt sat in the crowd, his gaze clearly noted that Mestre on the stage seemed to be struggling with emotions and his face was extremely pale.

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