The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 351 351.Night Demon Meister

Paul's face looked furious, and he seemed to be unable to accept the result, so he burst out in an instant, so he spit on the ground, and said viciously: "If it wasn't for me, it would still be nothing."

"I gave you everything you want, including your ideal music country, and the wealth that you will never spend in your life, but you actually said that you want to disband the symphony orchestra."

Meester just frowned and didn't stop Paul from yelling in anger, but seeing Paul's constant chatter, Meester's eyes became cold, staring at him and saying, "Paul, you seem to say something against It should be because of my existence that these results have been achieved."

"Commercial performance, advertising, fan management, investor reception, all of this, if I were not in the middle, even if you were talented, you would not become a superstar in this sea like today."

Paul snarled at him viciously: "But you guys have played enough and don't want to play anymore."

"Don't forget, this is not a game that you can play if you want to play and don't play."

"In short, the Meister Symphony Orchestra must not be disbanded. If you want to disband, I will kill you."

"My life is up to me." Meester said calmly.

"In the past five years, you have made a lot of money, and enough, we can get together and get together." Meester did not get angry because of this, but calmly turned around and packed up his bags.

"What kind of shit is good to gather and disperse."

Paul said coldly, and then several bodyguards in suits rushed in from the door. These bodyguards were originally invited by the agent Paul to protect Meester, but now they have become a tool to control him.

The bodyguard took out a short musket and pointed it at Meester, while he surrounded him.

"Do you want to control me? Paul." Meester turned around and saw a few bodyguards, and said coldly, "Remember, you are just an agent and you are not qualified to order me."

"What I want to do, I don't need to report to anyone, and I never do what I don't want to do." Meester took a short baton in his arms, and then looked at him indifferently. The agent for several years has a faintly murderous intent in his voice: "Otherwise you will regret it."

"Regret?" Paul laughed arrogantly and angrily: "I will truly regret if I let you go. Where will I look for such a good product? As long as there is an orchestra, I will always be able to make money."

At this time Paul drew a musket from behind and ran directly against Meester's throat.

Meester did not move, the baton in his left hand dropped to his side, and he glanced at Paul calmly: "Are you sure you want to point the gun at me?"

"Idiot." Paul spit out again, his face looked a bit sullenly at him: "How can I be willing to kill you moneymaker? I also want you to make more money for me, as long as you continue to perform, I won't move you."

"If you don't agree, I will kill you now, looking for someone to pretend to be you, and then you can continue to make money with or without you."

Paul had a good calculation, but he didn't know that Meester in front of him was not so easy to manipulate, and what he didn't know was how terrifying the Meester was in front of him.

"I have given you a chance..." Meester sighed suddenly, "but you still pointed your gun at me."

But at this time, the door suddenly opened again, and everyone in the room was shocked, especially Meester, whose pupils shrank in surprise.

Tap, tap, tap, the crisp footsteps are like drumbeats, very rhythmic.

The man who entered the house, with two knives on his left waist, laughed when he saw the bodyguard and Paul threatening Meester with a gun: "Unexpectedly, in the first half of the Great Route, the most famous bounty in the dark world Assassin [Night Demon], there is a day when ordinary people will hold a musket to the neck."

"I thought that Tangtang [Night Demon] would be as sharp in life as the dark world, but I didn't expect it to be an artist with a gentle personality."

Hearing this, Meister did not show the slightest surprise, but calmly placed his eyes on the young man who came with the knife.

But his agent Paul was shocked. What did he mean?

"Who are you..." Paul asked indifferently, and then suddenly reacted, turning his head in amazement, looking at the elegant man who has been with him for more than five years, you are...Ye...Night demon?

The answer to him was a cold and solemn smile.

Of course Paul knows the murderous name of the Night Demon. He knows that this bounty killer named [Night Demon] once did not know how many big people have been assassinated. Where's Ster?

He was suddenly sweating Linlin all over, and his heart seemed to be smashed by a sledge hammer. The shaking internal organs seemed to stop working, and his breathing became rapid.

Why...why...why Mestre is a night demon? This guy must be talking nonsense. For the past five years, Meester has been active under his supervision. How could he become a night demon without knowing it? ?

"Didn't you understand?" The young man with the knife said again, then took a step forward and said with a smile.

The man who entered the house was Reinhardt, who had followed Mestre. How could the ordinary guards outside stop him? Reinhardt noticed this May when he entered the main stage for command. After seeing the wound on his hand again, the doubts in his heart became deeper, so he came along intentionally.

It was only through the changes in the depths of Meister’s eyes that he truly confirmed that the elegant musician in front of him was the bounty killer who failed to assassinate the world government official Nicholas a few days ago...

[Night Demon]!!!

He is a musician and conductor. He has his own symphony orchestra and agent team. At the same time, he has some extraordinary talents and achievements in music, and he is loved by thousands of people because of it. I don’t know how much healed with music. people.

But secretly, no one knew that the famous musician Meister was also the famous bounty killer [Night Demon] in the dark world.

These two diametrically opposed professions have achieved tremendous success.

Reinhardt's voice was very soft, as if he was briefly describing a most common trivial matter, but Meister's brows wrinkled tightly.

The sudden arrival of Reinhardt gave him a strong sense of crisis, but the more at this time, the less he could panic.

So he didn't rush to deny or question, but looked at Reinhardt calmly.

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