The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 362 362. Terror Three-masted Sailing Ship

In the waters of the Seven Islands of Water, a sailing ship is sailing fast, and the destination of this sailing ship is Judicial Island.

"Weiss, how far is it from the Judicial Island?" Heinhardt, who was standing on the deck and looking towards the surrounding sea, asked. The navigator Weiss next to him was continuously observing with a telescope.

The sea is currently calm. Although the surrounding sea kings appeared for a long time, they did not cause any damage to the sailboat. The pirates who were attacked on the road were directly beheaded by Reinhardt.

"The weather on the Great Route is too messy to predict." Weiss heard Reinhardt's words and shook his head and sighed. Although he is a navigator, he does not have too much talent. With his sailing skills Navigating the four seas is barely enough, but long sailing on great sea routes is somewhat dwarfed, especially those fickle seas and storms that may come at any time are the biggest difficulties in navigation.

After hearing these words, Reinhardt couldn’t ask too much. After all, he knew the limited sailing skills of Weiss. However, after this incident, Reinhardt still sighed in his heart. It seems that in the future One must find a skilled navigator, otherwise, it will be even more difficult to move in the new world.

The environment of the New World is ten times worse than the first half of the Great Route.

The voyage continued, and after about a day or so, changes gradually appeared on the sea, heavy storms came one after another, and the sailboat might be submerged at any time.

Just as Reinhardt and everyone rushed out of the storm with all their strength, they suddenly saw a strange island appearing on the sea in the distance ahead.

No, it is not an island, it is a huge ship like an island, and it has been moving slowly.

"The Devil's Sea...the ship of terror..." After seeing this scene, Reinhardt reacted immediately, and Weiss was also very shocked at this time, because there was no reaction on the permanent pointer.

"What...what's going on, why the permanent pointer doesn't respond at all." Weiss shouted directly, sweating anxiously.

Reinhardt naturally knew what this was all about, so he calmly calmed him down: "Don't worry, this island is floating over from the West Sea. It does not belong to a great route. It does not have a magnetic field, so the permanent pointer will fail."

"West... The West Sea floated over?" Everyone was shocked, "Can the island float from the four seas to the great route?"

Weiss was also very surprised.

"This is a ship."


"Yes, it's called the Horror Barque."

Speaking of this, Reinhardt chuckled. It seems that Moonlight Moriah has come to hide in the Devil's Sea at this time, but what does this have to do with him, this time is going to Judicial Island, but it is not timeless and accidental. Passing through the Devil Sea, at least proved that it was very close to the Judicial Island.

"Turn around and we are sailing towards Judicial Island." Reinhardt continued to command.

Wes watched on the sea again, and the helmsman began to turn around. However, at this time, a bigger storm struck again. The helmsman increased the sailing speed of the sailboat and tried to avoid the storm. After avoiding the storm, everyone It was discovered that the sailing boat had completely approached this mysterious ghost island.

"It seems that I am destined to take a trip on this island." Reinhardt chuckled, and then ordered to the navigator, helmsman, boatman and guards, "You stay on board, Don't follow, this island is very dangerous, you will lose your life if you are not careful."

Everyone nodded in horror when they saw that Reinhardt was talking about this island so terrifying. After seeing the island, they had an ominous premonition in their hearts, and naturally they would not set foot on this island again.

The sailing boat stopped a few hundred meters away from the island, and then Reinhardt jumped off the sailing boat with a knife on his shoulder. He stepped on moon steps with his feet and ran fast on the sea. Every step on the sea would make The calm sea produced huge ripples, walking on waves.

The terrifying three-masted sailing ship...Moonlight Moria, and his men, and Perona, the ghost fruit that will be defeated even if the strength is strong as long as it is accidentally read.

He doesn't want to challenge, nor does he want to confirm whether the ghost fruit is like the pervert in the rumors. It's not worth taking a risk in this kind of thing, but...the current Moria Pirates may not have Perona. , After all, Perona is only fifteen years old now.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt walked inside alone.

At this time, Reinhardt suddenly stopped, feeling as if he was following a person behind him, but he never found the other person's trail. The trail has been away from him for a certain distance, and it doesn't seem to be too close.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt understood instantly. It seems that the mysterious guy he has been following since entering the island must be one of the three weird people in Moriah's hands, Abu Sarom. From this point of view, the transparent fruit It has been eaten by Absalom.

What a coincidence... Reinhardt laughed on his own. Three years ago, Reinhardt personally killed the North Sea swordsman Shavin who had eaten the transparent fruit. Unexpectedly, this devil fruit was eaten again. After going on, then I thought that in the future this devil fruit would be eaten by others, not surprised and a little sighed, a devil fruit, in a short period of ten years, will experience three masters.

Absalom used the transparent fruit to follow Reinhardt all the time, and seemed to be a little scared in his eyes, because the aura exuding from him was like the aura exuded when Captain Moriah was angry, so he was always far away. Chu was observing secretly, but when Reinhardt turned his head to look at him, Abu Sarom was extremely panicked and really thought he was completely exposed.

Fortunately, Reinhardt didn't show too much. Abu Sarom often breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ran towards the ancient castle in the distance.

In the middle of the huge castle, a weird figure with a huge body, a flaming hair style, cross stitches similar to stitched wounds from head to neck, wearing a shirt with a bat-like collar and Gothic art costumes sits on a chair Laughing.

After seeing Abu Sarom's panicked expression, he asked, "Abu Sarom, what is so panic."

"Master, there is a dangerous man outside." Absalom said.

"Dangerous man?" The huge weird man froze for a moment, and then made a weird "hehehehe" sound.

"Since someone dares to break into the terrifying three-masted sailboat, I will cut off his shadow so that he can only live in the dark forever."

The weird man laughed, and then the men in the room began to laugh.

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