The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 380 380.[God] Gan Fuer

He looked at McKinley, who was covered in blood, and asked the guards to immediately carry him away.

"You have violated the [law] of the Kingdom of God." The captain of the guard with angel wings looked at Reinhardt.

"So what?" Reinhardt laughed.

The captain of the Kojima Guard drew the sword, and then rushed towards Reinhardt. The blade was slashed, and there was a hot high temperature in the air, so a huge flame appeared on the blade, and a burning energy directed towards Flying over Reinhardt.

Burning sword?No, it should be caused by using Yanbei. Interesting.

Reinhardt reacted immediately, and Sky Island produced various shellfish creatures, among which shellfish that could be used as attack methods included flame shells, wind shells, flashes, shocks, slash shells, and so on.

However, this kind of offensive did not threaten him at all. Reinhardt disappeared in place, then flashed to the person, and laughed softly: "Take me to meet your god, Gan Fore, if I am in a good mood. , You can consider not killing you."

"You..." The captain of the guard was taken aback, he didn't even feel the slightest, Reinhardt appeared behind him, just how powerful this guy is.

"What do you want to do?" The captain of the guard said in a panic. He could feel Reinhardt's absolute crushing strength, but for now, he can only pin his last hope on Gan Fore, because he is empty. The god of the island, the most powerful man.

"Will you go?" Reinhardt said in a cold voice without talking nonsense. In front of the captain of the guards, he drew out the blade and waved toward the guards crowd he brought with him. The huge slash seemed to be splashed in the air. Transparent water flow, a strong air flow directly across the heads of the guards.

"If you don't go, they will all die."

The captain of the guard watched in astonishment at the huge white cloud in the distance being cut off, so he said in a panic: "I...I will go, I will take you."

The captain of the guard took Reinhardt to the island of the gods, the residence of Gan Fore.

At this time, the residents on the island still don’t understand the great changes that are about to take place in their land. Reinhardt rides on the guard’s mighty, staring around the island. The town is very beautiful and extremely clean. The residents also seem to be very kind.

"What is your heaven's sanction?" Reinhardt asked casually.

The captain of the guard was taken aback for a moment: "Aren't all defeated by you?"

"You mean, you and the person with the same wings just now are the ones who enforce the sanctions of heaven?" Reinhardt asked.


Receiving a positive answer, Reinhardt was a bit speechless, so weak, that he had such a magnificent name.

About half a day, after passing through the jungle, and crossing a huge sea of ​​clouds, the captain of the guard took Reinhardt to an independent island. The island was surrounded by dense forests, but in the center was a huge palace.

Is it here?

Reinhardt jumped to the ground, but before he was looking around, a figure and a winged Pegasus suddenly flew in the distance.

He saw a little light, then his forehead was slightly deflected, and he drew back, sharp anger struck his cheek, and scarlet blood flowed down.

"The intruder, I am not the god of the sky island, Gan Fuer." The attacker who suddenly rose was still sitting on Tianma Mountain, wearing a silver-white armor, and a dark blue cloak behind him. It is a two-handed and one-handed silver knight gun.

He is an old man with a white beard.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Reinhardt ignored the guards who had gathered from the other side and said directly to Gan Foer.

Gan Fore did not answer directly, but continued: "The crime you committed, the surveillance officer Amazon, Captain McKinley of the Gods, and Captain Bieber of the Guard have all told me that since you have violated the [law], it will be I do it myself."

"I have never heard that the true god will punish mortals himself, so you are not a god. You were not a god before, and you are not now, let alone in the future. There is never a god in this world..."

"Even in the world government, those arrogant and cruel clutters are not qualified to be called gods."

Reinhardt’s icy voice penetrated the air directly, and then he held the handle of the knife with his right hand, and the next second, a sharp slash neighed, and the transparent energy rushed directly towards Gan Fauer like a white bird. .

Gan Fore is a god after all. Although his strength is not strong, he still tried his best to resist this slash, but with a bang, after the violent slash, the knight's gun in his hand broke instantly. , The body was directly hit and flew ten meters away.

Gan Fore flew out, and the Pegasus under his seat was frightened and restored to the appearance of a bird.

"Master Gan Fore..."

The guard captain Bieber immediately exclaimed. The hundreds of guards gathered immediately shot with bows and arrows, but after a burst of invisible energy, the guards fell to the ground, including the guard captain.

"Cough cough cough..."

Gan Fuer vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and his old body completely lost his fighting power after this move. He looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and all the guards fainted to the ground strangely.

Kojima encountered the biggest crisis of this life.

Gan Fuer knew very well in his heart that this sudden Qinghai native was definitely a powerhouse with all the people of Quankong Island, who could not be worth half of his strength. The fierce and horror exuding from this guy was the only thing he had seen in his life.

Thinking of this, Gan Fore roared: "You, you, you...who are you?"

"I am the Qinghai native in your mouth, the duke from a certain kingdom." Reinhardt said slowly, then walked to Gan Fauer and continued: "From now on, I will rule this place."

His goal is to smash the thunder fruit and all kinds of shellfish, but seeing that Gan Fuer, who is called the god, is so weak, then he can easily capture the kingdom of the gods. Instead of ruining the bastard of Anilu in the future, he should be brought into his own power. Scope, develop more shellfish and sell them all over the world.

"Don't think about it..." After hearing these words, Gan Fore immediately jumped up angrily. They lived on an empty island in their time. How could this sacred country be ruled by a foreigner?

Just after his words fell silent, the Pegasus turned into a bird flew back again, ready to flee with Gan Fauer, but how could Reinhardt let it succeed and slap it on the ground with a single palm .

"Don't even think about running away." Reinhardt showed a dark smile, and continued to smile at Gan Fore: "I am an unblinking demon. If you run away, all your people will fall to me. What should they do?"

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