The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 385 385. Tourism Development Plan

The python left dingy, and the scene fell silent again.

"I need to think about it." After a while, the old chief said in a deep voice. Facing this situation, he has no other choice. Although the Sandia people are never afraid of strong external pressure, the man in front of him Very dangerous, dangerous enough to destroy the Shandia people.

The old chief had lived for so many years, only by instinct, he felt how dangerous Reinhardt was in front of him.

"Yes, how long?" Reinhardt said. He did not directly refuse. It would be best if the sky island could be ruled by gentle means, and it would be good for both parties.

It's just that the Shandia people would agree to his suggestion. He didn't feel low in his heart. No matter what, no one could stop him from planning to include Gaya Island in his sphere of influence.

"I don't know, I want to go back to the village and let the villagers decide together." The old chief continued.

After hearing this, Reinhardt chuckled, "This kind of thing doesn't require the villagers to participate, you just go back and discuss it with the Shandia warriors."

He obviously disagrees with the old chief's words. Although the old chief's actions are benevolent and moral, this is precisely the source of the problem.

For some things, upper-level decision-making is enough, what the villagers know.

"Give you three days. Go back and discuss with your fighters." At this point, Reinhardt paused for a while, then said with a smile: "Did you decide to use force to resist me, an outsider, or decide to agree? My proposal resolves conflicts with the Sky Islanders and agrees with the forces under my banner."

The final result is nothing more than these two.

The old chief's eyes were bloodshot, calmly commenting on Reinhardt.

"What if we disagree with your decision?" The old chief looked at him for a long time, and finally asked.

"You know." Reinhardt didn't answer him directly. He wouldn't say to an old wise man about home destruction or slaughter of residents, but the old chief would not know it.

"Three days later, I hope to see you or your representative of the Sandia on the Island of Gods." Reinhardt took two steps to the other side and said, then stopped and turned to look at the old chief: " If you don’t come to me, then I will have to come and find you myself."

"By the way, I'm sending you a free secret, lest the war between you and the Angel Islanders go on endlessly." Reinhardt stopped and pointed his finger at the ancient text below the golden clock not far away: " These words guarded by your time were completed by a pirate named Roger more than ten years ago."

"This ancient text completed its mission more than ten years ago, and it was taken to the end of the world."

When Reinhardt finished saying this, the old chief was shocked: "How is this... possible?"

"How can it be impossible?" Reinhardt chuckled: "I don't know what the secret is, but there are many relics similar to this ancient text in the world. The text in these relics, All the secrets were revealed by this pirate named Roger and placed at the end of this world."

"Perhaps you don't know." Reinhardt pointed his finger at the ground: "In the land of Qinghai, tens of thousands of young people went out to sea one after another in order to find the secrets stored at the end of the world."

"Really...really?" the old chief asked shockingly. These ancient texts are things that their Sandia people have guarded for generations. This territory considered by the Angel Islanders to be a holy land is also something they will fight for for generations. , These hundreds of years of war are all because of this.

"Really!" Reinhardt looked sincerely.

"Chief, do you really believe this foreigner from Qinghai?" Kamakili asked the old chief in surprise.

"You and I belong to Qinghai, so how come from outsiders say." Reinhardt sneered. "A few hundred years ago, your ancestors also came from Qinghai."

"You are right." The old chief sighed slightly, and seemed to have a decision in his heart, so he continued: "I will give you an answer in three days."

Rheinha nodded his head and walked directly around in this golden city. The city is quite big. Although it is called the Golden Township, not everything is made of golden buildings. Some of the buildings are built with stones, just Sands are smeared on the periphery.

"Gan Fauer, take me around here." Reinhardt shouted at the same white beard god of the empty island.

Gan Fore took a look at the old chief: "I don't want our two sides to be in a meaningless fight. Those young people are the best fighters and can't lose their lives in this kind of battle."

The old chief looked at Gan Fore, who was as old as him, but did not speak.

Gan Fore walked in the direction that Reinhardt called, and after a while, the old chief and Kamaric also left one after another.

The legendary city four hundred years ago has died out in history. No one thought that such a legendary city would be washed over 10,000 meters by the ocean currents on Gaya Island. sky.

Gaya Island can be washed up by the upsurge current, so in the same way, other islands can also be washed up, so there are different reasons for the empty island. The empty island near Gaya Island is only one of them. The new world, including Visalia, and other unknown places, all have empty islands.

However, the sky island he is about to rule is nothing more than a sky island in the waters of Gaya Island. Sky islands placed in other locations will be gradually searched for in the future.

Reinhardt raised his head slightly, and the sunlight slanted down from a distance, and the light that pierced the clouds refracted a transparent brilliance. There seemed to be no end to the huge and endless sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

It is precisely because of these magical seas of clouds that so many islands appear in the sky, and only these seas of clouds can carry these huge islands floating in the sky.

Under the leadership of Gan Fore, Reinhardt walked to every corner of Sandola.

"Gan Foer." Reinhardt called to the old man beside him, and Gan Foer came over.

"I have a suggestion."

"What advice?" Gan Fore asked.

"I want to build the sky island into the world's most famous tourist destination, to receive tourists from all over the world." Reinhardt stared at the golden city in front of him, as if muttering to himself, continued: "Look. What a magnificent this golden city, it’s a pity that he perishes in the dust of history."

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