The Pirate: The Black Duke

394.Chapter 394 Surrender

After that, the surroundings became brighter, and there were building remains everywhere. The ten-meter-high building had been completely destroyed.

At this time, Ainilu's body was stained with blood, and his four companions also fell on the ground.

"Cunning Qinghai." Ainilu lay down in a pool of blood, still with an extremely arrogant expression in his eyes, "I will kill you one day."

"Kill me?" Reinhardt laughed. "This is something you can't do in your life."

"Weak Ainilu, you don't even have the strength to stand up right now."

Ainilu fell silent. Obviously, facing Reinhardt, who was far beyond his strength, he could not refute it.

"Next is the time to eliminate the criminals."

Seeing Ainilu did not speak, Reinhardt continued, and the tip of his right finger was raised again. This time the light source condensed for a long time, and the majestic power was compressed in the air. Even if it did not burst out, Ainilu could feel the power. energy of.

If you are hit this time, you will definitely die.Ainilu thought of it subconsciously.

Reinhardt felt the change in Ainilu's eyes and asked faintly: "Are you scared?"

The emotion flashing in his eyes just now was clearly fear.

"Huh, who's scared?" Ainilu struggled to say, his arrogant tone remained unchanged.

"In the face of invincible power, fear is the instinct of creatures. There is nothing bad to admit about this." Reinhardt smiled, then looked at him, "Can you understand what I mean? Anilu..."

The kind of arrogant guy obviously wouldn't understand.

The energy on Reinhardt’s fingertips is getting more and more terrifying. Seeing this scene, Ainilu’s face changed directly. For the first time, he felt that human power can reach such a terrifying point. The thing of fear, this time there is no possibility of escape at all.

"Anilu, before you die, what else do you want to say, maybe I am in a good mood, maybe I can spare your life." At this time, Reinhardt said, he was about killing Anilu The mood is not so longing.

The main consideration is that if the whereabouts of the Thunder Fruit cannot be searched in Bikar, it may ultimately depend on Anilu to get the Thunder Fruit.


Don't want to die!"

Anilu's words came out with difficulty.

Hearing these four words, Reinhardt was shocked at first, and then began to laugh again.


He didn't expect that Ainilu, who was arrogant, arrogant, and god-like in his impression, would actually say these four words eight years ago. It was truly an absurd world.

"People are afraid of death, this is the right thing to do."

After thinking for a long time, Reinhardt breathed out slowly, and the daylight energy in his hand gradually disappeared.

"Your answer in these four words makes me very satisfied." Reinhardt slowly walked to Ainilu and looked at him condescendingly, "Being able to lower that arrogant head is also a rare self-control. "

Reinhardt is like a high spirit, looking down at Ainilu with supreme domineering spirit in his eyes: "I look at you a higher level now, Ainilu."

Ainilu tilted his head slightly and collided with Reinhardt’s eyes, and his mind was violently agitated. What's the matter with this straight-forward courage, it makes him feel the fear of bowing his head, and The domineering aura exuded between the understatement of gestures and gestures made his heart almost jump out.

Then Ainilu's body began to tremble uncontrollably, this was the primitive fear in the body.


In a daze, the sound in Ainilu's ear sounded like a thunder explosion, as if turbulent tides were coming from all directions.

He raised his head and stared at the man who looked like a god in front of him with a dull look, and he didn't have the slightest thought of resistance in his heart.

"Would you like to be my subordinate."

Reinhardt's faint voice reached Ainilu's ears again, and Ainilu was stunned.

"To make your choice, my patience is limited."

This voice seemed to have a powerful magical power, and Ainilu subconsciously answered one word: "Okay!"

After Anilu answered, Reinhardt smiled.

In Reinhardt's voice, in addition to the domineering and domineering effect, it was also mixed with the effect of command and hypnosis. Therefore, Anilu immediately agreed under this almost compulsory inducement.

However, thinking of Anilu’s arrogant and untamed character, Reinhardt still needs to do something to imprint an indelible fear on Anilu’s mind. Only in this way can it be truly conquered. This guy.

Reinhardt's eyes jumped, the air screamed, and then a wave of mountains and seas vibrated.

Full of aura!!!

That substantive energy dashed in all directions, like a torrent of raging and roaring waves.

At the intersection of Aini, his eyes were dull, the beating heart seemed to break through the barrier of his chest, and his throat seemed to smash a massive boulder.

After that, Reinhardt’s eyes changed dramatically again, and a strange disk suddenly appeared in his right eye. Three pointers appeared in the disk. The pointers began to rotate. Then the blue light burst out, lying on the ground. On the Aini Road, I heard a ding sound in a daze.

It was like some kind of suppressed force, breaking the shackles in an instant.

In the next second, Reinhardt's momentum exploded again, and as the azure blue light spread, a one-meter-thick blue light beam hit the sky.

The clouds rolled in the sky, and the blue light beam seemed to pierce the sky with a huge spear.

The entire sky island, including Bika, Angel Island, and Apayado all saw this shocking scene.

Ainilu raised his head and stared at the blue light beam in the sky and the powerful aura that broke through the sky. The heart couldn't be calmed for a long time. It was too shocking. Only gods can possess such a powerful force.

"This... is your power!" After a long time, Anilu muttered to himself incredible, that human power can reach such a realm.

Reinhardt slowly condensed his momentum, with a smile on his face watching Ainilu who was still in shock.

Anilu's performance seems to have achieved the effect of shock.

Although Anilu's physical skills are extremely weak, it is not without advantages. At least he has sufficient development depth for the fruit of the thunder. He also knows how to use the fruit of the thunder to make spaceships, and he is born with a domineering look, and the start is much higher than the average person. .

It was an unexpected gain for him to successfully subdue Ainilu.

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