The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 414 414. Mai Lin's new leader

"My patience is limited." Seeing that Elonkova didn't answer him except for struggling, Reinhardt's eyes were cold.

"It was the Germa 66 family who came to me, saying that they could make me the king of the dark world of the North Sea." Elonkova said breathlessly.

"Is it Vinsmok Gage?" Reinhardt thought for a while, then asked again.

"No, he said he was Gachi’s assistant, who could provide me with a hundred powerful clone soldiers to use against you."

It turns out that this kind of thing is impossible for Gage to come forward personally, at least Elonkova does not have such qualifications.

"It's all the persecution of the Germa 66 family, I will do this, please forgive me." Elonkova endured the pain in his body and begged Reinhardt for mercy.

Hearing these words, Reinhardt sneered and shook his head, and said coldly: "You should have wanted to kill me a long time ago, so that you have a chance to completely control the dark world of the North Sea."

Elonkova opened his eyes wide, feeling cold all over, not knowing whether it was caused by excessive blood loss, or because Reinhardt's murderous words made him feel like he fell into the ice cave.

"You are too naive, even if you succeed, will the Germa 66 family really honor the promise?" Reinhardt sighed slightly, "As your friend, I really feel sorry for you."

"You...will you let me go this time?" Elonkova looked at Reinhardt.

"What do you mean?" Reinhardt's eyes were cold, and the killing intent in the words was no longer concealed.

After hearing this, Elonkova immediately collapsed and begged Reinhardt for mercy, but Reinhardt remained indifferent.

"You kill me, you won't control [Malin]. [Malin]’s rules cannot be controlled by members other than the Mafia." Elonkova’s eyes are blood-red, seeming to feel nothing. Hope of survival.

"Of course I know the rules of [Merlin]." Reinhardt said flatly, and then after pinching Elonkova's neck with his hand, he lifted him up with one hand, and he felt that his breathing would stop. Now, his face became paler and paler, as if he was about to suffocate and die.

"But don't you know my [rules]?" Reinhardt's eyes were full of killing intent, so he dropped him on the ground casually.

"Ghaith, come out." He yelled towards the inside room, and then came out from the inside room a tall young man, dressed in a black suit, walked up to Reinhardt and cried respectfully: "Boss."

This young man in a black suit is the black street gangster Ghaith that Reinhardt had secretly fostered, and is now one of the biggest bosses of [Malin].

"" After seeing the respectful Ghaith, Elonkova suddenly understood. He just wanted to speak, but he coughed violently, and a large amount of blood came out from his mouth.

"You bought Ghaith a long time ago?" Elonkova looked at Reinhardt with anger in his eyes.

"It shouldn't be said, Elon Kowa boss." Ghaith shook his head and smiled. "From the beginning, I was supported by the boss of Reinhardt."

"Before I die, I'm telling you a secret." With a cruel smile on Ghaith's face, he whispered in Elonkova's ear: "I killed Boss Abao too."

Elon Kova was shocked: "You bastard who eats inside and out."

"That's not right. Before the boss of Reinhardt did not invest in me, I was just wandering on the dark streets all day, occasionally collecting protection fees and bullying the civilians. After the boss of Reinhardt invested in me, I 'S life is different."

"The boss has changed the trajectory of my life. Otherwise, I might still be a gangster who is rampant in the black street so far, so it is obviously wrong for you to say that I eat outside, because I eat outside, and what I eat is outside. "

Ghaith smiled triumphantly.

"Reinhardt, don't think you can control Merlin by killing me, don't dream." Elonkova said.

"Let's do it." Reinhardt ignored Elonkova's struggle and said flatly.

Regardless of whether Elonkova does it to himself today, his fate will not change in any way. Reinhardt wants to completely control Melin, who has destroyed the other two gangs, so Elonkova must die. It's just the difference between early death and late death.

After hearing the order, Ghaith withdrew his smile, so he took out a beautiful silver pistol and pointed it at Elonkova. After the tongue of the muzzle shot, the bullet penetrated through the back of Elonkova's head.

"This Braunco 1513X revolver is really amazing." Ghaith said, blowing the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle.

The design concept of this silver revolver is naturally derived from Reinhardt’s previous revolver. With the joint efforts of Black and Cole, it was finally manufactured half a month ago. The revolver was specially presented to Ghaith by Reinhardt in order to reward Ghaith for his achievements in Merlin.

"Receive the position of the leader of Merlin as soon as possible." Reinha said with a special nod. In addition to Elonkova, several other big bosses in Merlin with the same status as Ghaith were naturally killed. Now in the entire Ma Lin, Ghaith has the highest status.

Therefore, there will be no surprises for Ghaith to take over the position of the leader of Melin.

"Don't worry, boss, those guys who dare to resist, I will deal with them all." Ghaith put the revolver away, then took the phone bug from his arms and said a few words. After a while, he walked in from outside the house. Members of the Mafia, these people are directly under Ghaith.

They saw the bodies of Elonkova and several other leaders and did not feel much surprise, so after everyone cleared the scene, Ghaith was ready to leave first. He wanted to immediately inform all the members of Mai Lin, Mai Lin leader Elonkova and several other leaders all died at the hands of the cloned soldiers of Germa 66.

"From today, you are the boss of the North Sea Mafia circle. I hope you cherish this opportunity." Before leaving, Reinhardt glanced at Ghaith and said.

"I understand, boss." Ghaith replied respectfully immediately.

On the sailing boat off the island, Reinhardt and Anubi were preparing to return to Katan Island. On the deck, Anubi walked to Reinhardt’s side and asked with some concern: "Boss, you really want to make Gai Has become the boss of the mafia world?"

"Don't worry, Ghaith is our own." Reinhardt said with a smile.

For Ghaith, Reinhardt is currently trusted. This is also one of the ways he can better control the North Sea Mafia. Because Ghaith was born in Merlin, it is logical to take over everything in Merlin. The matter, as for Anubi's worries, he was naturally clear in his heart.

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