The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 420 420.The Pirate Alliance that will shock the world

"The thief hahahaha..." Titch laughed wildly while pouring the wine into his mouth. "That was a natural captain." "This sea has new people appearing at all times. If new people with potential can Join the old man, our Whitebeard Pirates will grow stronger, even if we become the new One Piece King."

While speaking, Titch passed the Le Monde in his hand to White Beard.

Whitebeard has never had any desire for the goal of becoming the One Piece that Titch said, and he didn't say anything. He took the newspaper from Titch and scanned the newspaper for a moment.

"Reinhardt Dawn Polkin...The Black Duke of Polkaria in the North Sea, who rules over 16 islands in the North Sea, has loomed over the North Sea in the past six years."

White Beard was watching in the newspaper.

At the same time, Tic said briefly again: "The man who is about to rule the North Sea has great potential and combat power. If you join our Whitebeard Pirate Group, you should have enough qualifications."

Marco took the newspaper in Baibeard's hand and scanned it for a moment. He was a little surprised at the extremely strange character Reinhardt described in the World Economic News.

This guy is not a character in the New World, and he was able to make such a big noise in the North Sea. Especially when he saw the cooperation between Reinhardt and the world government, he felt that Reinhardt was full of wisdom and ambition. the man.

"Goo la la la la... Although it is the first time I heard about the name of [The King Killer] Reinhardt, it seems that he was able to make such a big movement in the North Sea."

"But not well-known, but the title is so loud, he is really a show-off guy." Marco laughed.

After hearing this, Baibeard and several captains burst into laughter.

Marco went on to say: "Although there is a certain potential, our Whitebeard Pirates are not invited by everyone."

"We don't even know the character of this guy. It's a bad kid who joined the invitation. Doesn't that ruin the reputation of our Whitebeard Pirates."

After Marko said so, Titch was not saying anything, bad?Character?

Titch doesn't care about this, as long as he is strong enough, he can become a partner.If you can win Reinhardt as a partner in the future, your plan will inevitably come true.

Thinking of this, Titch smiled hardly noticeable.

At this time, somewhere in the New World, a huge black giant sail was docked on the sea. Around this giant sail, there were ten equally huge sailing ships.

On the black main ship, a tall man wearing a minotaur skull mask was angrily shouting at the man on the lower deck: "Peja, immediately contact me that bastard Gage and ask him for the three Have thousands of cloned soldiers arrived yet."

"Boss, the Jerma 66 family will be here soon." After a while, a middle-aged man wearing black armor and holding a red knight's gun called out. His name is Peja, a group of evil spirit pirates. The combatant of, known as the [Red Knight] in this sea, is also one of the six color knights of [Evil Spirit] Dawson Carter Sith.

Peja leaped slightly and jumped to the top deck, looking at the Sith boss who was violently jumping, so she said helplessly: "Boss, this time Vinsmok Gage will come here in person."

"Hmph, that bastard guy, who wants to return me to Beihai, has been reluctant to bring out the strongest cloned soldier."

In the past few years, he and the Redhead Pirates did not know how many times they fought each other, but each time they were defeated head-on without exception. Until the last time they were defeated, it had been seven times, and now he has no more. Be patient, and must gather the most powerful forces, unite with more forces in this sea, and try to defeat the Red-haired Pirates in one fell swoop.

The evil spirit pirate regiment he commanded was indeed extremely powerful. Seven defeats failed to cause fatal damage to his vital power. The biggest reason for this was his devil fruit ability, which could continuously supplement combat power in the battlefield.

"Boss, [[Blood Diamond]] Diamond Lance and [Ghost Bull] Thaddeus have already contacted." At this time, a man with a black knight gun jumped onto the top deck, holding it The phone worm walked towards Sith.

"Whose phone bug should be answered first?"

"Bring [Blood Diamond] that bastard phone bug, Sturgia."

Sturgia holds a black knight gun and has the same captain's black armor on him. Like the red knight Peja, he is one of the six color knights of the Evil Pirates, and is called the [Black Knight]. The Red Knight, his strength is stronger.

Sith thought for a while, and finally decided to talk to [Blood Diamond] Diamond Lance first.So Sturgia passed the phone bug to Sith.

"Skeleton bastard, you failed again, darter..."

As soon as the phone worm was connected, the weird laughter of [Blood Diamond] came from the phone worm, and he made no secret of mocking Sith.

"Fart guy." Sith snorted, but didn't care about [Blood Diamond]'s mockery. He took the phone worm and said at the same time: "I have a plan. Would you like to participate in one?"

"Hmm..." [Blood Diamond] was a little surprised, and then smiled: "It seems that you have contacted me more than one person."

"Of course." Sith said, "and that guy [Ghost Cow], our three old friends, how about a teamwork that shocked the world?"

"Skeleton bastard, who is an old friend with you." [Blood Diamond] snorted, "I don't want to be friends with a bastard like you surrounded by corpses all day."

But despite saying that, [Blood Diamond] is still very interested in the three-person joint plan.

"Did you join forces to defeat the Redhead Pirates?"

[Blood Diamond] asked again, he was a smart big pirate, and Sith was defeated by the red-haired pirates again, and then contacted himself at this point in time, then the plan must be with the red-haired pirates relationship.

"Yes, if you are interested, let's go hand in hand." Ciss laughed.

"[Ghost Cow] What's that guy's attitude?"

"I haven't contacted him yet, but with the character of [Ghost Cow], it is impossible not to participate in this kind of thing."


[Blood Diamond] Suddenly laughed: "Since this is the case, let's join hands in doing something big enough to shake the world. I have been waiting for a long time."

"I'm so excited, the pirate alliance of the three of us, let the war sweep the world!!!"



Sith hung up the phone worm, and then took another phone worm from Sturgia. As soon as the phone worm was connected, [Ghost Cow] Thaddeus's wild smile came.

[Ghost Cow] Thaddeus’s answer was roughly the same as [Blood Diamond] Diamond Lance. He was very interested in the invitation of Sith to join forces, so the three-person alliance reached it in this simple phone worm call. , But this news remains confidential for the time being.

"Gaj's fleet is here." Peja walked to Sith and said softly.

"it is good."

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