The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 422 422.The Big Three Pirates

"It seems that the choice to cooperate with you is correct." After a long time, Kage said slowly, these cloned soldiers have changed too much. Although the appearance has not changed, the overall strength has increased by more than one factor, especially in the world. The batch of cloned soldiers bred from the best materials has once again increased their strength under the ability of the Sith Fruit.

"Hahaha..." Hearing this, Weston laughed," So to cooperate with me is the most correct choice for you in your life. My devil fruit ability and your soldier cloning technology are combined with each other. , We can create the strongest puppet troops in the world, and even the world can be completely subverted."

Gage was shocked. He turned his head and looked at Sith wearing a bull-headed skull mask. This guy has such a big ambition, he wants to subvert the world?

Kage’s goal has always been to rule the North Sea. As for the idea of ​​subverting the world, he has never, and it is impossible to have this kind of power, subvert the world... What kidding, even the goal of ruling the North Sea has not been for so many years. Realize it.

"What?" Sith looked at Kage's gaze and smiled indifferently: "Don't believe it?"

Gage didn't answer, and Sith didn't explain to him too much. His purpose from beginning to end was to subvert the world.

"Kaj, don’t keep it in hiding. What I have previously provided me with are weak cloned soldiers. I won’t ask you to settle the account. In order to maintain our cooperative relationship, I hope you Jerma 66 family The technology can not be reserved for me.” Sith said lightly.

The original black long sword in his right hand turned white at this time, and then gradually melted into a piece of white energy and disappeared.

"I was just investigating whether you have this kind of strength to help me rule the North Sea." Gaj snorted. "The 800 top-level clone soldiers have been all the possessions of the Jerma 66 family in recent years. ."

Sith’s eyes have a magical power that penetrates people’s hearts. After looking at Gaj for a while, he regained his smile: "Don’t worry about the North Sea. After I wipe out the Red-haired Pirates, I will help you rule the North Sea. "

"Hmph, I remember that you started to say this to me three years ago. Three years later, you still have this sentence, but the red hair is still alive today."

"I have formed an alliance that will kill the Redhead Pirates. This time, the Redhead's failure is doomed."

Sith didn't have any anger at what Kage said, and then said to Kage.

"Which pirates are they?" Jiazhi immediately asked, he was very interested in this matter, and the one who can be in alliance with [Evil Spirit] must be a powerful pirate.

"[Blood Diamond] Diamond Lance, [Ghost Cow] Thaddeus." Sith answered calmly.

Kage was shocked. It turned out to be those two. Whether it was strength or influence or reputation in this sea, the strength of these two guys were powerful pirates capable of rivaling [Evil Spirit], although It is said that there is still a gap between the high-level combat power of their pirate ship and the red-haired pirates, but if the three of them work together, the high-level combat power has completely exceeded the red-haired pirates, let alone three. People work together, and there will be more than 20 pirates in a fleet of more than 30,000 people just under their hands.

The combination of the three giants is a big event that shocks the navy and even the world government. Although their three powers are not at the level of the new world, the combination is also a thing that can affect the pattern of this sea.

"The Pirate League?"

Kage asked in surprise. He didn't expect that the arrogant and cold personality of this guy, Isis, would be able to pull down his face to form an alliance to fight the red-haired pirates. Although this kind of cooperation is not the first time in the history of pirates, it is in the near future. In more than ten years, it may be the most influential.

"Of course, only by completely defeating the Redhead Pirates can I have a chance to move forward on the stage of this world."

This is why, even though the Sith has failed successively in the hands of the red hair over the years, he still continues to fight without discouragement. He wants to hit the top of the world, as long as he does not die, he has a chance. Failure several times is not at all. No matter what, who can make a comeback and continue to fight is the real hero.

Moreover, Sith, the Blood Diamond and the Ghost Cow knew in their hearts that if the Red-haired Pirates were not completely wiped out, they would never be able to cross this great mountain, and would never have the opportunity to dominate this sea like the other three emperors.

Now is the best opportunity. Although it is also accompanied by a huge crisis, the three of them never thought that they would lose. The three of them joined forces, not to mention the red-haired pirates, even the three emperor-level pirates. , I dare not say that I can resist it.

"Okay, the technology of the Jerma 66 family will fully support you next."

Seeing Sith's confident gaze, Gage also made a decision.

It took a long time before Kage left with one woman and three men.

After Gage left, Sith shook his arm, and huge white energy was suddenly injected into the colony of cloned soldiers. Then all the cloned soldiers opened their eyes. There was no emotion in the dark eyes, only a hollow sense of killing.

Sith was obviously very satisfied. He calmly looked at the 800 clone soldiers in front of him who had been transformed by the Devil Fruit ability again. These top-level clone soldiers, after adding spirits, were much stronger than the puppets he made. , Whether it is from the body's hardness and strength, or combat effectiveness, it is not a level at all.

"Peja, immediately start preparing for the Pirate League." Sith yelled to Peja the Red Knight, and Peja immediately responded: "A secret contact has been arranged."

The three people joined forces in secret, and the news will not be spread until the moment when the red-haired pirate group is pinched.

On the other side, on the ship deck of Germa 66, Vinsmok Gage looked at the black giant ship with a spear in his hand, but there was a feeling of anxiety in his heart, which made him feel very strange. .

At this time, a young girl walked behind her. She had long pink hair covering her right eye, her left eyebrow was a counterclockwise circled eyebrow, her eyes were purple, and she was wearing earmuffs and a blue scarf.

"Father, even if we rule the North Sea, why do we want to cooperate with that kind of bad guy?" The girl frowned deeply. Her behavior was elegant and generous, and her thinking was very mature. Even if she was only 17 years old, she was already Can be alone.

"Lei Jiu, we need strong strength to act as a backer." Jiazhi said slowly.

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