Although Moselle is mainly shooting, but this does not mean that Moselle's physical skills will be poor. The reason why he does not use armed domineering to deal with Anilu is because Moselle is armed with domineering Cultivation time is much less, so he is not proficient in his armed color domineering, secondly, because Hailou stone bullets can achieve a significant effect of instantly disabling Anilu.

"Garbage." Mosel spit, stepped up and stepped heavily on Ainelu's chest, the bones of Ainelu's body that was shaken by the huge force were almost broken.

"A self-righteous idiot, do you think you will be invincible if you get a natural devil fruit..."

Mosel's sarcasm was cold and cold, and he looked at Anilu's anger but couldn't burst out, and he felt a kind of pleasure in his heart.

"Are you not convinced?" Mosel continued to stare at him indifferently.

Enilu vomited blood and began to struggle violently. The pain in his body had already covered the angry flame in his eyes. Moser put one foot on his chest and made a crisp sound.

Seeing that Anilu still did not answer, Moselle continued to ask: "Quickly, where are your four buddies?"

Only by finding the four partners of Anilu can the situation be truly controlled.

However, the answer to Anilu was an extremely arrogant smile. Moser was taken aback for a moment, feeling that Anilu's temperament was so bad that he was like an untamable wolf.

With a click, Ainilu's hands were tested for a handcuff.

"You...what are you doing?" Seeing that his hands were admitted, Ainilu was shocked. Although he could not feel anything abnormal from the handcuffs, it was definitely something that could be used by the guy Mosel. Something scary.

"What do you do?" Mosel smiled coldly, "Of course I will imprison you forever. You have to carry these handcuffs all your life."

After the handcuffs were tested, Mosel took out a phone bug, and he looked at Anilu coldly: "Anyone who betrays the family is definitely an unforgivable mistake. Ask for your own blessings."

Ainilu was shocked, and his whole person seemed to be awake a lot at this moment. When he thought of Reinhardt's breathtaking eyes, he felt a sense of imminent disaster in his heart.

Mosel started calling the phone worm, and after a while, the phone worm was connected.

"Big brother, something happened." Mosel said softly, but Mosel was slightly taken aback, but there was a relaxed smile on the phone, so he heard another understatement from the phone bug. : "Did something happen to Aini Road?"

Brother guessed it?

That's right. If you don't have any major issues, you won't be able to communicate with your eldest brother, especially now on the sky island. If there are major issues to report, it must be about Ainilu.

"The Thunder Fruit was eaten by Anilu." Mosel took a deep breath before speaking slowly.

After that, the voice in the phone worm suddenly fell silent, and Mosel felt a chill.

"Sorry, brother, I have failed your trust."

Moselle said after a moment of silence.

"Don't blame you." After a while, Reinhardt said, "The thunder fruit itself is an accident, a magical product floating from the sea of ​​clouds. It is the best to get the best, and it is no big deal not to get it. "

Hearing these words, the pressure on Moselle was suddenly relieved. In the past two years, the continuous monitoring of Anilu has been uninterrupted day and night. Therefore, Moselle has always had a very heavy task on his shoulders. After Inhart's understanding, it was suddenly relaxed.

Although Reinhardt attaches great importance to the fruit of the thunder, he does not have the idea of ​​desperate for the fruit of the thunder. The devil fruit is powerful, and it is only the devil fruit. The strength of the person itself is the fundamental. Besides, for the thunder Fruit, Reinhardt also made different plans. At first, he used his powerful aura to frighten Ainilu, and later included him in the family, which was one of the plans.

"Did Anilu betrayed the family?" Reinhardt's voice came over again in the phone worm.

When this sentence came out through the phone worm, Ainilu, who was not far away, naturally heard it, and Ainilu was shocked. After hearing this familiar voice again, his body trembled because of fear. Growing deeper and stronger, Ainilu's eyes kept struggling, and his heart beating violently accelerated because of fear.

Mosel was shocked at the same time, and asked in surprise: "Big brother... you guessed it?"

"From the point of view of the arrogant character of the guy Anilu, how could there be no other idea after eating the powerful natural devil fruit like the Thunder Fruit." Reinhardt smiled softly, as if to Anilu's The betrayal was predicted.

"I am not surprised that I am able to do such a thing with an arrogant personality like Ainilu." Reinhardt continued. Ainilu next to him listened to all the words in the phone worm. Nilu was also very surprised, it seemed that Reinhardt did not have any anger for his betrayal.

"I know why I want to give you a Hailou stone pistol and bullets, and give you the only Hailou stone handcuffs."

Reinhardt's voice slowly passed through the phone bug.

"Is it because of this?" Mosel was stunned.

"Yes, when I had people rummaged through the entire sky island, I didn't find the Thunder Fruit, so I guessed that the Thunder Fruit floated in the sea of ​​clouds. After that, I made a plan."

"For the two different results, one result is to monitor Ainilu to obtain the fruit of Thunder, and then snatch it, and the other result is that the fruit of Thunder is still eaten by Aini, but think of the pride of Aini. And arrogance, you will definitely rebel against the family after getting the Thunder Fruit, so I will give you the Hailoushi pistol and handcuffs as my cards."

Reinhardt's voice was light and calm, as if he couldn't hear his anger at Anilu's betrayal of the family.

"Previously, I left Anilu not to kill, but instead let you give him special training, so that after Anilu accidentally eats the fruit of thunder, he can serve the family."

At the beginning Reinhardt could choose to kill Anilu directly, but in this case, the chance of getting the Thunder Fruit is greatly reduced, but if you keep Anilu, the probability of the Thunder Fruit being eaten by him is still very high, although Mosel day and night Monitored continuously, but there is no guarantee that this situation will not happen.

So Reinhardt thought about it and used his mighty power to deter Anilu, and then he was included in the family. However, Reinhardt understands Anilu’s character. In terms of Anilu’s character, After obtaining this powerful natural devil fruit, he would definitely rebel against the family, so he left Moselle with the Hailoushi pistol and Hailoushi handcuffs.

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