The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 443 443.Independent Adventure

"That's what I said." Reilly nodded in agreement, then put the Western sword away, and then began to pant violently. It seems that the age defect still manifested in this battle.

"An old man of my age must not toss like this anymore."

After breathing for a while, Lei Li laughed directly at himself.

"Thank you, Mr. Raleigh, for supporting me in this scene." Reinhardt walked up to Raleigh and bowed respectfully at him.

Reilly shook his head and smiled: "You're welcome, I also hope that there are more and more young people like you in this era, so that old men like us who have retired for a long time can live in peace of mind."

It's not just being able to live in peace of mind, because if there are more and more people like Reinhardt in this sea, then the violent world will accelerate, and the real era that Captain Roger had hoped for will also come.

The two talked as they walked and returned to the bar.

At this time, because the two people were fighting with too much momentum, most of the pirates were afraid of affecting themselves, and they had long avoided. However, the Shijingbao reporter who was hiding in the dark saw the two stop their hands. He also ran away immediately. He had to write the press release overnight and submit it to the editor-in-chief for review. In this case, the news would be exposed early tomorrow morning.

"Mr. Raleigh, this time your seclusion in the Chambord Islands will be exposed." Reinhardt noticed the flashing light in the distance, and knew in his heart that the man was a reporter for the World Economic News, but he was also Did not take the next step, because Reinhardt currently needs fame, and the reporter completely photographed the entire process of today's battle, which instead helped him.

"I don't have any secrets for an old man like me who has retired for more than ten years. As for the navy, I don't think I will do anything to an old man like me who has been retired for so many years." Leily laughed, he didn't have any. Concerned about this kind of thing, on the one hand, because he has a clear view of the current situation on the sea, knowing that the current admiral is the Warring States Period of the Buddha, is a man full of wisdom, he cannot do such stupid things.

On the other hand, this also demonstrated Raleigh's strong self-confidence, the former deputy of One Piece, it was too embarrassing to be scared to hide.

The two returned to the bar, and there were still very few guests in the bar. After seeing Reinhardt and Raleigh on the bar, Xia Qi threw the cigarette out of her mouth and said with a smile: "Dinner is ready, drink some bar ."

At this moment, Reinhardt felt hungry, so he walked to the food Xia Qi had prepared and began to devour it.

After he was full, Reinhardt hiccuped and smiled at Reilly: "Mr. Reilly, what do you think of the danger the Redhead Pirates will face?"

As a former partner, Raleigh has no reason not to care about this matter.

After hearing this, Reilly smiled: "I think he will have a solution on his own."

Seeing Raleigh's expression, it seems that he doesn't worry about redheads failing at all.

"Why do you say that? In this sea, few people can withstand the [Evil Spirit] [Blood Diamond] [Ghost Cow] Three Great Pirates." Reinhardt drank a glass of after-dinner wine and continued. .

"Red hair has inherited the captain's last wish. I believe he will not fail." Reilly said calmly. For him, from the day the Roger Pirate Ship was disbanded, he and everyone would never fail. It doesn't matter. As for whether they are alive or dead, Raleigh doesn't care at all.

Therefore, the life and death of red hair has nothing to do with him.

"When you choose a group of partners to take risks and encounter life-threatening situations, you can only rely on your partners, not anyone else. If you stick to a path, and if you are determined to reach the end, you can't have the idea of ​​being afraid of failure. If you don’t even have this basic awareness, then it’s best not to venture out at sea."

Raleigh continued without pause.

This is the point of view that he, and even their group of people standing on the top of the world, insists, so this is the reason why he has not appeared at the scene of Roger's execution, and this is the reason why he did not take the initiative to save Ace.

For one thing, the Roger Pirates group has been disbanded and has nothing to do with him. Secondly, this is the path chosen by the red-haired Shanks, and it is an adventure for him and his partners.

"Unexpectedly, the powerhouse who once fought to the top of the world can live so thoroughly now."

After listening to Raleigh’s words, Reinhardt immediately laughed. His words are not incomplete. Everyone is responsible for every choice he makes, and he is responsible for the consequences of every choice, even for this. What does it have to do with others when buried in the sea?

Just like the naval hero Karp, the revolutionary army cadre Dorag, aspiring to become the One Piece Luffy, how can their grandparents implement this kind of thinking.

Raleigh smiled and shook his head: "I just want to have a few more years of stability because of my age."

"Understand!" Reinhardt smiled and nodded, "Chambord is really good. It is the closest to the new world, so I can pay attention to the major events in this world for the first time."

Reinhardt did not answer. Reinhardt looked at the sky outside the bar and was about to get up and leave, but before leaving, he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Reilly, I don’t know what else is my swordsmanship. Areas for improvement?"

He had wanted to ask this sentence a long time ago, but he couldn't hold back his face at the beginning, but if he missed this opportunity to ask for advice, he would not know the year and month next time.

Lei Li stunned slightly, then smiled and replied: "Although your swordsmanship has not reached the realm of the master, it seems to be a system of its own. If you are forcibly squeezing other people's swordsmanship skills, it will cause your swordsmanship system to collapse. "

A simple sentence has made Reinhardt understand that every swordsman has his own unique style of swordsmanship. Although he will soften the advantages of others' swordsmanship in the initial process of learning swordsmanship, after the real success, all will be formed. Own style.

The so-called master realm of swordsmanship is nothing more than a self-contained system, and there are only a few people among the swordsmen in the new world, such as the world's first swordsman Eagle Eye, the admiral Huang Yuan, including the underwater prison The Foil Bista, the captain of the fourth team of the White Beard in the Stream of Rain, and Roronoa Sauron after many years, the Pluto Raleigh in front of him, and Fujitora who has not yet made his life.

These people are either one-sword style, or two-sword style, or three-sword style. Perhaps the self-contained system of swordsmanship is one of the great swordsmen of the new world.

"That's the case. It seems that I only need to continue to improve my swordsmanship in the existing way."

Reinha nodded and said.

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