The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 448 448. Ben Beckman's attention (seeking monthly ticket)

Having said this, Beckman's tone paused for a while, and then he continued: "Bigmom Charlotte Lingling of IWC, she is a mad woman whose head is often in a state of unconsciousness, and the beast Kaido of Ghost Island. He is a moody demon who wants to destroy the world."

"There is also the legendary big pirate White Beard Edward Newgate, a contemporary figure of Roger One Piece. This old man is called the strongest in the world. They are all the strongest in the sea at present, and these three The guy once came from the same pirate group. God knows if one day he will unite and become a behemoth that overthrows the world government."

"Although compared with BIGMOM and Kaido, White Beard does not do too much harm to one party, but it is clear that the biggest threat to the world government is still the White Beard Pirates."

"The world government is afraid that what happened to the Rocks Pirates will reappear in this sea, so the Five Old Stars need a new imperial pirate group to counterbalance this sea."

Beckman said in a flat tone, "Obviously we are the pirate group that best meets this standard, and the pirate group that is the easiest to communicate with, and is the least willing to cause too many disputes. Apart from our red-haired pirate group, No one can get close to the level of Kaido and others, so Wu Lao Xing has no other choice."

With a simple analysis at one end, Beckman explained the situation of the sea clearly, as if he could see the fog in the sea, and directly caught the core point.

As the highest head of the world government, Wu Lao Xing is the world's top existence in terms of wisdom, political skills and experience. Of course, the situation on this sea can be seen clearly, from the evil spirit pirate group. From the first attempt to defeat the red hair, Wu Lao Xing had already guessed the purpose of the evil spirit.

The evil spirit wanted to defeat the red-haired pirate group first. After defeating the red-haired pirate group, the evil spirits vacated their hands to clean up all other pirate groups of the same level and boarded the throne of the imperial pirate group in one fell swoop, but the evil spirit did not expect The strength of the Redhead Pirates is so strong that they have been defeated in three or five wars. For this reason, he can only temporarily unite the blood diamond and the ghost cow two large pirates to form the Pirate Alliance.

Like [Evil Spirit], the kind of guy who seems to be a collection of all the evils in the world, how could the Five Old Stars make him do what he wants? If he were to go this far, the sea would definitely become more and more chaotic.

At this moment, a Shijingbao newspaper suddenly floated in the sky, and Laki Lushun took it over and read it.

"Did something big happen?"

The red hair asked, a newspaper like this kind of falling from the sky, there must be a lot of news to appear.

"Captain, it's the news of Raleigh, the king of Hades." Raki Road handed the newspaper in his hand to Redhead.

This made the red hair stunned for a moment, and then saw the news in the newspaper about the battle between Pluto Raleigh and the Black Duke Reinhardt.

"Black Duke Reinhardt?" The red hair said, and then asked, "Who is this guy?"

Raki Lu took a bite of meat and smiled: "It's a newcomer to the North Sea who has only emerged in recent years. I heard that it seems to have just ruled the North Sea."

The redhead didn’t pay much attention to Raleigh. He didn’t think that Raleigh, who had retired a long time ago, would still let the navy dispatch troops to arrest him. He was more interested in Reinhardt, who seemed to be very young. He was able to fight with Deputy Captain Reilly for a whole day.

"Is there another amazing newcomer?" The red hair chuckled. The person who can rule any part of the four seas is definitely not an ordinary person, especially the guy who can make the deputy Captain Leily fight with the sword. The strength is definitely not weak. After thinking of this, the red-haired said to Beckman next to him: "Beihai newcomer...that is your hometown, Beckman."

Beckman nodded. He took the newspaper from the red-haired hand and read it for a while, and then said: "This person, I have read about him in the World Economic News, is a super newcomer known as a world-renowned bounty hunter. , Specializes in assisting the navy in eliminating pirates, and also has business dealings with the world government."

"Bounty hunter?" The redhead came from Beckman and read the newspaper for a while. There was a portrait of Reinhardt in the newspaper. He had long black hair and wore something very strange that no one had ever seen before. His clothes, with double knives slung around his waist, his eyes are calm but energetic.

He faintly felt that this man named Reinhardt had an extraordinary temperament on his body, especially the calm eyes, which was so impressive.

"Interesting guy."

Jesus cloth also smiled at the same time.

"Beckman, your North Sea is really a sea area for talents. I didn't expect someone to completely rule the North Sea area." Red hair said with a smile.

"It's just a newcomer." Laki Lu smiled happily, "In this sea, I don't know how many new talents spring up every day, but how many will eventually come out."

He doesn't have a cold for such powerful newcomers who occasionally come out in a few years. He has seen how many such people during his adventures for so many years.

"You are wrong." Beckman shook his head. "This time, Beihai is not an ordinary newcomer."

Beckmann is a character born in the North Sea. Of course, he is very concerned about the situation in his hometown. Two years ago when Reinhardt defeated the Beyblade Pirates and was reported by the World Economic News, he began to pay attention to this newcomer, and later he became more and more concerned about Reinhardt. Interested, so I learned about Reinhardt’s growth experience through various channels.

"An ordinary young man who started from nothing in the North Sea and finally achieved the power to rule the North Sea is not something ordinary newcomers can do."

His words surprised the redhead, but he did not expect Beckman to admire the North Sea newcomer so much.

"In the North Sea, his status and reputation are unbreakable. Even the navy and the world government must give him three points of face."

Beckman looked at the red hair and said.

"In that case, why doesn't this guy have the slightest idea of ​​entering the new world."

"The new world is the stage for people like him."

Laki Lu said somewhat puzzled.

"I think..." Beckman paused before continuing: "He may be waiting for an opportunity."

"It's impossible for a person like this to rule a sea without great ambitions."

The red hair nodded in agreement: "I wanted to recruit this guy at first, but now listening to you say this, it seems hopeless."

"You can try, but the odds are zero. This kind of person does not seem to be a person who is willing to subdue others.

Having said that, Beckman shook his head again and vetoed: "Forget it, look at what this guy has done over the years, obviously we are not on the same path as us."

Reminiscent of Reinhardt's forbearance over the years and the things he did in the North Sea, Beckman couldn't imagine the possibility of such a person joining other pirate groups.

Moreover, the recruiting requirement of the Red-haired Pirates is not just a strong one.

"If that's the case, then forget it." The red hair shook his head, and rashly recruiting such a person to join was always a huge hidden danger for the Red Hair Pirates.

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