The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 453 453. Moon Lion Form

"The biggest threat does not come from the Kingdom of Germa 66."

At this time, Reinhardt said again, everyone was shocked again, and they couldn't understand that there was a force in the North Sea that could be more threatening than the Kingdom of Jermah 66.

"Read all the recent World Economic News reports." Reinhardt asked the family members.

Everyone nodded, and then several newspapers were placed on the table.

"Our biggest threat comes from the new world." Reinhardt stretched out a finger and pointed to a place in the newspaper.

[Evil Spirit] Dawson Carter Sith?

Meister was surprised to pronounce the name. In fact, he was already familiar with this name when he was in New World Leiding. This is a veritable big thief in the New World, and his members are all masters.

"Why would the big pirates of the new world take action against us?" Blatt asked suspiciously.

"Naturally it is the foreign aid that Jermah 66 invited." Reinhardt chuckled. "Otherwise, you think, how could people like Jermah 66 make me take it so seriously."

"Don't underestimate the Kingdom of Germa 66. Their technological level is very high. When I left, they had already developed a combat uniform that could greatly enhance their combat effectiveness."

Daphis Long reminded him.

"It's the combination of the bloodline factor technology and the battle suit." Reinhardt said with a smile.

Daphis Long was shocked, and he didn't understand why he knew such extremely secret information about Germa 66.

"The cloned soldiers of the Kingdom of Germa 66 may not care, but the bloodline factor technology must be paid attention to."

Long continued, he worked for Vinsmok Judge for many years and was very impressed with the bloodline factor technology. It was when Judge served in the Naval Science Corps when he worked with the world’s greatest scientist Bega Punk. The discovered biotechnology is also a powerful technology known as the "design of life".

Who is Begapunk, even the technology that he attaches great importance to, can imagine how powerful it is.

The transformation and human cloning technology of the Germa 66 family is only an application of the blood factor technology. He is very clear that the Germa 66 family has successfully used the blood factor technology to create the four superhumans. At a very young age, they have ten times more power than ordinary adults.

These are brought about by descent factors.

"There are also four children of Kage, which are war machines created using the blood factor technology." Daficius Long continued, "Although the four children of Kage have not fully grown up yet, they are all in Born under the technology of the bloodline factor, and when they were very young, they had ten times the power of ordinary people. Although they are only teenagers, they are still extremely powerful after wearing combat uniforms. Combat power."

Long tried his best to inform Reinhardt of all the information about the Germa 66 family. On the one hand, he showed his loyalty to Reinhardt. On the other hand, he also hoped that he could be completely defeated in this upcoming war. The Germa 66 family.

He left from the Germa 66 family and was regarded as a betrayal by Vinsmok Gage, so he would choose to disappear completely from the North Sea for a long time after leaving Gage, but he joined Reinhardt. Kagi must have known the news from the work agency at this time. If he fails this time, he will be punished by Kagi.

After listening to Long's words, Reinha nodded his head. He naturally understood the meaning of Long's words, but these four people were not threatening.

"It's Vinsmok Lejiu, Vinsmok Ich, Vinsmok Nitch, and Vinsmok Yuji."

"It's the four of them." Long nodded, "In the past few years, the Germa 66 family has captured many kingdoms and relied on these four children."

"Brother, or I will spare my hand to assist Mr. Long." Blatter said in a deep voice, sitting in the first position. After scanning Reinhardt, he placed his gaze on Daphis Long. On his body: "Mr. Long, I'll help you deal with the Kingdom of Germa 66."

Reinhardt's original idea was to let Daphis Long drag the Kingdom of Germa 66, but hearing what he said, it seems that he alone may not be able to succeed.

Reinhardt pondered for a moment, and did not directly answer Blatter. Instead, he set his sights on Daficius, so he asked: "With your strength, how does it compare to Vince Mock Gage? ?"

He didn’t want to spend too much force on Germa 66, because compared to the Evil Spirit Pirates, the Kingdom of Germa 66 was too weak. Even if he had a strong clone soldier, it was still not a concern. The clone soldier No matter how much, it is nothing compared to high-level combat power.

It was the captain of the evil spirit pirate group, Dolson Carter Sith, who made him feel threatened, and his ten high-ranking men, the four puppet spirits and the six color knights.

"With one to five, if they don't wear combat uniforms, I have the confidence to defeat them in a short time."

Long thought for a while and said that the fur clan was born to be a powerful warrior. With the modified stun gun and thunder pill thruster, he was strong enough, even if Kage was wearing a combat uniform, he would have the confidence to fight with it, but if All five of Vinsmok Gage and his sons put on battle uniforms, and then they will lose.

"What if it is in the form of a moon lion?" Reinhardt asked again.

This caused Daphis Long to be stunned for a moment, and he didn't expect Reinhardt to even know the form of the fur clan moon lion.

"If it is in the form of the moon lion, I am 50% sure to defeat the Vinsmoke family in battle uniforms, but the form of the moon lion must be under the full moon night and stare at the moon to be able to transform, but the full moon night can be met. Unable to ask, I can't predict this time."

Long Shengsheng said that the moon lion form is the same as the fur's ability to generate electricity. It is the racial talent of the fur race. Although the moon lion form is too powerful, it has many restrictions. The first thing is to find the full moon night. To be able to transform.

"Full moon?" Meister, who was sitting on Reinhardt's right hand, murmured. After looking at Long, he randomly said: "Mr. Long, I think there should be a solution to this problem."

Hearing Meester's words, Long was taken aback for a moment: "Do you have a way to predict the full moon night?"

After speaking, Ryu shook his head and vetoed: "But it's not enough. Even if you can predict the full moon night, Germa 66 may not appear at that time, and Gage also knows that I have the gift of moon lion form. ability."

Reinhardt's eyes lit up. He looked at Meester and remembered that Meester is a fruit-bearer capable of night and night, and it seems that he has developed certain abilities about the moon.

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